As Good As It Gets
Here it is, the news is out the Bond Issue for the completion of the Activities Complex has failed by 50 votes. Approximately 2800 people voted, 49% of the registered voters, and the bond failed by 50 votes. Where are the other 51% of the people. Does this vote really reflect how Rivertonites feel about supporting our School District or is it a reflection of apathy within our community. Let me know what you think!
This shows how much the community supports our Wolverines. But most people also have jobs that they cant leave so that may be where the other 51% had went. Because both of my parents didn't get home untill eleven thirty last night so they weren't able to vote.
I think this is an outrage. People are too lazy to get off the couch and go vote. The bond issue was going to be the most positive thing that has happened in Riverton for quite a spell and it is very discouraging that people are not supporting thier hometown Wolverines. Here sits this beautiful football field, and now no lights? No bleachers? That is rediculous. I think it is sad that people are so misinformed on this wonderful oppurtunity that we had. To all of you poeple who couldn't get off your duff.... thanks for blowing it for the future athletic machines of Riverton High School! Way 2be a supporter of the youth!
People who didn't vote obviously do not care about our Riverton Wolverines. I am currently a Senior at RHS and I am outraged. Although I personally will not get any use out of this complex, it is a great track and field for our future Wolverine Athletes. I am an athlete for the lady wolverines, and I am not just saying this because of my status at the high school. I personally am underage to vote for this bond issue and do not have to pay yet, but if you guys dont pay our youth will also pay. We wish to host home track meets, and state football games, but thanks to the "no" voters and the people who did not even care we do not get this oportunity quite yet. So thanks for ruining our hopes, trashing our dreams, and ruining a great complex for our future wolverines.
RHS Senior
The NO voters in the community have made a big mistake. They do not understand that we will be missing out on so many great opportunities. Instead of enjoying thoses great nights out for those majestic high school football games, all the supporters of our Riverton team will be bringing lawn chairs and showing up at 2:30 in the afternoon just to watch.
(Lets see if they can see the game then) Even though most of the no voters voted that way because they want to watch football games at Tonkin, sorry the state is not going to allow us to keep using that facility. We also were going to be able to host regional track here on this beautiful new complex, but now it seems we will not have the capacity or means to do so. I feel so disappointed in our community, they have let all their childern down.
The community didn't think their actions through when they posted their votes as no. Most of Riverton's population would have only had to give up one small outing such as a trip to Thermopolis to swim or even something as small as one trip to the movies annually.
...but who needs bleachers anyway? Now, nay sayers can spend their money on tacky lawn chairs that don’t provide properly organized seating. Lets hope nobody came expecting a clear view of the football players action, right?
We can forget about game nights! Now, we are forced to have early games (when most of the students aren't even out of school) due to the fields missing lights. Oh well, nobody really likes those awesome introductions and first plays anyways, right?
How can we expect Riverton to host any important state activities if we don’t provide the facility? We don’t have score boards, bleachers, lights, or restrooms. (Which I'm sure the no voters enjoy will greatly enjoy!) Riverton will forever be considered as inadequate poor.
For all those who voted on a selfish whim... thanks!!
I would like to say that I am disappointed in our community. Not the seniors, not those who voted yes or no, but the 51% of the population who chose not to vote. If a majority of the pop. voted and the bond had failed, then it is the choice of the community, I can live with that. But now I am filled with "what ifs" and "why nots" that make very little sense to me. How many parents that have children in school dist. 25 didn't vote? We wonder why we have so many problems with our activities, it's because the indifference of our adults is spilling into the attitudes of our children.
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