Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Kelly Walsh, 10/JV/V, 1:30/3:45/5:45/7:30
Today – Wrestling @ Natrona, JV/V, 6/7pm
MORP dance on Saturday, January 8th at the Career Center beginning at 8:00pm. Girls, not much time to ask out the guys so be creative!!! Only RHS students can attend MORP, no out of school dates. Reddon
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- Portfolios are due today - no exceptions!! Santee
DRIVERS ED: students enrolled in Drivers Ed 2nd semester will need to have their permit or license by Friday, January 7th. Brown
NEW STUDENTS taking Work Experience 2nd semester and students enrolled in Career Internship 2nd semester need to see Mrs. Santee to pick up forms or packets today. Santee
GIRL'S DAY OUT! Girls from the age of 11 to 19 are invited to "Live Your Dream". This is a free workshop on Saturday, January 15 at CWC. It includes 4 mini-sessions including: Make-over’s, Human potential, Healthy Relationships, and Self-dense. You must register before January 3. Applications are available on the guidance counter. Guidance
THE CAN ROOM will be open on the following days during break: Dec. 22, 23 / 11 to 4 pm; Dec. 28, 29, 30 / 12 to 4pm. Merry Christmas!!!!! Eckley
CAN MEMBERS: Come hang out in CAN room and register to win weekly drawing until Christmas for one of three I-Tunes Cards. Also, we have CAN t-shirts for sale for $5.00. Stop by the CAN room and get one today. Reddon
COMMUNITY MEETING tonight at the Riverton Middle School at 4pm for anyone interested. You will learn about the current drugs being used in our community. There are forms at the front desk at the high school and Career Center for more information. Office
ALL CAN PEER LEADERS: Please be at Rendezvous by 2:00 today for Pizza Party with your rooms. Wear your t-shirts and have one person from each room pick up gift for the students that are in the CAN room. Reddon
SENIORS: the following students need to get cap and gown information to Ms. Asay-Glenn or Ms. Adels today. Asay-Glenn
Kelsie Brown
Micah Carpenter-Lott
Alannah Myers
Autumn Harris
Brittany Mack
Brock Holgate
Christopher Gitchel
Daylena Lambert
Heather Quinn
Jasmine Shells
Jenna Shepardson
Jeremy Lajeunesse
Michael Richards
Nathan Hodges-Schmuck
Parley Faller
Pete Gopher
Robert Parson
Samantha Vigil
Sapphire Anaya
Shayla Brost
Taylar Stagner
Taylor Duran
Taylor House
Teesha LeClair
Timothy Rockford
Tracy Goheen
Valerie Hill
Samantha Ulven
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “Live, laugh, and love life to the fullest. Work out your issues because life is yours to cherish but it’s also yours to lose.”
BIRTHDAY: Michael Holbert, Tyson Tynsky
Monday, December 20, 2010
Monday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Jackson, 9th, 3:30pm
Tuesday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Kelly Walsh, 10/JV/V, 1:30/3:45/5:45/7:30
Tuesday – Wrestling @ Natrona, JV/V, 6/7pm
MORP dance on Saturday, January 8th at the Career Center beginning at 8:00pm. Girls, not much time to ask out the guys so be creative!!! Only RHS students can attend MORP, no out of school dates. Reddon
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- Portfolios are due Tuesday - no exceptions!! Santee
STUDENTS: The Reading Around the World reading contest will end Tuesday. Please fill out your passport booklet by the end of today to be eligible for prizes. If you have any questions, please stop in and ask us.
RHS Media Center Staff
DRIVERS ED: students enrolled in Drivers Ed 2nd semester will need to have their permit or license by Friday, January 7th. Brown
NEW STUDENTS taking Work Experience 2nd semester and students enrolled in Career Internship 2nd semester need to see Mrs. Santee to pick up forms or packets before they leave for Christmas Break. Santee
ALL STUDENTS are cordially invited the Riverton High School and Middle School Vocal Christmas Concert tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the RAP theater at CWC. Performing a variety of Christmas choral songs will be the Middle School Choir and the high school Girls Choir, Concert Choir and Jazz Choir. Admission is free so come and get into the Christmas spirit. Dalton
GIRL'S DAY OUT! Girls from the age of 11 to 19 are invited to "Live Your Dream". This is a free workshop on Saturday, January 15 at CWC. It includes 4 mini-sessions including: Make-over’s, Human potential, Healthy Relationships, and Self-dense. You must register before January 3. Applications are available on the guidance counter. Guidance
UNIVERSITY OF WY is taking applications for the ASUW High School Leadership scholarship. You must have a min. GPA of 3.5 and be active in school and the community. This scholarship is worth at least $1,000 per semester and is renewable. Deadline is Jan. 28. Pick up an application on the guidance counter. Guidance
CAN MEMBERS: Come hang out in CAN room and register to win weekly drawing until Christmas for one of three I-Tunes Cards. Reddon
CAN MEMBERS: we have CAN t-shirts for sale for $5.00. Stop by the CAN room and get one today. Eckley
SENIORS: the following students need to get cap and gown information to Ms. Asay-Glenn or Ms. Adels by Tuesday. Asay-Glenn
Kelsie Brown
Micah Carpenter-Lott
Alannah Myers
Austin Peterson
Autumn Harris
Brittany Mack
Brock Holgate
Carmen Wilson
Christoper Gitchel
Daylena Lambert
Heather Quinn
Jasmine Shells
Jenna Shepardson
Jeremy Lajeunese
Joshua Brouwer
Kalie Tynsky
Kim Baxter
Michael Richards
Nathan Hodges-Schmuck
Parley Faller
Pete Gopher
Robert Parson
Samantha Vigil
Sapphire Anaya
Shayla Brost
Taylar Stagner
Taylor Duran
Taylor House
Teesha LeClair
Timothy Rockford
Tracy Goheen
Valerie Hill
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “I am who I am because of what I do, not what I say.”
BIRTHDAY: Christian Salzman
Monday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Jackson, 9th, 3:30pm
Tuesday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Kelly Walsh, 10/JV/V, 1:30/3:45/5:45/7:30
Tuesday – Wrestling @ Natrona, JV/V, 6/7pm
MORP dance on Saturday, January 8th at the Career Center beginning at 8:00pm. Girls, not much time to ask out the guys so be creative!!! Only RHS students can attend MORP, no out of school dates. Reddon
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- Portfolios are due Tuesday - no exceptions!! Santee
STUDENTS: The Reading Around the World reading contest will end Tuesday. Please fill out your passport booklet by the end of today to be eligible for prizes. If you have any questions, please stop in and ask us.
RHS Media Center Staff
DRIVERS ED: students enrolled in Drivers Ed 2nd semester will need to have their permit or license by Friday, January 7th. Brown
NEW STUDENTS taking Work Experience 2nd semester and students enrolled in Career Internship 2nd semester need to see Mrs. Santee to pick up forms or packets before they leave for Christmas Break. Santee
ALL STUDENTS are cordially invited the Riverton High School and Middle School Vocal Christmas Concert tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the RAP theater at CWC. Performing a variety of Christmas choral songs will be the Middle School Choir and the high school Girls Choir, Concert Choir and Jazz Choir. Admission is free so come and get into the Christmas spirit. Dalton
GIRL'S DAY OUT! Girls from the age of 11 to 19 are invited to "Live Your Dream". This is a free workshop on Saturday, January 15 at CWC. It includes 4 mini-sessions including: Make-over’s, Human potential, Healthy Relationships, and Self-dense. You must register before January 3. Applications are available on the guidance counter. Guidance
UNIVERSITY OF WY is taking applications for the ASUW High School Leadership scholarship. You must have a min. GPA of 3.5 and be active in school and the community. This scholarship is worth at least $1,000 per semester and is renewable. Deadline is Jan. 28. Pick up an application on the guidance counter. Guidance
CAN MEMBERS: Come hang out in CAN room and register to win weekly drawing until Christmas for one of three I-Tunes Cards. Reddon
CAN MEMBERS: we have CAN t-shirts for sale for $5.00. Stop by the CAN room and get one today. Eckley
SENIORS: the following students need to get cap and gown information to Ms. Asay-Glenn or Ms. Adels by Tuesday. Asay-Glenn
Kelsie Brown
Micah Carpenter-Lott
Alannah Myers
Austin Peterson
Autumn Harris
Brittany Mack
Brock Holgate
Carmen Wilson
Christoper Gitchel
Daylena Lambert
Heather Quinn
Jasmine Shells
Jenna Shepardson
Jeremy Lajeunese
Joshua Brouwer
Kalie Tynsky
Kim Baxter
Michael Richards
Nathan Hodges-Schmuck
Parley Faller
Pete Gopher
Robert Parson
Samantha Vigil
Sapphire Anaya
Shayla Brost
Taylar Stagner
Taylor Duran
Taylor House
Teesha LeClair
Timothy Rockford
Tracy Goheen
Valerie Hill
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “I am who I am because of what I do, not what I say.”
