Wednesday, May 27, 2009


FOOTBALL: all players attending football camp at Chadron need to pay the rest of their camp balance today.

THE CAN ROOM will be open during the summer, Monday-Thursday, 11:30 to 5:30 and Friday and Saturday, 6-11 pm. Eckley

STUDENTS can pick up summer schedules for camps and weight room at the front desk of the high school and Career Center. Bauder

BOYS SOCCER banquet is today at 6:30pm at the Career Center. Bauder

MISSING from Mr. Galey's desk in the locker room - a handheld computer - Pharos 525e. There is a reward being offered for its return or information leading to its return. It is of no use to anyone else as it contains teacher specific software for record keeping. If you can provide information please see Mrs. Flanagan or Mr. Myers. Hughes

STUDENTS planning to take Work Experience next year, you are required to secure your own employment by the beginning of class next school year. Santee

MANDATORY girl’s basketball meeting today at 3:30 in the gym. Any girl planning on playing basketball next year must attend. Summer camps and open gym will be discussed. Bauder

ANY GIRLS interested in swimming and diving in the fall should stop by Coach Fallin's room today and pick up a summer workout schedule. Fallin

TRACK: the following athletes need to turn in uniforms to Coach Gopp TODAY! Gopp
Melanie Linthicum
Brandon Jennings
Garret Vonkrosigk
AJ Giannino
Ricky Giannino
Kim Wolf
Tiffany Dower
Bradon Marshall
Jasmine Shells
Jessica Johnson
Seth Withers
Jeremy Taylor
Cody Smith
Kenny Schooner
Mike Grooms
Robert Peck

FUN FACT: A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds

BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk

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