Monday, March 22, 2010



SENIORS: If you didn't pick up your order from Josten's, you can pick it up in room 4 (Asay-Glenn) at the Career Center. You must have the exact change or check. Check with Ms. Asay-Glenn or Mrs. Adels to see how much you owe. Jeremy from Josten's will be back later with your caps and gowns. Asay/Glenn

BOYS BASKETBALL awards ceremony will be Wednesday from 5:30–6:30pm in the Career Center. The ceremony is for all teams, freshman through varsity, and their families. Barlow

SENIORS interested in studying biochemistry, chemistry, or chemical engineering at UW there is a new scholarship opportunity just for you. Stop by the guidance department for further details. Hurry, deadline is April 1. Guidance

ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets today at lunch in the media center. Miller

STARTING TODAY...A NEW TWIST!!! We have added a new staff trick at the front office!! It is what you have all been waiting for. If RHS can get at least $150 in Officer Marshall's jar, he will get TAZED!!! That's right! Bring in your spare change or even a few dollars, it all adds up!!! If $150 is collected in Officer Marshall's jar by Thursday at the end of lunch....the whole student body will witness the SRO getting TAZED. Richmond

GOLF MEETING on Thursday after school in the Media Center. Mortimore

STUDENTS & TEACHERS: In the front parking lot, the paws in the middle row indicate teacher parking. Where the paws end to the end of the row is student parking. Students may also park in the back row that is against the street. Please pick up a map from the front office if you are in need of a visual. It is your responsibility to know where to park. Flanagan

BIRTHDAY: Grant Macomber, Joshua B. Miller, Joseph Wille

BREAKFAST: Mini Pancake Sausage Bites/Pancake on a Stick, Cereal, Breakfast entrée, Fruit, Milk choices
LUNCH: Super Nachos, Corn Dog, Corn, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk choices

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