BIRTHDAY: Christian Salzman
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Green River, JV/V
Today – Speech @ Cody
Today – Wrestling @ Worland, JV/V, 1pm
Today – Boys Swim @ home, 5pm
Saturday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Green River, JV/V
Saturday – Wrestling @ Worland, JV/V
Saturday – Speech @ Cody
Saturday – Boys Swim @ home, 10am
Monday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Jackson, 9th, 3:30pm
MORP dance on Saturday, January 8th at the Career Center beginning at 8:00pm. Girls, not much time to ask out the guys so be creative!!! Only RHS students can attend MORP, no out of school dates. Reddon
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
LOST: a burlap sack of leashes and collars from the Yukon at the Career Center is missing. If you happen to find this, please contact Ms. Gresback at the Alt School. Office
INDOOR TRACK starts Monday, January 3rd at 3:50. It is not too late to sign up. Please see Coach Gopp to get a team packet. Indoor athletes need to be lifting and running over Christmas break. Gopp
STUDENTS: The Reading Around the World reading contest will end next Tuesday. Please fill out your passport booklet by the end of the day on Monday to be eligible for prizes. If you have any questions, please stop in and ask us. RHS Media Center Staff
DRIVERS ED: students enrolled in Drivers Ed 2nd semester will need to have their permit or license by Friday, January 7th. Brown
SENIORS with at least a 3.0 GPA might qualify for the National Wild Turkey Federation Scholarship Program. Students must participate in hunting, and also school and community activities. Applications are available in the guidance office. Deadline is January 11th. Guidance
SENIORS: If you plan on attending graduation and you have not given us your height and weight, you need to do so by Tuesday, Dec. 21st. Asay/Adels
NEW STUDENTS taking Work Experience 2nd semester and students enrolled in Career Internship 2nd semester need to see Mrs. Santee to pick up forms or packets before they leave for Christmas Break. Santee
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “If you never act on the things you figure out, you will never achieve what you hope for.”
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Green River, JV/V
Today – Speech @ Cody
Today – Wrestling @ Worland, JV/V, 1pm
Today – Boys Swim @ home, 5pm
Saturday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Green River, JV/V
Saturday – Wrestling @ Worland, JV/V
Saturday – Speech @ Cody
Saturday – Boys Swim @ home, 10am
Monday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Jackson, 9th, 3:30pm
MORP dance on Saturday, January 8th at the Career Center beginning at 8:00pm. Girls, not much time to ask out the guys so be creative!!! Only RHS students can attend MORP, no out of school dates. Reddon
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
LOST: a burlap sack of leashes and collars from the Yukon at the Career Center is missing. If you happen to find this, please contact Ms. Gresback at the Alt School. Office
INDOOR TRACK starts Monday, January 3rd at 3:50. It is not too late to sign up. Please see Coach Gopp to get a team packet. Indoor athletes need to be lifting and running over Christmas break. Gopp
STUDENTS: The Reading Around the World reading contest will end next Tuesday. Please fill out your passport booklet by the end of the day on Monday to be eligible for prizes. If you have any questions, please stop in and ask us. RHS Media Center Staff
DRIVERS ED: students enrolled in Drivers Ed 2nd semester will need to have their permit or license by Friday, January 7th. Brown
SENIORS with at least a 3.0 GPA might qualify for the National Wild Turkey Federation Scholarship Program. Students must participate in hunting, and also school and community activities. Applications are available in the guidance office. Deadline is January 11th. Guidance
SENIORS: If you plan on attending graduation and you have not given us your height and weight, you need to do so by Tuesday, Dec. 21st. Asay/Adels
NEW STUDENTS taking Work Experience 2nd semester and students enrolled in Career Internship 2nd semester need to see Mrs. Santee to pick up forms or packets before they leave for Christmas Break. Santee
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “If you never act on the things you figure out, you will never achieve what you hope for.”
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Green River, JV/V
Today – Wrestling @ Worland, JV/V, 5/6pm
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ home vs Wind River, 9th, 5/6:30pm
Friday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Green River, JV/V
Friday – Speech @ Cody
Friday – Wrestling @ Worland, JV/V, 1pm
Friday – Boys Swimming @ home, 5pm
MORP dance on Saturday, January 8th at the Career Center beginning at 8:00pm. Girls, not much time to ask out the guys so be creative!!! Only RHS students can attend MORP, no out of school dates. Reddon
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
HELP: Mrs. Bell is looking for people to time on Friday beginning at approximately 5:15 and Saturday at approx imately11:30 for the Boys Pre Invite and Invite. If interested please see Mrs. Bell ASAP!!! $8.00 per hour. Bell
LOST: a burlap sack of leashes and collars from the Yukon at the Career Center is missing. If you happen to find this, please contact Ms. Gresback at the Alt School. Office
INDOOR TRACK starts Monday, January 3rd at 3:50. It is not too late to sign up. Please see Coach Gopp to get a team packet. Indoor athletes need to be lifting and running over Christmas break. Gopp
SENIORS: the ESA Foundation Scholarships are now available. There are several different scholarships, each with different requirements and varying amount of awards. Stop by the guidance department for more information and the application. Deadline is Feb. 1st. Guidance
Students: The Reading Around the World reading contest will end next Tuesday. Please fill out your passport booklet by the end of the day on Monday to be eligible for prizes. If you have any questions, please stop in and ask us. RHS Media Center Staff
DRIVERS ED: students enrolled in Drivers Ed 2nd semester will need to have their permit or license by Friday, January 7th. Brown
KEY CLUB - Report to Homestead Living at 5:30 tonight to help with their Christmas Party. We will go to Mrs. Hughes' following for our own party. Disregard the directions in the memo yesterday and come see Mrs. Hughes if you need directions. Be sure to bring your Christmas goodies and a wrapped white elephant.
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “Our very lives depend on the ethics of strangers, and most of us are always strangers to other people.”
BIRTHDAY: Matthew Johnson, Serenity Lamb, Justine Quiver
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Green River, JV/V
Today – Wrestling @ Worland, JV/V, 5/6pm
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ home vs Wind River, 9th, 5/6:30pm
Friday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Green River, JV/V
Friday – Speech @ Cody
Friday – Wrestling @ Worland, JV/V, 1pm
Friday – Boys Swimming @ home, 5pm
MORP dance on Saturday, January 8th at the Career Center beginning at 8:00pm. Girls, not much time to ask out the guys so be creative!!! Only RHS students can attend MORP, no out of school dates. Reddon
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
HELP: Mrs. Bell is looking for people to time on Friday beginning at approximately 5:15 and Saturday at approx imately11:30 for the Boys Pre Invite and Invite. If interested please see Mrs. Bell ASAP!!! $8.00 per hour. Bell
LOST: a burlap sack of leashes and collars from the Yukon at the Career Center is missing. If you happen to find this, please contact Ms. Gresback at the Alt School. Office
INDOOR TRACK starts Monday, January 3rd at 3:50. It is not too late to sign up. Please see Coach Gopp to get a team packet. Indoor athletes need to be lifting and running over Christmas break. Gopp
SENIORS: the ESA Foundation Scholarships are now available. There are several different scholarships, each with different requirements and varying amount of awards. Stop by the guidance department for more information and the application. Deadline is Feb. 1st. Guidance
Students: The Reading Around the World reading contest will end next Tuesday. Please fill out your passport booklet by the end of the day on Monday to be eligible for prizes. If you have any questions, please stop in and ask us. RHS Media Center Staff
DRIVERS ED: students enrolled in Drivers Ed 2nd semester will need to have their permit or license by Friday, January 7th. Brown
KEY CLUB - Report to Homestead Living at 5:30 tonight to help with their Christmas Party. We will go to Mrs. Hughes' following for our own party. Disregard the directions in the memo yesterday and come see Mrs. Hughes if you need directions. Be sure to bring your Christmas goodies and a wrapped white elephant.
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “Our very lives depend on the ethics of strangers, and most of us are always strangers to other people.”
BIRTHDAY: Matthew Johnson, Serenity Lamb, Justine Quiver
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Thursday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Green River, JV/V
Thursday – Wrestling @ Worland, JV/V, 5/6pm
Thursday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ home vs Wind River, 9th, 5/6:30pm
Friday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Green River, JV/V
Friday – Speech @ Cody
Friday – Wrestling @ Worland, JV/V, 1pm
Friday – Boys Swimming @ home, 5pm
GIRL SWIMMERS: The following students have not turned in their swim locker keys. These keys need to be turned in before Christmas break in order to get your deposits back. Fallin
Elena Holguin
Jessica Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Karissa Kister
Martine Kolstad
Bridget Otto
Hailey Pince
CAN MEMBERS: Come hang out in CAN room and register to win weekly drawing until Christmas for one of three I-Tunes Cards. Reddon
LOST: An I-pod was left in the CAN room, please stop by to claim. Eckley
SENIORS: Today is your last day to make suggestions for senior motto, flower, song and speaker.
