PROM: Don't forget to buy your Prom tickets today. If you are unable to do so please contact Mrs. Stevens or Mrs. Gray-Sinner. Tickets will not be sold at the door. Stevens
STUDENTS: The CAN room will be open during the after Prom Party to members ONLY. Eckley
SENIORS: Please turn in overdue library materials and pay any fines for lost materials as soon as possible. Stop by the MC to clear your name and make your graduation checkout go smoothly. Morrison
STUDENTS: The color printer in the Media Center is not for general use. Please do not print graduation announcements, copies of photographs, and/or party announcements on it. It is for school use only. Please go to Wal-Mart or The Print Shop for your personal printing needs. Morrison
RIVERTON RAIDER BASEBALL begins at home on Saturday at 1pm against Rock Springs for a conference opener. Your support is appreciated! Slack
RIVERTON ICE-HOCKEY ASSOCIATION wants you! Hockey will start again in October, 2009 and we are looking for players at all age levels. If you are interested please contact us at or visit us on the web at Visit us this fall at your schools open house or this summer during day at the park. Don’t go through life without Goals! Becker
STUDENTS: Do you enjoy singing and collaborating with other singers? Then you should be in RHS Choir. Students who want to sing in next year's Concert Choir or Jazz Choir need to see Mr. Dalton before Thursday, May 7 to set up an audition time. Dalton
DID YOU WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO DECIDE TO GO TO PROM? Wondering what to wear? Not to worry "the prom closet" has moved to the college and you can get outfitted there. Just contact the activities person (Brittney Yeates) in the student center (where the gym is). Health Committee
AFTER PROM PARTY TICKETS are on sale for $5. You must buy your ticket at school. Don’t miss out on the Comedian Improv Group out of Chicago, the mechanical bull and gambling. Brown Brown
ANY STUDENT wishing to participate in a discussion about the Student Handbook for the 2009-2010 school year is invited to have lunch with Mr. Myers in the RHS conference room, Tuesday, May 5 at 11:55 am. Pizza will be served. Myers
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets Monday after school in Ms. Miller’s room. Miller
CAREER INTERNSHIP STUDENTS: No meeting, but assignments and time logs need to be turned in on Tuesday, May 5. Santee
FUN FACT: One beaver can cut down as many as 216 trees per year.
BIRTHDAYS: Mellisa Albrandt, Robert Mason
BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
Thursday, April 30, 2009
STUDENT COUNCIL extended the date of the Recycled Art Show to this Friday. Get your entries in! Richmond
MAY DAY CAKE RAFFLE: Help RHS Culinary Art students raise money and celebrate May Day! Raffle drawing will be held at the high school on Friday. Need not be present to win. Tickets are 50 cents each or 5 for $2.00. See Mrs. Rivers for more information. Rivers
PROM: Don't forget to buy your Prom tickets! Juniors will be selling tickets in the Commons Area before school, during lunch, and after school. Stevens
ATTENTION RHS...If you are interested in running for student council, please pick up an election intent form at the front office and submit the form to Ms. Richmond in room 102 by Friday. Friday is the final deadline. Richmond
BASKETBALL: there will be a short meeting right after school today in the gym for all students interested in playing boys basketball next year. Barlow
STUDENTS: The CAN room will be open during the after Prom Party to members ONLY. Eckley
SENIORS: Please turn in overdue library materials and pay any fines for lost materials as soon as possible. Stop by the MC to clear your name and make your graduation checkout go smoothly. Morrison
STUDENTS: The color printer in the Media Center is not for general use. Please do not print graduation announcements, copies of photographs, and/or party announcements on it. It is for school use only. Please go to Wal-Mart or The Print Shop for your personal printing needs. Morrison
RIVERTON RAIDER BASEBALL begins at home on Saturday at 1pm against Rock Springs for a conference opener. Your support is appreciated! Slack
RIVERTON ICE-HOCKEY ASSOCIATION wants you! Hockey will start again in October, 2009 and we are looking for players at all age levels. If you are interested please contact us at or visit us on the web at Visit us this fall at your schools open house or this summer during day at the park. Don’t go through life without Goals! Becker
KEY CLUB - We will meet right after school today so that everyone can attend the play and support club members. We will meet in our regular location in the Career Center. Please be there. The meeting will not last long. Seniors you need to stay to plan installation. Hughes/Peart
STUDENTS: Do you enjoy singing and collaborating with other singers? Then you should be in RHS Choir. Students who want to sing in next year's Concert Choir or Jazz Choir need to see Mr. Dalton before Thursday, May 7 to set up an audition time. Dalton
DID YOU WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO DECIDE TO GO TO PROM? Wondering what to wear? Not to worry "the prom closet" has moved to the college and you can get outfitted there. Just contact the activities person (Brittney Yeates) in the student center (where the gym is). Health Committee
AFTER PROM PARTY TICKETS are on sale for $5. You must buy your ticket at school. Don’t miss out on the Comedian Improv Group out of Chicago, the mechanical bull and gambling. Brown Brown
FUN FACT: One American of every 16 will have one of the Top 12 most common last names.
