Friday, March 14, 2008

RHS Student Announcements



ANY FRESHMAN STUDENT interested in being part of the 12-student CAN board, get applications from Ms. Reddon. They are due back to her by Thursday. Reddon

STUDENTS: during the PAWS testing schedule, breakfast is free. Take advantage of this opportunity to eat a good breakfast before testing. Kitchen

SCHOLARSHIPS: Seniors, pick up your applications for the Adeline Neilson Scholarship. Deadline is April 25 -scholarships range from $2,000 - $4,000. Seniors, there are a lot of scholarship deadlines coming up from now through April. Don't miss out on the opportunity to get money for college or trade schools! Guidance

CWC UPWARD BOUND meeting Wednesday at lunch in room 4 at the Career Center. Nirider

UW UPWARD BOUND/MSIP students meet Wednesday in Mrs. Newlin’s room at lunch. Newlin

STUDENTS: don’t forget today is Homeroom day. Office

FACTS OF THE DAY: The pineapple is a universal sign for hospitality. Hughes

BIRTHDAY: Ashley Smith

BREAKFAST: Breakfast Pizza, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Hamburger or Cheeseburger, Crispitos, Pizza, Corn, Pudding, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk

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