SENIORS: Senior officers and Reps please meet Thursday at 7:15 a.m. in room 4 (Ms Asay's room) at the Career Center. We will be selecting graduation colors, motto, flower & song selections. Asay-Glenn
CAN MEMBERS: we have CAN t-shirts for sale for $5.00. Stop by the CAN room and get one today. Eckley
MORP dance on Saturday, January 8th at the Career Center beginning at 8:00pm. Girls, not much time to ask out the guys so be creative!!! Only RHS students can attend MORP, no out of school dates. Reddon
SPEECH AND DEBATE: There will be a Congress meeting today in room 111. Murray
WORK EXPERIENCE: Final hours report form is due TODAY. Santee
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
HELP: Mrs. Bell is looking for people to time on Friday beginning at approximately 5:15 and Saturday at approx imately11:30 for the Boys Pre Invite and Invite. If interested please see Mrs. Bell ASAP!!! $8.00 per hour. Bell
LOST: a burlap sack of leashes and collars from the Yukon at the Career Center is missing. If you happen to find this, please contact Ms. Gresback at the Alt School. Office
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “The path to our destination is not always a straight one. We go down the wrong road, we get lost, we turn back. Maybe it doesn't matter which road we embark on. Maybe what matters is that we embark. ”
Thursday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Green River, JV/V
Thursday – Wrestling @ Worland, JV/V, 5/6pm
Thursday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ home vs Wind River, 9th, 5/6:30pm
Friday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Green River, JV/V
Friday – Speech @ Cody
Friday – Wrestling @ Worland, JV/V, 1pm
Friday – Boys Swimming @ home, 5pm
GIRL SWIMMERS: The following students have not turned in their swim locker keys. These keys need to be turned in before Christmas break in order to get your deposits back. Fallin
Elena Holguin
Jessica Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Karissa Kister
Martine Kolstad
Bridget Otto
Hailey Pince
CAN MEMBERS: Come hang out in CAN room and register to win weekly drawing until Christmas for one of three I-Tunes Cards. Reddon
LOST: An I-pod was left in the CAN room, please stop by to claim. Eckley
SENIORS: Today is your last day to make suggestions for senior motto, flower, song and speaker.
SENIORS: Senior officers and Reps please meet Thursday at 7:15 a.m. in room 4 (Ms Asay's room) at the Career Center. We will be selecting graduation colors, motto, flower & song selections. Asay-Glenn
CAN MEMBERS: we have CAN t-shirts for sale for $5.00. Stop by the CAN room and get one today. Eckley
MORP dance on Saturday, January 8th at the Career Center beginning at 8:00pm. Girls, not much time to ask out the guys so be creative!!! Only RHS students can attend MORP, no out of school dates. Reddon
SPEECH AND DEBATE: There will be a Congress meeting today in room 111. Murray
WORK EXPERIENCE: Final hours report form is due TODAY. Santee
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
HELP: Mrs. Bell is looking for people to time on Friday beginning at approximately 5:15 and Saturday at approx imately11:30 for the Boys Pre Invite and Invite. If interested please see Mrs. Bell ASAP!!! $8.00 per hour. Bell
LOST: a burlap sack of leashes and collars from the Yukon at the Career Center is missing. If you happen to find this, please contact Ms. Gresback at the Alt School. Office
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “The path to our destination is not always a straight one. We go down the wrong road, we get lost, we turn back. Maybe it doesn't matter which road we embark on. Maybe what matters is that we embark. ”
Monday, December 13, 2010
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ St. Stephens, JV, 4/5:30pm
GIRL SWIMMERS: The following students have not turned in their swim locker keys. These keys need to be turned in before Christmas break in order to get your deposits back. Fallin
Elena Holguin
Jessica Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Karissa Kister
Martine Kolstad
Bridget Otto
Hailey Pince
CAN MEMBERS: Come hang out in CAN room and register to win weekly drawing until Christmas for one of three I-Tunes Cards. Reddon
LOST: An I-pod was left in the CAN room, please stop by to claim. Eckley
SENIORS: Please submit your suggestions for Class Motto, Class Song, Class Flower and Graduation Keynote Speaker in the box at the front office. We will have a class officer meeting on Thursday at 7:15 a.m. in room 4 (Ms. Asay’s room) at the Career Center. We will be selecting robe color(s) and finalizing ballot for graduation suggestions. SUGGESTIONS MUST BE REALISTIC! Adels/Asay-Glenn
CAN MEMBERS: we have CAN t-shirts for sale for $5.00. Stop by the CAN room and get one today. Eckley
THANK YOU to the home rooms who participated in the Key Club Toy Drive. The winners are Mr. Miller's home room for books and Mrs. Kirkland's home room for toys. We had a great turn out on Saturday and we want to thank everyone who participated. Key Club
MORP dance on Saturday, January 8th at the Career Center beginning at 8:00pm. Girls, not much time to ask out the guys so be creative!!! Reddon
SPEECH AND DEBATE: There will be an Extemp meeting today in room 111. There will be a Congress meeting Wednesday in room 111. Murray
CONGRATULATIONS to Kevin Meyer and Hunter Crowley for qualifying in the top 24 teams for the Weber State University automotive contest. They qualified 17th out of 40 schools from Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, and Nevada. Way to go! Gopp
WORK EXPERIENCE: Final hours report form is due Wednesday, Dec. 15. Santee
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “The only way you can truly control how you are seen is being honest all the time.”
BIRTHDAY: Shalan Crenshaw, Caitlyn Dale, Alex LaJeunesse, Jenna Shepardson, Clay Walters
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ St. Stephens, JV, 4/5:30pm
GIRL SWIMMERS: The following students have not turned in their swim locker keys. These keys need to be turned in before Christmas break in order to get your deposits back. Fallin
Elena Holguin
Jessica Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Karissa Kister
Martine Kolstad
Bridget Otto
Hailey Pince
CAN MEMBERS: Come hang out in CAN room and register to win weekly drawing until Christmas for one of three I-Tunes Cards. Reddon
LOST: An I-pod was left in the CAN room, please stop by to claim. Eckley
SENIORS: Please submit your suggestions for Class Motto, Class Song, Class Flower and Graduation Keynote Speaker in the box at the front office. We will have a class officer meeting on Thursday at 7:15 a.m. in room 4 (Ms. Asay’s room) at the Career Center. We will be selecting robe color(s) and finalizing ballot for graduation suggestions. SUGGESTIONS MUST BE REALISTIC! Adels/Asay-Glenn
CAN MEMBERS: we have CAN t-shirts for sale for $5.00. Stop by the CAN room and get one today. Eckley
THANK YOU to the home rooms who participated in the Key Club Toy Drive. The winners are Mr. Miller's home room for books and Mrs. Kirkland's home room for toys. We had a great turn out on Saturday and we want to thank everyone who participated. Key Club
MORP dance on Saturday, January 8th at the Career Center beginning at 8:00pm. Girls, not much time to ask out the guys so be creative!!! Reddon
SPEECH AND DEBATE: There will be an Extemp meeting today in room 111. There will be a Congress meeting Wednesday in room 111. Murray
CONGRATULATIONS to Kevin Meyer and Hunter Crowley for qualifying in the top 24 teams for the Weber State University automotive contest. They qualified 17th out of 40 schools from Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, and Nevada. Way to go! Gopp
WORK EXPERIENCE: Final hours report form is due Wednesday, Dec. 15. Santee
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “The only way you can truly control how you are seen is being honest all the time.”
BIRTHDAY: Shalan Crenshaw, Caitlyn Dale, Alex LaJeunesse, Jenna Shepardson, Clay Walters
Friday, December 10, 2010
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Dubois, 9th, 4/5:30
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ home vs Shoshoni, 10th, 4:30/6:00
Tuesday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ St. Stephens, JV, 4/5:30pm
GIRL SWIMMERS: The following students have not turned in their swim locker keys. These keys need to be turned in before Christmas break in order to get your deposits back. Fallin
Elena Holguin
Jessica Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Karissa Kister
Martine Kolstad
Rebecca Murray
Bridget Otto
Hailey Pince
CAREER INTERNSHIP - final meeting is Tuesday at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Santee
CAN MEMBERS: Come hang out in CAN room and register to win weekly drawing until Christmas for one of three I-Tunes Cards. Reddon
REMINDER: the Volleyball Teams Banquet will be today at 6:30 in the Career Center. McNamee
LOST: An I-pod was left in the CAN room, please stop by to claim. Eckley
SENIORS: Please submit your suggestions for Class Motto, Class Song, Class Flower and Graduation Keynote Speaker in the box at the front office. We will have a class officer meeting on Thursday at 7:15 a.m. in room 4 (Ms Asay’s room) at the Career Center. We will be selecting robe color(s) and finalizing ballot for graduation suggestions. SUGGESTIONS MUST BE REALISTIC! Adels/Asay-Glenn
FFA PIZZA PARTY today for freshmen in Mr. Styvar's room, and sophomore lunch in Ms. Griffin's room. Styvar
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the person who’ll decide where to go.”