BIRTHDAYS: Jessy Hermann, Jessica McGurn, Makala Turner
BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
STUDENT COUNCIL extended the date of the Recycled Art Show to this Friday. Get your entries in! Richmond
MAY DAY CAKE RAFFLE: Help RHS Culinary Art students raise money and celebrate May Day! Raffle drawing will be held at the high school on Friday. Need not be present to win. Tickets are 50 cents each or 5 for $2.00. See Mrs. Rivers for more information. Rivers
PROM: Don't forget to buy your Prom tickets! Juniors will be selling tickets in the Commons Area before school, during lunch, and after school. Stevens
ATTENTION RHS...If you are interested in running for student council, please pick up an election intent form at the front office and submit the form to Ms. Richmond in room 102 by Friday. Friday is the final deadline. Richmond
BASKETBALL: there will be a short meeting right after school today in the gym for all students interested in playing boys basketball next year. Barlow
STUDENTS: The CAN room will be open during the after Prom Party to members ONLY. Eckley
SENIORS: Please turn in overdue library materials and pay any fines for lost materials as soon as possible. Stop by the MC to clear your name and make your graduation checkout go smoothly. Morrison
STUDENTS: The color printer in the Media Center is not for general use. Please do not print graduation announcements, copies of photographs, and/or party announcements on it. It is for school use only. Please go to Wal-Mart or The Print Shop for your personal printing needs. Morrison
RIVERTON RAIDER BASEBALL begins at home on Saturday at 1pm against Rock Springs for a conference opener. Your support is appreciated! Slack
RIVERTON ICE-HOCKEY ASSOCIATION wants you! Hockey will start again in October, 2009 and we are looking for players at all age levels. If you are interested please contact us at or visit us on the web at Visit us this fall at your schools open house or this summer during day at the park. Don’t go through life without Goals! Becker
KEY CLUB - We will meet right after school today so that everyone can attend the play and support club members. We will meet in our regular location in the Career Center. Please be there. The meeting will not last long. Seniors you need to stay to plan installation. Hughes/Peart
STUDENTS: Do you enjoy singing and collaborating with other singers? Then you should be in RHS Choir. Students who want to sing in next year's Concert Choir or Jazz Choir need to see Mr. Dalton before Thursday, May 7 to set up an audition time. Dalton
DID YOU WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO DECIDE TO GO TO PROM? Wondering what to wear? Not to worry "the prom closet" has moved to the college and you can get outfitted there. Just contact the activities person (Brittney Yeates) in the student center (where the gym is). Health Committee
AFTER PROM PARTY TICKETS are on sale for $5. You must buy your ticket at school. Don’t miss out on the Comedian Improv Group out of Chicago, the mechanical bull and gambling. Brown Brown
FUN FACT: One American of every 16 will have one of the Top 12 most common last names.