BIRTHDAY: Shawn Linch, Nicole Romano
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Dubois, 9th, 4/5:30
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ home vs Shoshoni, 10th, 4:30/6:00
Tuesday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ St. Stephens, JV, 4/5:30pm
GIRL SWIMMERS: The following students have not turned in their swim locker keys. These keys need to be turned in before Christmas break in order to get your deposits back. Fallin
Elena Holguin
Jessica Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Karissa Kister
Martine Kolstad
Rebecca Murray
Bridget Otto
Hailey Pince
CAREER INTERNSHIP - final meeting is Tuesday at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Santee
CAN MEMBERS: Come hang out in CAN room and register to win weekly drawing until Christmas for one of three I-Tunes Cards. Reddon
REMINDER: the Volleyball Teams Banquet will be today at 6:30 in the Career Center. McNamee
LOST: An I-pod was left in the CAN room, please stop by to claim. Eckley
SENIORS: Please submit your suggestions for Class Motto, Class Song, Class Flower and Graduation Keynote Speaker in the box at the front office. We will have a class officer meeting on Thursday at 7:15 a.m. in room 4 (Ms Asay’s room) at the Career Center. We will be selecting robe color(s) and finalizing ballot for graduation suggestions. SUGGESTIONS MUST BE REALISTIC! Adels/Asay-Glenn
FFA PIZZA PARTY today for freshmen in Mr. Styvar's room, and sophomore lunch in Ms. Griffin's room. Styvar
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the person who’ll decide where to go.”
BIRTHDAY: Shawn Linch, Nicole Romano
Today – Wrestling @ Star Valley, JV/V
Today – Boys Swimming @ Natrona, 2pm
Saturday – Wrestling @ Star Valley, JV/V
Saturday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Sheridan, 10/JV/V, 11/12:30/2/3:30
Monday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Dubois, 9th, 4/5:30
Monday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ home vs Shoshoni, 10th, 4:30/6:00
CAN MEMBERS: we have CAN t-shirts for sale for $5.00. Stop by the CAN room and get one today. Eckley
TOYS, TOYS, TOYS!! Please sort through your old toys and bring them to your home room teacher. The contest will end today. Toys/books need to be gently used, in working condition and clean. Help make someone's Christmas by donating. Key Club
GIRL SWIMMERS: The following students have not turned in their swim locker keys. These keys need to be turned in before Christmas break in order to get your deposits back. Fallin
Elena Holguin
Jessica Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Karissa Kister
Martine Kolstad
Rebecca Murray
Bridget Otto
Hailey Pince
CAREER INTERNSHIP - final meeting is Tuesday, December 14 at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Santee
CAN MEMBERS: Come hang out in CAN room and register to win weekly drawing until Christmas for one of three I-Tunes Cards. Reddon
NHS MEMBERS: the induction ceremony has been postponed until January, see Mr. Stoehr if you have any questions. Stoehr
HEY RHS! The following doors were selected as winners of the door decorating contest: Funniest: Mr. Miller;
Best Quality: Ms. Richmond; Most Creative: Mr. Fallin; Best Representation of the Theme: Mrs. Adels.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all students and teachers who decorated doors and adorned the halls with Christmas spirit. Richmond
Reminder: the Volleyball Teams Banquet will be on Monday, December 13th at 6:30 in the Career Center.
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “We all have our own life to pursue, our own kind of dream to be weaving, and we all have the power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep believing.”
BIRTHDAY: Abigail Bennett, Chris Gitchel
Today – Wrestling @ Star Valley, JV/V
Today – Boys Swimming @ Natrona, 2pm
Saturday – Wrestling @ Star Valley, JV/V
Saturday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Sheridan, 10/JV/V, 11/12:30/2/3:30
Monday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Dubois, 9th, 4/5:30
Monday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ home vs Shoshoni, 10th, 4:30/6:00
CAN MEMBERS: we have CAN t-shirts for sale for $5.00. Stop by the CAN room and get one today. Eckley
TOYS, TOYS, TOYS!! Please sort through your old toys and bring them to your home room teacher. The contest will end today. Toys/books need to be gently used, in working condition and clean. Help make someone's Christmas by donating. Key Club
GIRL SWIMMERS: The following students have not turned in their swim locker keys. These keys need to be turned in before Christmas break in order to get your deposits back. Fallin
Elena Holguin
Jessica Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Karissa Kister
Martine Kolstad
Rebecca Murray
Bridget Otto
Hailey Pince
CAREER INTERNSHIP - final meeting is Tuesday, December 14 at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Santee
CAN MEMBERS: Come hang out in CAN room and register to win weekly drawing until Christmas for one of three I-Tunes Cards. Reddon
NHS MEMBERS: the induction ceremony has been postponed until January, see Mr. Stoehr if you have any questions. Stoehr
HEY RHS! The following doors were selected as winners of the door decorating contest: Funniest: Mr. Miller;
Best Quality: Ms. Richmond; Most Creative: Mr. Fallin; Best Representation of the Theme: Mrs. Adels.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all students and teachers who decorated doors and adorned the halls with Christmas spirit. Richmond
Reminder: the Volleyball Teams Banquet will be on Monday, December 13th at 6:30 in the Career Center.
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “We all have our own life to pursue, our own kind of dream to be weaving, and we all have the power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep believing.”
BIRTHDAY: Abigail Bennett, Chris Gitchel
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Green River, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Friday – Wrestling @ Star Valley, JV/V
Friday – Boys Swimming @ Natrona, 2pm
GEAR UP FRESHMEN meet today during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
LUNCH DETENTION will meet in room 4A at the Career Center today. Office
CAN MEMBERS: we have CAN t-shirts for sale for $5.00. Stop by the CAN room and get one today. Eckley
R CLUB meeting today at lunch in room 25 at the Career Center. Bauder
SCHOLARSHIPS of $7,500 await outstanding scholar athletes of the senior class. If you are a star both in the classroom and on the field this might be the right opportunity for you. Go to, deadline is March 4th. Guidance
KEY CLUB will meet today at 7 PM in the Career Center. It is important that everyone be there, as we have much to discuss. Hughes/Peart
TOYS, TOYS, TOYS!! Please sort through your old toys and bring them to your home room teacher. The contest will end on Friday. Toys/books need to be gently used, in working condition and clean. Help make someone's Christmas by donating. Key Club
GIRL SWIMMERS: The following students have not turned in their swim locker keys. These keys need to be turned in before Christmas break in order to get your deposits back. Fallin
Elena Holguin
Jessica Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Karissa Kister
Martine Kolstad
Rebecca Murray
Bridget Otto
Hailey Pince
CAREER INTERNSHIP - final meeting is Tuesday, December 14 at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Santee
CAN MEMBERS: Come hang out in CAN room and register to win weekly drawing until Christmas for one of three I-Tunes Cards. Reddon
NHS MEMBERS: the induction ceremony has been postponed until January, see Mr. Stoehr if you have any questions. Stoehr
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean.”
BIRTHDAY: Adam Sherman
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Green River, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Friday – Wrestling @ Star Valley, JV/V
Friday – Boys Swimming @ Natrona, 2pm
GEAR UP FRESHMEN meet today during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
LUNCH DETENTION will meet in room 4A at the Career Center today. Office
CAN MEMBERS: we have CAN t-shirts for sale for $5.00. Stop by the CAN room and get one today. Eckley
R CLUB meeting today at lunch in room 25 at the Career Center. Bauder
SCHOLARSHIPS of $7,500 await outstanding scholar athletes of the senior class. If you are a star both in the classroom and on the field this might be the right opportunity for you. Go to, deadline is March 4th. Guidance
KEY CLUB will meet today at 7 PM in the Career Center. It is important that everyone be there, as we have much to discuss. Hughes/Peart
TOYS, TOYS, TOYS!! Please sort through your old toys and bring them to your home room teacher. The contest will end on Friday. Toys/books need to be gently used, in working condition and clean. Help make someone's Christmas by donating. Key Club
GIRL SWIMMERS: The following students have not turned in their swim locker keys. These keys need to be turned in before Christmas break in order to get your deposits back. Fallin
Elena Holguin
Jessica Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Karissa Kister
Martine Kolstad
Rebecca Murray
Bridget Otto
Hailey Pince
CAREER INTERNSHIP - final meeting is Tuesday, December 14 at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Santee
CAN MEMBERS: Come hang out in CAN room and register to win weekly drawing until Christmas for one of three I-Tunes Cards. Reddon
NHS MEMBERS: the induction ceremony has been postponed until January, see Mr. Stoehr if you have any questions. Stoehr
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean.”
BIRTHDAY: Adam Sherman
Thursday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Green River, 9th, 4/5:30pm
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
GEAR UP SENIORS meet today during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
GEAR UP FRESHMEN meet Thursday during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
LUNCH DETENTION will meet in room 4A at the Career Center today and Thursday. Office
HEY, IT IS DOOR DECORATING TIME!!! With your 2nd hour class, create a Christmas door masterpiece! This year's theme is Christmas Carols!!! Your doors need to be finished by the end of 2nd hour today. Richmond
ART GUILD meeting today after school in room 247. You do not have to be in an Art class to join. Gray-Sinner
CAN MEMBERS: we have CAN t-shirts for sale for $5.00. Stop by the CAN room and get one today. Eckley
STUDENTS: there is a box at the high school office for donations of canned goods for the Elks Charity Basket. Donations can be made until December 20. Office
DECA meeting today at lunch. We will discuss state projects. This meeting is mandatory. Bring your lunch. Stoehr
R CLUB meeting Thursday at lunch in room 25 at the Career Center. Bauder
SCHOLARSHIPS of $7,500 await outstanding scholar athletes of the senior class. If you are a star both in the classroom and on the field this might be the right opportunity for you. Go to, deadline is March 4th. Guidance
CONGRATULATIONS to the students that were selected for the All-State band and choir. Your hard work has paid off and we are proud of you. Dalton/Hageman
NOTE TO ALL: The Media Center will be closed all day today for Knowledge Master and Wolverine Reader Event. Mr. Hernandez will have his home room in the media center, but we will be closed to all others. Thanks for understanding. Maulik
KNOWLEDGE MASTER--The knowledge master students need to meet in the Media Center at the beginning of 1st hour. Please sign in to get credit for being there. Maulik
WOLVERINE READERS- We will have our holiday event starting at lunch after home room. Please come to the Media Center and sign in. Maulik
KEY CLUB will meet on Thursday at 7 PM in the Career Center. It is important that everyone be there, as we have much to discuss. Hughes/Peart
TOYS, TOYS, TOYS!! Please sort through your old toys and bring them to your home room teacher. The contest will end on Friday. Toys/books need to be gently used, in working condition and clean. Help make someone's Christmas by donating. Key Club
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “How can we expect our children to know and experience the joy of giving unless we teach them that the greater pleasure in life lies in the art of giving rather than receiving.”
Thursday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Green River, 9th, 4/5:30pm
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
GEAR UP SENIORS meet today during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
GEAR UP FRESHMEN meet Thursday during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
LUNCH DETENTION will meet in room 4A at the Career Center today and Thursday. Office
HEY, IT IS DOOR DECORATING TIME!!! With your 2nd hour class, create a Christmas door masterpiece! This year's theme is Christmas Carols!!! Your doors need to be finished by the end of 2nd hour today. Richmond
ART GUILD meeting today after school in room 247. You do not have to be in an Art class to join. Gray-Sinner
CAN MEMBERS: we have CAN t-shirts for sale for $5.00. Stop by the CAN room and get one today. Eckley
STUDENTS: there is a box at the high school office for donations of canned goods for the Elks Charity Basket. Donations can be made until December 20. Office
DECA meeting today at lunch. We will discuss state projects. This meeting is mandatory. Bring your lunch. Stoehr
R CLUB meeting Thursday at lunch in room 25 at the Career Center. Bauder
SCHOLARSHIPS of $7,500 await outstanding scholar athletes of the senior class. If you are a star both in the classroom and on the field this might be the right opportunity for you. Go to, deadline is March 4th. Guidance
CONGRATULATIONS to the students that were selected for the All-State band and choir. Your hard work has paid off and we are proud of you. Dalton/Hageman
NOTE TO ALL: The Media Center will be closed all day today for Knowledge Master and Wolverine Reader Event. Mr. Hernandez will have his home room in the media center, but we will be closed to all others. Thanks for understanding. Maulik
KNOWLEDGE MASTER--The knowledge master students need to meet in the Media Center at the beginning of 1st hour. Please sign in to get credit for being there. Maulik
WOLVERINE READERS- We will have our holiday event starting at lunch after home room. Please come to the Media Center and sign in. Maulik
KEY CLUB will meet on Thursday at 7 PM in the Career Center. It is important that everyone be there, as we have much to discuss. Hughes/Peart
TOYS, TOYS, TOYS!! Please sort through your old toys and bring them to your home room teacher. The contest will end on Friday. Toys/books need to be gently used, in working condition and clean. Help make someone's Christmas by donating. Key Club
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “How can we expect our children to know and experience the joy of giving unless we teach them that the greater pleasure in life lies in the art of giving rather than receiving.”
Monday, December 6, 2010
Today – Boys Basketball @ home vs Worland, 9/JV/V, 4/5:30/7pm
Today – Girls Basketball @ Worland, 9/JV/V, 4/5:30/7pm
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
WORK EXPERIENCE: Last meeting of the semester is Wednesday at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Assignment is due at that time as well. Santee
GEAR UP SENIORS meet Wednesday during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
GEAR UP FRESHMEN meet Thursday during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
LUNCH DETENTION will meet in room 4A at the Career Center on Wednesday and Thursday. Office
COME ONE! COME ALL!! The Multicultural Club will serve dinner at the Elks Club today at 6pm. The menu is Carbonara (a pasta dish), French bread, salad and dessert. Don’t miss it! Hernandez
INDOOR TRACK meeting today at 7:00pm in the Career Center for all athletes and their parents that are interested in doing indoor track. Gopp
SENIORS: Please submit your suggestions for Class Motto, Class Song, Class Flower and Graduation Keynote Speaker in the box at the front office. We will have a class officer meeting on Thursday, December 16th at 7:15 a.m. in room 4 (Ms Asay’s room) at the Career Center. We will be selecting robe color(s) and finalizing ballot for graduation suggestions. SUGGESTIONS MUST BE REALISTIC! Adels/Asay-Glenn
HEY, IT IS DOOR DECORATING TIME!!! With your SECOND hour class, create a Christmas door MASTERPIECE! This year's theme is Christmas Carols!!! Your doors need to be finished by the end of second hour on Wednesday.
FFA Meeting today at 7:00 in the Ag room. Styvar
ART GUILD meeting after school in room 247 on Wednesday. You do not have to be in an Art class to join.
CAN MEMBERS: we have CAN t-shirts for sale for $5.00. Stop by the CAN room and get one today. Eckley
STUDENTS: there is a box at the high school office for donations of canned goods for the Elks Charity Basket. Donations can be made until December 20. Office
DECA meeting this Wednesday at lunch. We will discuss state projects. This meeting is mandatory. Bring your own lunch. Stoehr
R CLUB meeting Thursday at lunch in room 25 at the Career Center. Bauder
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
BIRTHDAY: Kayla Baldwin, Joshua Ballard, Brian Bench, Robert Dodrill, Taylor Duran, Shaniya Smith
Today – Boys Basketball @ home vs Worland, 9/JV/V, 4/5:30/7pm
Today – Girls Basketball @ Worland, 9/JV/V, 4/5:30/7pm
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
WORK EXPERIENCE: Last meeting of the semester is Wednesday at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Assignment is due at that time as well. Santee
GEAR UP SENIORS meet Wednesday during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
GEAR UP FRESHMEN meet Thursday during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
LUNCH DETENTION will meet in room 4A at the Career Center on Wednesday and Thursday. Office
COME ONE! COME ALL!! The Multicultural Club will serve dinner at the Elks Club today at 6pm. The menu is Carbonara (a pasta dish), French bread, salad and dessert. Don’t miss it! Hernandez
INDOOR TRACK meeting today at 7:00pm in the Career Center for all athletes and their parents that are interested in doing indoor track. Gopp
SENIORS: Please submit your suggestions for Class Motto, Class Song, Class Flower and Graduation Keynote Speaker in the box at the front office. We will have a class officer meeting on Thursday, December 16th at 7:15 a.m. in room 4 (Ms Asay’s room) at the Career Center. We will be selecting robe color(s) and finalizing ballot for graduation suggestions. SUGGESTIONS MUST BE REALISTIC! Adels/Asay-Glenn
HEY, IT IS DOOR DECORATING TIME!!! With your SECOND hour class, create a Christmas door MASTERPIECE! This year's theme is Christmas Carols!!! Your doors need to be finished by the end of second hour on Wednesday.
FFA Meeting today at 7:00 in the Ag room. Styvar
ART GUILD meeting after school in room 247 on Wednesday. You do not have to be in an Art class to join.
CAN MEMBERS: we have CAN t-shirts for sale for $5.00. Stop by the CAN room and get one today. Eckley
STUDENTS: there is a box at the high school office for donations of canned goods for the Elks Charity Basket. Donations can be made until December 20. Office
DECA meeting this Wednesday at lunch. We will discuss state projects. This meeting is mandatory. Bring your own lunch. Stoehr
R CLUB meeting Thursday at lunch in room 25 at the Career Center. Bauder
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
BIRTHDAY: Kayla Baldwin, Joshua Ballard, Brian Bench, Robert Dodrill, Taylor Duran, Shaniya Smith
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ St. Stephens, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Tuesday – Boys Basketball @ home vs Worland, 9/JV/V, 4/5:30/7pm
Tuesday – Girls Basketball @ Worland, 9/JV/V, 4/5:30/7pm
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
WORK EXPERIENCE: Last meeting of the semester is Wednesday at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Assignment is due at that time as well. Santee
GEAR UP SENIORS meet Wednesday during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
COME ONE! COME ALL!! The Multicultural Club will serve dinner at the Elks Club on Tuesday at 6pm. Tuesday’s menu is Carbonara (a pasta dish), French bread, salad and dessert. Don’t miss it! Hernandez
INDOOR TRACK meeting Tuesday at 7:00pm in the Career Center for all athletes and their parents that are interested in doing indoor track. Gopp
SENIORS: Please submit your suggestions for Class Motto, Class Song, Class Flower and Graduation Keynote Speaker in the box at the front office. We will have a class officer meeting on Thursday, December 16th at 7:15 a.m. in room 4 (Ms Asay’s room) at the Career Center. We will be selecting robe color(s) and finalizing ballot for graduation suggestions. SUGGESTIONS MUST BE REALISTIC! Adels/Asay-Glenn
HEY, IT IS DOOR DECORATING TIME!!! With your SECOND hour class, create a Christmas door MASTERPIECE! This year's theme is Christmas Carols!!! Your doors need to be finished by the end of second hour on Wednesday.