BIRTHDAYS: Jessy Hermann, Jessica McGurn, Makala Turner
BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
THE ANNUAL RHS TALENT SHOW is coming up!!! The show will be May 20. Get your talent acts together, fill out a form from the front office and turn it in to Mrs. Richmond. Forms are due by Friday, May 8 and auditions are May 11 and 12 at lunch in the choir room. Show off your amazing skills! Richmond
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet today during lunch in room 4 at the Career Center. Nirider
STUDENTS: if you would like to have BOCHES pay for the June ACT (test date: June 13, 2009), the deadline to submit a paper registration form to the BOCHES office is 5:00 p.m. Friday, May 1. Please contact Jackie Meeker with any questions at 307.855.2039. Thanks. Meeker
STUDENT COUNCIL extended the date of the Recycled Art Show to this Friday. Get your entries in! Richmond
MAY DAY CAKE RAFFLE: Help RHS Culinary Art students raise money and celebrate May Day! Raffle drawing will be held at the high school on Friday. Need not be present to win. Tickets are 50 cents each or 5 for $2.00. See Mrs. Rivers for more information. Rivers
PROM: Don't forget to buy your Prom tickets! Juniors will be selling tickets in the Commons Area before school, during lunch, and after school. Stevens
THERE WILL BE NO student council meeting today due to the club luncheon. Richmond
ATTENTION RHS...If you are interested in running for student council, please pick up an election intent form at the front office and submit the form to Ms. Richmond in room 102 by this Friday. Friday is the final deadline. Richmond
CONGRATULATIONS to Bre Skaggs. She won the People's Choice award for her painting, "My Sister's Shoes". Congratulations to all art symposium participants. The work on display in the Media Center is beautiful and each of you certainly represented RHS well. Great job! Richmond
BASKETBALL: there will be a short meeting right after school on Thursday in the gym for all students interested in playing boys basketball next year. Barlow
STUDENTS: The CAN room will be open during the after Prom Party to members ONLY. Eckley
SENIORS: Please turn in overdue library materials and pay any fines for lost materials as soon as possible. Stop by the MC to clear your name and make your graduation checkout go smoothly. Morrison
STUDENTS: The color printer in the Media Center is not for general use. Please do not print graduation announcements, copies of photographs, and/ or party announcements on it. It is for school use only. Please go to Wal-mart or The Print Shop for your personal printing needs. Morrison
FUN FACT: One 75-watt light bulb gives off more light than three 25-watt light bulbs.
BIRTHDAYS: Micah Carpenter-Lott, Taylor Hobart, Stephanie Hugus
BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
THE ANNUAL RHS TALENT SHOW is coming up!!! The show will be May 20. Get your talent acts together, fill out a form from the front office and turn it in to Mrs. Richmond. Forms are due by Friday, May 8 and auditions are May 11 and 12 at lunch in the choir room. Show off your amazing skills! Richmond
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet today during lunch in room 4 at the Career Center. Nirider
STUDENTS: if you would like to have BOCHES pay for the June ACT (test date: June 13, 2009), the deadline to submit a paper registration form to the BOCHES office is 5:00 p.m. Friday, May 1. Please contact Jackie Meeker with any questions at 307.855.2039. Thanks. Meeker
STUDENT COUNCIL extended the date of the Recycled Art Show to this Friday. Get your entries in! Richmond
MAY DAY CAKE RAFFLE: Help RHS Culinary Art students raise money and celebrate May Day! Raffle drawing will be held at the high school on Friday. Need not be present to win. Tickets are 50 cents each or 5 for $2.00. See Mrs. Rivers for more information. Rivers
PROM: Don't forget to buy your Prom tickets! Juniors will be selling tickets in the Commons Area before school, during lunch, and after school. Stevens
THERE WILL BE NO student council meeting today due to the club luncheon. Richmond
ATTENTION RHS...If you are interested in running for student council, please pick up an election intent form at the front office and submit the form to Ms. Richmond in room 102 by this Friday. Friday is the final deadline. Richmond
CONGRATULATIONS to Bre Skaggs. She won the People's Choice award for her painting, "My Sister's Shoes". Congratulations to all art symposium participants. The work on display in the Media Center is beautiful and each of you certainly represented RHS well. Great job! Richmond
BASKETBALL: there will be a short meeting right after school on Thursday in the gym for all students interested in playing boys basketball next year. Barlow
STUDENTS: The CAN room will be open during the after Prom Party to members ONLY. Eckley
SENIORS: Please turn in overdue library materials and pay any fines for lost materials as soon as possible. Stop by the MC to clear your name and make your graduation checkout go smoothly. Morrison
STUDENTS: The color printer in the Media Center is not for general use. Please do not print graduation announcements, copies of photographs, and/ or party announcements on it. It is for school use only. Please go to Wal-mart or The Print Shop for your personal printing needs. Morrison
FUN FACT: One 75-watt light bulb gives off more light than three 25-watt light bulbs.