COLD WEATHER has set in and Thanksgiving is over, let's get back into shape or at least reduce some of the stress of the holidays. Yoga will be on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday after school in room 119. There is a sign-up sheet outside the door so we can decide if we need a larger space, otherwise it will be in Room 119 from 4 p.m. to 5 on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Grab you mat, put on some comfy clothes and join us. Health Committee
SENIORS: There are lots of new scholarship opportunities awaiting you! WREA Lineman Scholarship, $3,000, must be interested in a career in the electric industry, deadline is March 1. WY Trucking Association, scholarships range from $500 to $1,500, deadline is March 1. Adkins Lineworker Scholarship, $1,000, must be interested in a career in the electric industry, deadline is May 1. High Plains Power Scholarship, $1,000 can be used at any college; university, or vocational/technical school, deadline is March 7. Hackworth Lineworker Scholarship, $1,000, must be interested in a career in the electric industry, deadline is May 1. AXA Achievement Community Scholarship, $2,000, deadline Feb. 15. Burger King Scholars Program, $1,000, $5,000, and $25,000 scholarships, min. GPA 2.5, and deadline is Jan. 10. Guidance
SOPHOMORES OR JUNIORS: High Plains Power has a cooperative youth leadership camp in July. This is a free weeklong camp held at the Glen Eden Resort in CO. Stop by the guidance office for more details. Deadline is Jan. 31. Guidance
FFA Meeting Tuesday at 7:00 in the Ag room. Styvar
ART GUILD meeting after school in room 247 on Wednesday. You do not have to be in an Art class to join.
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best.”
BIRTHDAY: Sierra Maddelein, Logan Ridgway
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ St. Stephens, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Tuesday – Boys Basketball @ home vs Worland, 9/JV/V, 4/5:30/7pm
Tuesday – Girls Basketball @ Worland, 9/JV/V, 4/5:30/7pm
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
WORK EXPERIENCE: Last meeting of the semester is Wednesday at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Assignment is due at that time as well. Santee
GEAR UP SENIORS meet Wednesday during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
COME ONE! COME ALL!! The Multicultural Club will serve dinner at the Elks Club on Tuesday at 6pm. Tuesday’s menu is Carbonara (a pasta dish), French bread, salad and dessert. Don’t miss it! Hernandez
INDOOR TRACK meeting Tuesday at 7:00pm in the Career Center for all athletes and their parents that are interested in doing indoor track. Gopp
SENIORS: Please submit your suggestions for Class Motto, Class Song, Class Flower and Graduation Keynote Speaker in the box at the front office. We will have a class officer meeting on Thursday, December 16th at 7:15 a.m. in room 4 (Ms Asay’s room) at the Career Center. We will be selecting robe color(s) and finalizing ballot for graduation suggestions. SUGGESTIONS MUST BE REALISTIC! Adels/Asay-Glenn
HEY, IT IS DOOR DECORATING TIME!!! With your SECOND hour class, create a Christmas door MASTERPIECE! This year's theme is Christmas Carols!!! Your doors need to be finished by the end of second hour on Wednesday.
COLD WEATHER has set in and Thanksgiving is over, let's get back into shape or at least reduce some of the stress of the holidays. Yoga will be on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday after school in room 119. There is a sign-up sheet outside the door so we can decide if we need a larger space, otherwise it will be in Room 119 from 4 p.m. to 5 on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Grab you mat, put on some comfy clothes and join us. Health Committee
SENIORS: There are lots of new scholarship opportunities awaiting you! WREA Lineman Scholarship, $3,000, must be interested in a career in the electric industry, deadline is March 1. WY Trucking Association, scholarships range from $500 to $1,500, deadline is March 1. Adkins Lineworker Scholarship, $1,000, must be interested in a career in the electric industry, deadline is May 1. High Plains Power Scholarship, $1,000 can be used at any college; university, or vocational/technical school, deadline is March 7. Hackworth Lineworker Scholarship, $1,000, must be interested in a career in the electric industry, deadline is May 1. AXA Achievement Community Scholarship, $2,000, deadline Feb. 15. Burger King Scholars Program, $1,000, $5,000, and $25,000 scholarships, min. GPA 2.5, and deadline is Jan. 10. Guidance
SOPHOMORES OR JUNIORS: High Plains Power has a cooperative youth leadership camp in July. This is a free weeklong camp held at the Glen Eden Resort in CO. Stop by the guidance office for more details. Deadline is Jan. 31. Guidance
FFA Meeting Tuesday at 7:00 in the Ag room. Styvar
ART GUILD meeting after school in room 247 on Wednesday. You do not have to be in an Art class to join.
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best.”
BIRTHDAY: Sierra Maddelein, Logan Ridgway
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Windsor, CO, JV/V
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Douglas, 9th
Today – State Drama @ Casper
Today – Wrestling @ Evanston, JV/V
Saturday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Cheyenne East, JV/V
Saturday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Douglas, 9th
Saturday – State Drama @ Casper
Saturday – Wrestling @ Evanston, JV/V
Saturday – Boys Basketball @ Thermopolis, 10th
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- you must finish your work on the career planning website by Sunday, Dec. 5! Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
WORK EXPERIENCE: Last meeting of the semester is Wednesday, Dec. 8th at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Assignment is due at that time as well. Santee
STARTING MONDAY, December 6th at 3:35 there will be a cultural class for Indian Education offered in Room 256. (old Home Ec Room - Pam Rivers’s classroom). For more information, contact: Tom Hernandez, RHS – 4277; Celeste Spoonhunter - RMS - 856-9443; Jodi Graham or Alleta Baltes - 856-2626. Hernandez
COME ONE! COME ALL!! The Multicultural Club will serve dinner at the Elks Club on Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 6pm. Tuesday’s menu is Carbonara (a pasta dish), French bread, salad and dessert. Don’t miss it! Hernandez
INDOOR TRACK meeting Tuesday, Dec. 7th at 7:00pm in the Career Center for all athletes and their parents that are interested in doing indoor track. Gopp
SENIORS: Please submit your suggestions for Class Motto, Class Song, Class Flower and Graduation Keynote Speaker in the box at the front office. We will have a class officer meeting on Thursday, December 16th at 7:15 a.m. in room 4 (Ms Asay’s room) at the Career Center. We will be selecting robe color(s) and finalizing ballot for graduation suggestions. SUGGESTIONS MUST BE REALISTIC! Adels/Asay-Glenn
HEY, IT IS DOOR DECORATING TIME!!! With your SECOND hour class, create a Christmas door MASTERPIECE! This year's theme is Christmas Carols!!! Your doors need to be finished by the end of second hour on Wednesday, December 8th. Richmond
COLD WEATHER has set in and Thanksgiving is over, let's get back into shape or at least reduce some of the stress of the holidays. Yoga will be on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday after school in room 119. There is a sign-up sheet outside the door so we can decide if we need a larger space, otherwise it will be in Room 119 from 4 p.m. to 5 on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Grab you mat, put on some comfy clothes and join us. Health Committee
DECEMBER WALK is this Saturday. Meet at Riverton Middle School south lot at 8am. There will be prizes. Gopp
TOY, TOYS, TOYS - Isn't it time you went through your closet, your young sibling's closet, any closet and got rid of the gently used toys and books that are taking up valuable space. Please do so this weekend and donate them to support the Key Club Toy Store that will take place on Dec. 11 from 9 to Noon at the Career Center. There is a contest between home rooms to see which one can collect the most. Remember, they need to be in good workable condition and be clean. Take your donations to your home room teacher so that you get credit for it. Thanks for helping to make someone's Christmas the best ever. Key Club
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships – the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace.”