BIRTHDAYS: Micah Carpenter-Lott, Taylor Hobart, Stephanie Hugus
BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
THE ANNUAL RHS TALENT SHOW is coming up!!! The show will be May 20. Get your talent acts together, fill out a form from the front office and turn it in to Mrs. Richmond. Forms are due by Friday, May 8 and auditions are May 11 and 12 at lunch in the choir room. Show off your amazing skills! Richmond
CAN students will no longer be allowed to bring their lunch into the CAN Room. Eckley
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet Wednesday during lunch in room 4 at the Career Center. Nirider
SKILLS USA meets today at 7pm in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
STUDENTS: if you would like to have BOCHES pay for the June ACT (test date: June 13, 2009), the deadline to submit a paper registration form to the BOCHES office is 5:00 p.m. Friday, May 1. Please contact Jackie Meeker with any questions at 307.855.2039. Thanks. Meeker
STUDENT COUNCIL extended the date of the Recycled Art Show to this Friday. Get your entries in! Richmond
MAY DAY CAKE RAFFLE: Help RHS Culinary Art students raise money and celebrate May Day! Raffle drawing will be held at the high school on Friday. Need not be present to win. Tickets are 50 cents each or 5 for $2.00. See Mrs. Rivers for more information. Rivers
PROM: Don't forget to buy your Prom tickets! Juniors will be selling tickets in the Commons Area before school, during lunch, and after school. Stevens
FCCLA meeting today right after school. We will pick-up recycle paper and reschedule our highway clean up and bon fire. Be sure and come! Rivers
FUN FACT: Maine is the only state in the US whose name has one syllable.
BIRTHDAYS: John Aschenbrenner
BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
THE ANNUAL RHS TALENT SHOW is coming up!!! The show will be May 20. Get your talent acts together, fill out a form from the front office and turn it in to Mrs. Richmond. Forms are due by Friday, May 8 and auditions are May 11 and 12 at lunch in the choir room. Show off your amazing skills! Richmond
CAN students will no longer be allowed to bring their lunch into the CAN Room. Eckley
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet Wednesday during lunch in room 4 at the Career Center. Nirider
SKILLS USA meets today at 7pm in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
STUDENTS: if you would like to have BOCHES pay for the June ACT (test date: June 13, 2009), the deadline to submit a paper registration form to the BOCHES office is 5:00 p.m. Friday, May 1. Please contact Jackie Meeker with any questions at 307.855.2039. Thanks. Meeker
STUDENT COUNCIL extended the date of the Recycled Art Show to this Friday. Get your entries in! Richmond
MAY DAY CAKE RAFFLE: Help RHS Culinary Art students raise money and celebrate May Day! Raffle drawing will be held at the high school on Friday. Need not be present to win. Tickets are 50 cents each or 5 for $2.00. See Mrs. Rivers for more information. Rivers
PROM: Don't forget to buy your Prom tickets! Juniors will be selling tickets in the Commons Area before school, during lunch, and after school. Stevens
FCCLA meeting today right after school. We will pick-up recycle paper and reschedule our highway clean up and bon fire. Be sure and come! Rivers
FUN FACT: Maine is the only state in the US whose name has one syllable.
BIRTHDAYS: John Aschenbrenner
BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
Monday, April 27, 2009
STUDENTS: today at 1:30pm we will do the Meningococcal Vaccinations in the nurse’s office. Teachers have the list of names. DeClue
THE ANNUAL RHS TALENT SHOW is coming up!!! The show will be May 20 (not the 18th) during homeroom before Spring Fling. Get your talent acts together, fill out a form from the front office and turn it in to Mrs. Richmond. Forms are due by May 8 and auditions are May 11 and 12 at lunch in the choir room. Show off your amazing skills! Richmond
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets today after school in Ms. Miller’s room. S. Miller
CAN students will no longer be allowed to bring their lunch into the CAN Room. Eckley
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet Wednesday during lunch in room 4 at the Career Center. Nirider
SKILLS USA meets Tuesday at 7pm in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
STUDENTS: if you would like to have BOCHES pay for the June ACT (test date: June 13, 2009), the deadline to submit a paper registration form to the BOCHES office is 5:00 p.m. Friday, May 1, 2009. Please contact Jackie Meeker with any questions at 307.855.2039. Thanks. Meeker
STUDENT COUNCIL extended the date of the Recycled Art Show to this Friday. Get your entries in! Richmond
SSC: the following students need to report to SSC at this time: Rachael Harford, Issac Herrmann, Courtney Riddle, Nicole Hostetter, and Byron C'Hair. Starbuck
MAY DAY CAKE RAFFLE: Help RHS Culinary Art students raise money and celebrate May Day! Raffle drawing will be held at the high school on May 1. Need not be present to win. Tickets are 50 cents each or 5 for $2.00. See Mrs. Rivers for more information. Rivers
FUN FACT: Madonna suffers from garophobia (the fear of thunder).
BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
STUDENTS: today at 1:30pm we will do the Meningococcal Vaccinations in the nurse’s office. Teachers have the list of names. DeClue
THE ANNUAL RHS TALENT SHOW is coming up!!! The show will be May 20 (not the 18th) during homeroom before Spring Fling. Get your talent acts together, fill out a form from the front office and turn it in to Mrs. Richmond. Forms are due by May 8 and auditions are May 11 and 12 at lunch in the choir room. Show off your amazing skills! Richmond
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets today after school in Ms. Miller’s room. S. Miller
CAN students will no longer be allowed to bring their lunch into the CAN Room. Eckley
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet Wednesday during lunch in room 4 at the Career Center. Nirider
SKILLS USA meets Tuesday at 7pm in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
STUDENTS: if you would like to have BOCHES pay for the June ACT (test date: June 13, 2009), the deadline to submit a paper registration form to the BOCHES office is 5:00 p.m. Friday, May 1, 2009. Please contact Jackie Meeker with any questions at 307.855.2039. Thanks. Meeker
STUDENT COUNCIL extended the date of the Recycled Art Show to this Friday. Get your entries in! Richmond
SSC: the following students need to report to SSC at this time: Rachael Harford, Issac Herrmann, Courtney Riddle, Nicole Hostetter, and Byron C'Hair. Starbuck
MAY DAY CAKE RAFFLE: Help RHS Culinary Art students raise money and celebrate May Day! Raffle drawing will be held at the high school on May 1. Need not be present to win. Tickets are 50 cents each or 5 for $2.00. See Mrs. Rivers for more information. Rivers
FUN FACT: Madonna suffers from garophobia (the fear of thunder).
BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
Thursday, April 23, 2009
SATURDAY the Riverton Kiwanis is sponsoring a Books and Breakfast event. As a part of the event each child will receive a free book. The Key Club is doing a "Gently Used" book drive for children's books. If you have some that you no longer use, want, or need, the Key Club would love to have them to give out to children on Saturday. Please bring them to Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center, or Mrs. Peart in the Learning Lab. Thank you. Hughes/Peart
STUDENTS: Monday, April 27 at 1:30pm we will do the Meningococcal Vaccinations in the nurse’s office for those of you that signed up for the shot. A list of names will be given to the teachers. DeClue
PROM DRESS for sale, Hot Pink, asking $75. Can be seen at the Career Center in the CAN Room during lunch or after school. For more information call Mrs. Eckley at 840-0977. Eckley
ANY MUSICIANS who still have a musical or vocal score for Seussical need to turn it in to Mrs. Thornton, Mr. Hageman, or Mr. Dalton as soon as possible. Thornton
THE ANNUAL RHS TALENT SHOW is coming up!!! The show will be May 18 during homeroom before Spring Fling. Get your talent acts together, fill out a form from the front office and turn it in to Mrs. Richmond. Forms are due by May 8 and auditions are May 11 and 12 at lunch in the choir room. Show off your amazing skills!
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets Monday after school in Ms. Miller’s room. S. Miller
CAN students will no longer be allowed to bring their lunch into the CAN Room. Eckley
FUN FACT: MacDonald’s fries are made with beef flavoring.
BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
SATURDAY the Riverton Kiwanis is sponsoring a Books and Breakfast event. As a part of the event each child will receive a free book. The Key Club is doing a "Gently Used" book drive for children's books. If you have some that you no longer use, want, or need, the Key Club would love to have them to give out to children on Saturday. Please bring them to Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center, or Mrs. Peart in the Learning Lab. Thank you. Hughes/Peart
STUDENTS: Monday, April 27 at 1:30pm we will do the Meningococcal Vaccinations in the nurse’s office for those of you that signed up for the shot. A list of names will be given to the teachers. DeClue
PROM DRESS for sale, Hot Pink, asking $75. Can be seen at the Career Center in the CAN Room during lunch or after school. For more information call Mrs. Eckley at 840-0977. Eckley
ANY MUSICIANS who still have a musical or vocal score for Seussical need to turn it in to Mrs. Thornton, Mr. Hageman, or Mr. Dalton as soon as possible. Thornton
THE ANNUAL RHS TALENT SHOW is coming up!!! The show will be May 18 during homeroom before Spring Fling. Get your talent acts together, fill out a form from the front office and turn it in to Mrs. Richmond. Forms are due by May 8 and auditions are May 11 and 12 at lunch in the choir room. Show off your amazing skills!
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets Monday after school in Ms. Miller’s room. S. Miller
CAN students will no longer be allowed to bring their lunch into the CAN Room. Eckley
FUN FACT: MacDonald’s fries are made with beef flavoring.
BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
Thursday, April 2, 2009
ACHIEVEMENTS OR A'S OF APRIL: after spring break, watch for signs for the Alumni game, the art show, and other fun activities. Let's celebrate RHS! Richmond
WORK EXPERIENCE: Don't forget the mandatory class meeting the Wednesday after Spring Break, April 15, at 7:45 in Mrs. Santee's room. Hours and assignments are due at that time as well. Santee
CAN MEMBERS: The CAN room will be open during Spring Break. Check for times. Eckley
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB will meet Monday, 4/13 after school in Ms. Miller’s room. Miller
ALL FCCLA MEMBERS meet in room 259 Tuesday, April 14th right after school to plan our end of the school year activities. Let's have some fun! Rivers
TIDBIT: Folate is a nutrient very important for growth and kids often do not get enough of it. You could eat fortified breakfast cereal in the morning, breads, or green leafy vegetables throughout the day to make sure you get enough of this important nutrient.
BIRTHDAYS: Hailee Kendall
BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
ACHIEVEMENTS OR A'S OF APRIL: after spring break, watch for signs for the Alumni game, the art show, and other fun activities. Let's celebrate RHS! Richmond
WORK EXPERIENCE: Don't forget the mandatory class meeting the Wednesday after Spring Break, April 15, at 7:45 in Mrs. Santee's room. Hours and assignments are due at that time as well. Santee
CAN MEMBERS: The CAN room will be open during Spring Break. Check for times. Eckley
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB will meet Monday, 4/13 after school in Ms. Miller’s room. Miller
ALL FCCLA MEMBERS meet in room 259 Tuesday, April 14th right after school to plan our end of the school year activities. Let's have some fun! Rivers
TIDBIT: Folate is a nutrient very important for growth and kids often do not get enough of it. You could eat fortified breakfast cereal in the morning, breads, or green leafy vegetables throughout the day to make sure you get enough of this important nutrient.
BIRTHDAYS: Hailee Kendall
BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
WRESTLING BANQUET is today at the Career Center from 6:30-8:00pm. Parry
ACHIEVEMENTS OR A'S OF APRIL: after spring break, watch for signs for the Alumni game, the art show, and other fun activities. Let's celebrate RHS! Richmond
R CLUB meeting today in room 4A at the Career Center during lunch. Pizza will be served. Bauder
FYI: Gillette High School rodeo is postponed until June. Office
WORK EXPERIENCE: Don't forget the mandatory class meeting the Wednesday after Spring Break, April 15, at 7:45 in Mrs. Santee's room. Hours and assignments are due at that time as well. Santee
CAN MEMBERS: The CAN room will be open during Spring Break; the hours will be in Friday's announcements. Thanks. Eckley
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB will meet Monday, 4/13 after school in Ms. Miller’s room. Miller
ALL FCCLA MEMBERS meet in room 259 Tuesday, April 14th right after school to plan our end of the school year activities. Let's have some fun! Rivers
TIDBIT: Vitamin C helps your teeth, gums and bones. It also helps to heal your cuts and bruises. You can find lots of Vitamin C in oranges, tomatoes, broccoli, and melons.
BIRTHDAYS: Jonah Prescott
BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
WRESTLING BANQUET is today at the Career Center from 6:30-8:00pm. Parry
ACHIEVEMENTS OR A'S OF APRIL: after spring break, watch for signs for the Alumni game, the art show, and other fun activities. Let's celebrate RHS! Richmond
R CLUB meeting today in room 4A at the Career Center during lunch. Pizza will be served. Bauder
FYI: Gillette High School rodeo is postponed until June. Office
WORK EXPERIENCE: Don't forget the mandatory class meeting the Wednesday after Spring Break, April 15, at 7:45 in Mrs. Santee's room. Hours and assignments are due at that time as well. Santee
CAN MEMBERS: The CAN room will be open during Spring Break; the hours will be in Friday's announcements. Thanks. Eckley
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB will meet Monday, 4/13 after school in Ms. Miller’s room. Miller
ALL FCCLA MEMBERS meet in room 259 Tuesday, April 14th right after school to plan our end of the school year activities. Let's have some fun! Rivers
TIDBIT: Vitamin C helps your teeth, gums and bones. It also helps to heal your cuts and bruises. You can find lots of Vitamin C in oranges, tomatoes, broccoli, and melons.