BIRTHDAY: Tayler Hopkins
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Windsor, CO, JV/V
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Douglas, 9th
Today – State Drama @ Casper
Today – Wrestling @ Evanston, JV/V
Saturday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Cheyenne East, JV/V
Saturday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Douglas, 9th
Saturday – State Drama @ Casper
Saturday – Wrestling @ Evanston, JV/V
Saturday – Boys Basketball @ Thermopolis, 10th
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- you must finish your work on the career planning website by Sunday, Dec. 5! Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
WORK EXPERIENCE: Last meeting of the semester is Wednesday, Dec. 8th at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Assignment is due at that time as well. Santee
STARTING MONDAY, December 6th at 3:35 there will be a cultural class for Indian Education offered in Room 256. (old Home Ec Room - Pam Rivers’s classroom). For more information, contact: Tom Hernandez, RHS – 4277; Celeste Spoonhunter - RMS - 856-9443; Jodi Graham or Alleta Baltes - 856-2626. Hernandez
COME ONE! COME ALL!! The Multicultural Club will serve dinner at the Elks Club on Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 6pm. Tuesday’s menu is Carbonara (a pasta dish), French bread, salad and dessert. Don’t miss it! Hernandez
INDOOR TRACK meeting Tuesday, Dec. 7th at 7:00pm in the Career Center for all athletes and their parents that are interested in doing indoor track. Gopp
SENIORS: Please submit your suggestions for Class Motto, Class Song, Class Flower and Graduation Keynote Speaker in the box at the front office. We will have a class officer meeting on Thursday, December 16th at 7:15 a.m. in room 4 (Ms Asay’s room) at the Career Center. We will be selecting robe color(s) and finalizing ballot for graduation suggestions. SUGGESTIONS MUST BE REALISTIC! Adels/Asay-Glenn
HEY, IT IS DOOR DECORATING TIME!!! With your SECOND hour class, create a Christmas door MASTERPIECE! This year's theme is Christmas Carols!!! Your doors need to be finished by the end of second hour on Wednesday, December 8th. Richmond
COLD WEATHER has set in and Thanksgiving is over, let's get back into shape or at least reduce some of the stress of the holidays. Yoga will be on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday after school in room 119. There is a sign-up sheet outside the door so we can decide if we need a larger space, otherwise it will be in Room 119 from 4 p.m. to 5 on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Grab you mat, put on some comfy clothes and join us. Health Committee
DECEMBER WALK is this Saturday. Meet at Riverton Middle School south lot at 8am. There will be prizes. Gopp
TOY, TOYS, TOYS - Isn't it time you went through your closet, your young sibling's closet, any closet and got rid of the gently used toys and books that are taking up valuable space. Please do so this weekend and donate them to support the Key Club Toy Store that will take place on Dec. 11 from 9 to Noon at the Career Center. There is a contest between home rooms to see which one can collect the most. Remember, they need to be in good workable condition and be clean. Take your donations to your home room teacher so that you get credit for it. Thanks for helping to make someone's Christmas the best ever. Key Club
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships – the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace.”
BIRTHDAY: Tayler Hopkins
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Cheyenne Central, JV/V
Today – State Drama @ Casper
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ high school vs Green River, 9th
Friday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Windsor, CO, JV/V
Friday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Douglas, 9th
Friday – State Drama @ Casper
Friday – Wrestling @ Evanston, JV/V
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- you must finish your work on the career planning website by Sunday, Dec. 5! Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
WORK EXPERIENCE: Last meeting of the semester is Wednesday, Dec. 8th at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Assignment is due at that time as well. Santee
ATTENTION WOLVERINE READERS: Please come to the Media Center and pick up your fundraiser kit. We need to have everything turned in before Wednesday, Dec. 8 which also is the Holiday Event. You must have earned wolverine dollars to attend, come and check your status. Maulik/Morrison
STARTING MONDAY, December 6th at 3:35 there will be a cultural class for Indian Education offered in Room 256. (old Home Ec Room - Pam Rivers’s classroom). There will be: --beading projects (from simple chains using seed beads to more complex with buckskin)--sewing and quilting projects (from simple pillow cases, placemats, baby blankets, and star quilts). Everyone ages 8 and above is welcome. All Fremont County District 25 staff, students and parents are welcome to attend. The materials will all be provided. Several projects will be shown, and depending on interest, we will go from there. This will be on Mondays after school starting Dec. 6 and going through the end of the school year. You may join anytime. We have several Native American instructors who have offered to do this for our district. For more information, contact: Tom Hernandez, RHS – 4277; Celeste Spoonhunter - RMS - 856-9443; Jodi Graham or Alleta Baltes - 856-2626. Hernandez
STUDENTS: there is a box at the high school office for donations of canned goods for the Elks Charity Basket. Donations can be made until December 20. Thanks. Office
COME ONE! COME ALL!! The Multicultural Club will serve dinner at the Elks Club on Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 6pm. Tuesday’s menu is Carbonara (a pasta dish), French bread, salad and dessert. Don’t miss it! Hernandez
INDOOR TRACK meeting Tuesday, Dec. 7th at 7:00pm in the Career Center for all athletes and their parents that are interested in doing indoor track. Gopp
SENIORS: Please submit your suggestions for Class Motto, Class Song, Class Flower and Graduation Keynote Speaker in the box at the front office. We will have a class officer meeting on Thursday, December 16th at 7:15 a.m. in room 4 (Ms Asay’s room) at the Career Center. We will be selecting robe color(s) and finalizing ballot for graduation suggestions. SUGGESTIONS MUST BE REALISTIC! Adels/Asay-Glenn
HEY, IT IS DOOR DECORATING TIME!!! With your SECOND hour class, create a Christmas door MASTERPIECE! This year's theme is Christmas Carols!!! Your doors need to be finished by the end of second hour on Wednesday, December 8th. Richmond
COLD WEATHER has set in and Thanksgiving is over, let's get back into shape or at least reduce some of the stress of the holidays. Yoga will be on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday after school in room 119. There is a sign-up sheet outside the door so we can decide if we need a larger space, otherwise it will be in Room 119 from 4 p.m. to 5 on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Grab you mat, put on some comfy clothes and join us. Health Committee
DECEMBER WALK is this Saturday. Meet at Riverton Middle School south lot at 8am. There will be prizes. Gopp
KEY CLUB MEMBERS are reminded that there will not be a meeting tonight. We are helping with the Festival of Trees. Please report to the Armory at 5 PM, dressed as instructed in your weekly notice. If you are unable to attend, please contact Mrs. Peart or Mrs. Hughes. Hughes/Peart
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.”
BIRTHDAY: Shania Stevens
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Cheyenne Central, JV/V
Today – State Drama @ Casper
Today – Girls/Boys Basketball @ high school vs Green River, 9th
Friday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Windsor, CO, JV/V
Friday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Douglas, 9th
Friday – State Drama @ Casper
Friday – Wrestling @ Evanston, JV/V
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- you must finish your work on the career planning website by Sunday, Dec. 5! Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
WORK EXPERIENCE: Last meeting of the semester is Wednesday, Dec. 8th at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Assignment is due at that time as well. Santee
ATTENTION WOLVERINE READERS: Please come to the Media Center and pick up your fundraiser kit. We need to have everything turned in before Wednesday, Dec. 8 which also is the Holiday Event. You must have earned wolverine dollars to attend, come and check your status. Maulik/Morrison
STARTING MONDAY, December 6th at 3:35 there will be a cultural class for Indian Education offered in Room 256. (old Home Ec Room - Pam Rivers’s classroom). There will be: --beading projects (from simple chains using seed beads to more complex with buckskin)--sewing and quilting projects (from simple pillow cases, placemats, baby blankets, and star quilts). Everyone ages 8 and above is welcome. All Fremont County District 25 staff, students and parents are welcome to attend. The materials will all be provided. Several projects will be shown, and depending on interest, we will go from there. This will be on Mondays after school starting Dec. 6 and going through the end of the school year. You may join anytime. We have several Native American instructors who have offered to do this for our district. For more information, contact: Tom Hernandez, RHS – 4277; Celeste Spoonhunter - RMS - 856-9443; Jodi Graham or Alleta Baltes - 856-2626. Hernandez
STUDENTS: there is a box at the high school office for donations of canned goods for the Elks Charity Basket. Donations can be made until December 20. Thanks. Office
COME ONE! COME ALL!! The Multicultural Club will serve dinner at the Elks Club on Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 6pm. Tuesday’s menu is Carbonara (a pasta dish), French bread, salad and dessert. Don’t miss it! Hernandez
INDOOR TRACK meeting Tuesday, Dec. 7th at 7:00pm in the Career Center for all athletes and their parents that are interested in doing indoor track. Gopp
SENIORS: Please submit your suggestions for Class Motto, Class Song, Class Flower and Graduation Keynote Speaker in the box at the front office. We will have a class officer meeting on Thursday, December 16th at 7:15 a.m. in room 4 (Ms Asay’s room) at the Career Center. We will be selecting robe color(s) and finalizing ballot for graduation suggestions. SUGGESTIONS MUST BE REALISTIC! Adels/Asay-Glenn
HEY, IT IS DOOR DECORATING TIME!!! With your SECOND hour class, create a Christmas door MASTERPIECE! This year's theme is Christmas Carols!!! Your doors need to be finished by the end of second hour on Wednesday, December 8th. Richmond
COLD WEATHER has set in and Thanksgiving is over, let's get back into shape or at least reduce some of the stress of the holidays. Yoga will be on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday after school in room 119. There is a sign-up sheet outside the door so we can decide if we need a larger space, otherwise it will be in Room 119 from 4 p.m. to 5 on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Grab you mat, put on some comfy clothes and join us. Health Committee
DECEMBER WALK is this Saturday. Meet at Riverton Middle School south lot at 8am. There will be prizes. Gopp
KEY CLUB MEMBERS are reminded that there will not be a meeting tonight. We are helping with the Festival of Trees. Please report to the Armory at 5 PM, dressed as instructed in your weekly notice. If you are unable to attend, please contact Mrs. Peart or Mrs. Hughes. Hughes/Peart
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.”