BIRTHDAYS: Jonah Prescott
BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
WRESTLING BANQUET is Thursday at the Career Center from 6:30-8:00pm. Parry
SKILLS USA students meet today at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet today at lunch in room 4 at the Career Center. Nirider
ACHIEVEMENTS OR A'S OF APRIL: after spring break, watch for signs for the Alumni game, the art show, and other fun activities. Let's celebrate RHS! Richmond
R CLUB meeting Thursday in room 4A at the Career Center during lunch. Pizza will be served. Bauder
FYI: Gillette High School rodeo is postponed until June. Office
WORK EXPERIENCE: Don't forget the mandatory class meeting the Wednesday after Spring Break, April 15, at 7:45 in Mrs. Santee's room. Hours and assignments are due at that time as well. Santee
DON'T FORGET to bring any loose change or donations that you would like to make to the Key Club for Children of Peace International. This money will go toward the club's goal of $9,000 in '09 to help build another school in Vietnam. Key Club members will be at the doors after lunch collecting money. Thank you in advance for your generosity! Peart
CAN MEMBERS: The CAN room will be open during Spring Break, the hours will be in Friday's announcements. Thanks. Eckley
STATE FFA Convention Meeting today at lunch in the Ag Room. Bring your lunch. Styvar
TIDBIT: Vitamin E helps keep your blood and skin healthy. Foods that have a lot of Vitamin E in them are nuts, beans, and lots of green vegetables.
BIRTHDAYS: Taylories Groves, Christa Richardson, Anthony Stewart
BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
WRESTLING BANQUET is Thursday at the Career Center from 6:30-8:00pm. Parry
SKILLS USA students meet today at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet today at lunch in room 4 at the Career Center. Nirider
ACHIEVEMENTS OR A'S OF APRIL: after spring break, watch for signs for the Alumni game, the art show, and other fun activities. Let's celebrate RHS! Richmond
R CLUB meeting Thursday in room 4A at the Career Center during lunch. Pizza will be served. Bauder
FYI: Gillette High School rodeo is postponed until June. Office
WORK EXPERIENCE: Don't forget the mandatory class meeting the Wednesday after Spring Break, April 15, at 7:45 in Mrs. Santee's room. Hours and assignments are due at that time as well. Santee
DON'T FORGET to bring any loose change or donations that you would like to make to the Key Club for Children of Peace International. This money will go toward the club's goal of $9,000 in '09 to help build another school in Vietnam. Key Club members will be at the doors after lunch collecting money. Thank you in advance for your generosity! Peart
CAN MEMBERS: The CAN room will be open during Spring Break, the hours will be in Friday's announcements. Thanks. Eckley
STATE FFA Convention Meeting today at lunch in the Ag Room. Bring your lunch. Styvar
TIDBIT: Vitamin E helps keep your blood and skin healthy. Foods that have a lot of Vitamin E in them are nuts, beans, and lots of green vegetables.
BIRTHDAYS: Taylories Groves, Christa Richardson, Anthony Stewart
BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
BOYS BASKETBALL dinner tonight at 6pm in the Career Center. There will be pizza. Barlow/Bell
WRESTLING BANQUET is Thursday at the Career Center from 6:30-8:00pm. Parry
SKILLS USA students meet today at 7pm in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet Wednesday at lunch in room 4 at the Career Center. Nirider
ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MILITARY SERVICE? Come have dinner with the Wyoming Army National Guard at the Lander Armory (31 Leedy Lane, Lander) today at 6pm. Larsen
READ LIKE A ROCK STAR PARTICIPANTS: The reading contest will end today. Be sure to turn in all of your reading titles. Morrison
ACHIEVEMENTS OR A'S OF APRIL: after spring break, watch for signs for the Alumni game, the art show, and other fun activities. Let's celebrate RHS! Richmond
R CLUB meeting Thursday in room 4A at the Career Center during lunch. Pizza will be served. Bauder
FYI: Gillette High School rodeo is postponed until June. Office
TIDBIT: Spinach is good for your spirits. It contains a lot of a vitamin called folic acid. If you do not have enough folic acid in your body you may feel sad and depressed.
BIRTHDAYS: Garth McPherson
BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Chicken Gravy & Biscuit, Hamburger or Cheeseburger, BLT Sandwich, Corn, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
BOYS BASKETBALL dinner tonight at 6pm in the Career Center. There will be pizza. Barlow/Bell
WRESTLING BANQUET is Thursday at the Career Center from 6:30-8:00pm. Parry
SKILLS USA students meet today at 7pm in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet Wednesday at lunch in room 4 at the Career Center. Nirider
ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MILITARY SERVICE? Come have dinner with the Wyoming Army National Guard at the Lander Armory (31 Leedy Lane, Lander) today at 6pm. Larsen
READ LIKE A ROCK STAR PARTICIPANTS: The reading contest will end today. Be sure to turn in all of your reading titles. Morrison
ACHIEVEMENTS OR A'S OF APRIL: after spring break, watch for signs for the Alumni game, the art show, and other fun activities. Let's celebrate RHS! Richmond
R CLUB meeting Thursday in room 4A at the Career Center during lunch. Pizza will be served. Bauder
FYI: Gillette High School rodeo is postponed until June. Office
TIDBIT: Spinach is good for your spirits. It contains a lot of a vitamin called folic acid. If you do not have enough folic acid in your body you may feel sad and depressed.
BIRTHDAYS: Garth McPherson
BREAKFAST: OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Chicken Gravy & Biscuit, Hamburger or Cheeseburger, BLT Sandwich, Corn, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
BOYS BASKETBALL dinner Tuesday at 6pm in the Career Center. Barlow/Bell
CAREER INTERNSHIP: Mandatory class meeting Tuesday @ 7:45 am in Mrs. Santee's room. Time logs and assignments due at this time. Santee
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets today after school in Ms. Miller’s room. Miller
GIRLS BASKETBALL banquet today, 6:30pm at the Career Center. Girl’s basketball players please get equipment turned in ASAP. Miller
WRESTLING BANQUET is Thursday at the Career Center from 6:30-8:00pm. Parry
SKILLS USA students meet Tuesday at 7pm in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet Wednesday at lunch in room 4 at the Career Center. Nirider
ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MILITARY SERVICE? Come have dinner with the Wyoming Army National Guard and see some of the most modern equipment in the militaries arsenal, explore you military options and take a free Hummvee ride. Come to the Lander Armory (31 Leedy Lane, Lander) on Tuesday at 6pm. Larsen
READ LIKE A ROCK STAR PARTICIPANTS: The reading contest will end Tuesday. Be sure to turn in all of your reading titles by Tuesday. Morrison
ACHIEVEMENTS OR A'S OF APRIL: after spring break, watch for signs for the Alumni game, the art show, and other fun activities. Let's celebrate RHS! Richmond
SENIORS: two new scholarships are available; Robert Byrd Scholarship, $1,500, minimum GPA of 3.8, financial need is not a consideration. Deadline is April 17. Adeline Neilson Scholarship, amount varies from $1,500 to $3,000. Email Jennifer Flanagan at for an application. Deadline is April 24.
TIDBIT: Fish is actually good for your brain because of the mineral zinc it contains. If you are low in zinc it can affect your memory and thinking.
BREAKFAST: Sausage Gravy over Biscuit, OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Super Mexican Potato Tots, Hot Ham & Cheese Melt, Cajan Chicken Sandwich, Green Beans, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
BOYS BASKETBALL dinner Tuesday at 6pm in the Career Center. Barlow/Bell
CAREER INTERNSHIP: Mandatory class meeting Tuesday @ 7:45 am in Mrs. Santee's room. Time logs and assignments due at this time. Santee
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets today after school in Ms. Miller’s room. Miller
GIRLS BASKETBALL banquet today, 6:30pm at the Career Center. Girl’s basketball players please get equipment turned in ASAP. Miller
WRESTLING BANQUET is Thursday at the Career Center from 6:30-8:00pm. Parry
SKILLS USA students meet Tuesday at 7pm in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet Wednesday at lunch in room 4 at the Career Center. Nirider
ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MILITARY SERVICE? Come have dinner with the Wyoming Army National Guard and see some of the most modern equipment in the militaries arsenal, explore you military options and take a free Hummvee ride. Come to the Lander Armory (31 Leedy Lane, Lander) on Tuesday at 6pm. Larsen
READ LIKE A ROCK STAR PARTICIPANTS: The reading contest will end Tuesday. Be sure to turn in all of your reading titles by Tuesday. Morrison
ACHIEVEMENTS OR A'S OF APRIL: after spring break, watch for signs for the Alumni game, the art show, and other fun activities. Let's celebrate RHS! Richmond
SENIORS: two new scholarships are available; Robert Byrd Scholarship, $1,500, minimum GPA of 3.8, financial need is not a consideration. Deadline is April 17. Adeline Neilson Scholarship, amount varies from $1,500 to $3,000. Email Jennifer Flanagan at for an application. Deadline is April 24.
TIDBIT: Fish is actually good for your brain because of the mineral zinc it contains. If you are low in zinc it can affect your memory and thinking.
BREAKFAST: Sausage Gravy over Biscuit, OTIS Muffins, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Super Mexican Potato Tots, Hot Ham & Cheese Melt, Cajan Chicken Sandwich, Green Beans, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk
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