BIRTHDAY: Shania Stevens
Thursday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Cheyenne Central, JV/V
Thursday – State Drama @ Casper
Thursday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ high school vs Green River, 9th
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- you must finish your work on the career planning website by Sunday, Dec. 5! Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
CAN MEMBERS: we have CAN t-shirts for sale for $5.00. Stop by the CAN room and get one. Eckley
GEAR UP SOPHOMORES meet today in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
LUNCH DETENTION today will be in room 4A at the Career Center. Office
ATTENTION WOLVERINE READERS: Please come to the Media Center and pick up your fundraiser kit. We need to have everything turned in before Wednesday, Dec. 8 which also is the Holiday Event. You must have earned wolverine dollars to attend, come and check your status. Maulik/Morrison
STARTING MONDAY, December 6th at 3:35 there will be a cultural class for Indian Education offered in Room 256. (old Home Ec Room - Pam Rivers’s classroom). There will be: --beading projects (from simple chains using seed beads to more complex with buckskin)--sewing and quilting projects (from simple pillow cases, placemats, baby blankets, and star quilts). Everyone ages 8 and above is welcome. All Fremont County District 25 staff, students and parents are welcome to attend. The materials will all be provided. Several projects will be shown, and depending on interest, we will go from there. This will be on Mondays after school starting Dec. 6 and going through the end of the school year. You may join anytime. We have several Native American instructors who have offered to do this for our district. For more information, contact: Tom Hernandez, RHS – 4277; Celeste Spoonhunter - RMS - 856-9443; Jodi Graham or Alleta Baltes - 856-2626. Hernandez
STUDENTS: there is a box at the high school office for donations of canned goods for the Elks Charity Basket. Donations can be made until December 20. Thanks. Office
COME ONE! COME ALL!! The Multicultural Club will serve dinner at the Elks Club on Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 6pm. Tuesday’s menu is Carbonara (a pasta dish), French bread, salad and dessert. Don’t miss it! Hernandez
INDOOR TRACK meeting Tuesday, Dec. 7th at 7:00pm in the Career Center for all athletes and their parents that are interested in doing indoor track. Gopp
SENIORS: Please submit your suggestions for Class Motto, Class Song, Class Flower and Graduation Keynote Speaker in the box at the front office. We will have a class officer meeting on Thursday, December 16th at 7:15 a.m. in room 4 (Ms Asay’s room) at the Career Center. We will be selecting robe color(s) and finalizing ballot for graduation suggestions. SUGGESTIONS MUST BE REALISTIC! Adels/Asay-Glenn
HEY, IT IS DOOR DECORATING TIME!!! With your SECOND hour class, create a Christmas door MASTERPIECE! This year's theme is Christmas Carols!!! Your doors need to be finished by the end of second hour on Monday, December 6th. Judging will begin third hour that day! Richmond
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “Always hold your head up, but be careful to keep your nose at a friendly level.”
BIRTHDAY: Echo SoldierWolf
Thursday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ Cheyenne Central, JV/V
Thursday – State Drama @ Casper
Thursday – Girls/Boys Basketball @ high school vs Green River, 9th
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- you must finish your work on the career planning website by Sunday, Dec. 5! Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
CAN MEMBERS: we have CAN t-shirts for sale for $5.00. Stop by the CAN room and get one. Eckley
GEAR UP SOPHOMORES meet today in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
LUNCH DETENTION today will be in room 4A at the Career Center. Office
ATTENTION WOLVERINE READERS: Please come to the Media Center and pick up your fundraiser kit. We need to have everything turned in before Wednesday, Dec. 8 which also is the Holiday Event. You must have earned wolverine dollars to attend, come and check your status. Maulik/Morrison
STARTING MONDAY, December 6th at 3:35 there will be a cultural class for Indian Education offered in Room 256. (old Home Ec Room - Pam Rivers’s classroom). There will be: --beading projects (from simple chains using seed beads to more complex with buckskin)--sewing and quilting projects (from simple pillow cases, placemats, baby blankets, and star quilts). Everyone ages 8 and above is welcome. All Fremont County District 25 staff, students and parents are welcome to attend. The materials will all be provided. Several projects will be shown, and depending on interest, we will go from there. This will be on Mondays after school starting Dec. 6 and going through the end of the school year. You may join anytime. We have several Native American instructors who have offered to do this for our district. For more information, contact: Tom Hernandez, RHS – 4277; Celeste Spoonhunter - RMS - 856-9443; Jodi Graham or Alleta Baltes - 856-2626. Hernandez
STUDENTS: there is a box at the high school office for donations of canned goods for the Elks Charity Basket. Donations can be made until December 20. Thanks. Office
COME ONE! COME ALL!! The Multicultural Club will serve dinner at the Elks Club on Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 6pm. Tuesday’s menu is Carbonara (a pasta dish), French bread, salad and dessert. Don’t miss it! Hernandez
INDOOR TRACK meeting Tuesday, Dec. 7th at 7:00pm in the Career Center for all athletes and their parents that are interested in doing indoor track. Gopp
SENIORS: Please submit your suggestions for Class Motto, Class Song, Class Flower and Graduation Keynote Speaker in the box at the front office. We will have a class officer meeting on Thursday, December 16th at 7:15 a.m. in room 4 (Ms Asay’s room) at the Career Center. We will be selecting robe color(s) and finalizing ballot for graduation suggestions. SUGGESTIONS MUST BE REALISTIC! Adels/Asay-Glenn
HEY, IT IS DOOR DECORATING TIME!!! With your SECOND hour class, create a Christmas door MASTERPIECE! This year's theme is Christmas Carols!!! Your doors need to be finished by the end of second hour on Monday, December 6th. Judging will begin third hour that day! Richmond
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “Always hold your head up, but be careful to keep your nose at a friendly level.”
BIRTHDAY: Echo SoldierWolf
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- you must finish your work on the career planning website by Sunday, Dec. 5! Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
CAN MEMBERS: we have CAN t-shirts for sale for $5.00. Stop by the CAN room and get one today. Eckley
GEAR UP SOPHOMORES meet Wednesday in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
LUNCH DETENTION on Wednesday will be in room 4A at the Career Center. Office
ATTENTION WOLVERINE READERS: Please come to the Media Center and pick up your fundraiser kit. We need to have everything turned in before Wednesday, Dec. 8 which also is the Holiday Event. You must have earned wolverine dollars to attend, come and check your status. Maulik/Morrison
BOYS SWIMMING & DIVING practice begins after school. Bring your physical if you have not turned it in.
STARTING MONDAY, December 6th at 3:35 there will be a cultural class for Indian Education offered in Room 256. (old Home Ec Room - Pam Rivers’s classroom). There will be: --beading projects (from simple chains using seed beads to more complex with buckskin)--sewing and quilting projects (from simple pillow cases, placemats, baby blankets, and star quilts). Everyone ages 8 and above is welcome. All Fremont County District 25 staff, students and parents are welcome to attend. The materials will all be provided. Several projects will be shown, and depending on interest, we will go from there. This will be on Mondays after school starting Dec. 6 and going through the end of the school year. You may join anytime. We have several Native American instructors who have offered to do this for our district. For more information, contact: Tom Hernandez, RHS – 4277; Celeste Spoonhunter - RMS - 856-9443; Jodi Graham or Alleta Baltes - 856-2626.
STUDENTS: there is a box at the high school office for donations of canned goods for the Elks Charity Basket. Donations can be made until December 20. Thanks. Office
KINDNESS QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.”
BIRTHDAY: Bryan Lane
SENIORS completing portfolios independently -- you must finish your work on the career planning website by Sunday, Dec. 5! Portfolios are due Tuesday, Dec. 21 - no exceptions!! Santee
CAN MEMBERS: we have CAN t-shirts for sale for $5.00. Stop by the CAN room and get one today. Eckley
GEAR UP SOPHOMORES meet Wednesday in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
LUNCH DETENTION on Wednesday will be in room 4A at the Career Center. Office
ATTENTION WOLVERINE READERS: Please come to the Media Center and pick up your fundraiser kit. We need to have everything turned in before Wednesday, Dec. 8 which also is the Holiday Event. You must have earned wolverine dollars to attend, come and check your status. Maulik/Morrison
BOYS SWIMMING & DIVING practice begins after school. Bring your physical if you have not turned it in.
STARTING MONDAY, December 6th at 3:35 there will be a cultural class for Indian Education offered in Room 256. (old Home Ec Room - Pam Rivers’s classroom). There will be: --beading projects (from simple chains using seed beads to more complex with buckskin)--sewing and quilting projects (from simple pillow cases, placemats, baby blankets, and star quilts). Everyone ages 8 and above is welcome. All Fremont County District 25 staff, students and parents are welcome to attend. The materials will all be provided. Several projects will be shown, and depending on interest, we will go from there. This will be on Mondays after school starting Dec. 6 and going through the end of the school year. You may join anytime. We have several Native American instructors who have offered to do this for our district. For more information, contact: Tom Hernandez, RHS – 4277; Celeste Spoonhunter - RMS - 856-9443; Jodi Graham or Alleta Baltes - 856-2626.
STUDENTS: there is a box at the high school office for donations of canned goods for the Elks Charity Basket. Donations can be made until December 20. Thanks. Office
KINDNESS QUOTE FOR THE DAY: “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.”
BIRTHDAY: Bryan Lane
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