Today – GBB/BBB @ Green River, JV/V
Today – Wrestling @ Worland, JV/V
Today – Boys Swim vs Laramie/Evanston, JV/V, 5pm
Saturday – GBB/BBB @ Green River, JV/V
Saturday – Wrestling @ Worland, JV/V
Saturday – Boys Swim, Riverton Invite, JV/V, 10am
HEY CAN MEMBERS: During break the CAN Room will be open the 21st, 22nd, 28th, 29th from 1pm to 5pm. On New Years Eve we will be open until midnight. If you’re not a CAN member yet, this is a good time to come in and see what CAN is all about. Happy Holidays. Eckley
SKILLS-USA: Turn in money and unsold fudge tickets today. Gopp
INDOOR TRACK starts Monday, January 4th. Please see Coach Gopp to sign up and get a schedule. This is a great way to get in shape for all spring sports. Gopp
ALL STUDENTS signed up for Driver’s Ed 2nd semester must have their permit. Get it done ASAP! Brown
CAREER INTERNSHIP/WORK EXPERIENCE: Students enrolled 2nd semester, see Mrs. Santee today. Santee
CAREER PORTFOLIOS are due today! Drop it off to Mrs. Santee by the end of the school day! Santee
CHRISTMAS SPIRIT WEEK! Pep assembly today! Merry Christmas from student council. Richmond
RODEO MEETING Tuesday, January 5 at 6:30pm in the Career Center commons. Sign-up sheet is in the guidance office. If you have any questions please contact Shandra Nettles at 856-5513. Nettles
BIRTHDAY: Anthony Apodaca, Jamie Fegler, Tyler Monroe
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Today – GBB/BBB @ Green River, JV/V
Today – GBB/BBB @ Wind River, 10th, 5:30/7pm
Friday – GBB/BBB @ Green River, JV/V
Friday – Wrestling @ Worland, JV/V
Friday – Boys Swim vs Laramie/Evanston, JV/V, 5pm
FINALS SCHEDULE for end of semester. Today – Fine Arts/Language Arts. Office
HEY CAN MEMBERS: We will have a Christmas party today right after school in the CAN Room. We will have food, treats, movies, and much more. During break the CAN Room will be open the 21st, 22nd, 28th, 29th from 1pm to 5pm. On New Years Eve we will be open until midnight. If you’re not a CAN member yet, this is a good time to come in and see what CAN is all about. Happy Holidays. Eckley
LOOKING FOR A GREAT NIGHT OF ENTERTAINMENT? Come to An Amazing Night of One Act Plays presented by your Riverton High School Drama team, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the CWC theatre. Admission is free for this hilarious night of comedies. Thornton
HEY IT IS CHRISTMAS SPIRIT WEEK! Friday is school colors day. Richmond
SKILLS-USA: No meeting today. Turn in money and unsold fudge tickets by Friday. Gopp
INDOOR TRACK starts Monday, January 4th. Please see Coach Gopp to sign up and get a schedule. This is a great way to get in shape for all spring sports. Gopp
THE SKI TRIP to White Pine is a go. They have recently received a substantial amount of new snow and the slopes will open on Friday. The forecast is for a high of 30 degrees on Saturday. We will leave from the Career Center at 5:30 AM. Please have your paperwork to Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center by Friday AM. You must have your insurance information or release and your parent form in order to get on the bus. Bring cash with you as the amount we have to pay will depend on how many go. If you have questions call Mrs. Hughes at 851-4782. Hughes
KEY CLUB - You are needed in the Career Center to wrap packages whenever you have some down time. We are wrapping in room 4A. Also, if you signed up to bring gifts for a family, they need to be to Hughes' office ASAP. Today we are serving at Homestead starting at 5 PM. Our party will follow at Hughes' house. See her for directions. Don't forget your goodies and wrapped white elephant. Friday, we need everyone after school to help de-decorate and deliver poinsettias to senior housing. Hughes/Peart
ALL STUDENTS signed up for Driver’s Ed 2nd semester must have their permit. Get it done ASAP! Brown
CAREER INTERNSHIP/WORK EXPERIENCE: Students enrolled 2nd semester, see Mrs. Santee this week. Santee
WINNERS from the “Home for the Holidays” contest are: 1st place – Chocolate Log Cabin by Celeste Barlow, Kelly Phister, Angelo Flores and Eric Cornia. 2nd place – Star Burst Roof & Mirror Cone by Ann Meyer, Kay Lepine, Anna Kierstead and Cole Meyers. 1st place Staff – Willlow Pergola by Mrs. Maulik. People’s Choice – Penguins by Shelby Decoteau, Kaylee Clark, Ashley Keele and Ed Flahaut. Congratulations! Morrison/Maulik
DON’T FORGET to check out Ignition today during lunch in the choir room. Office
BIRTHDAY: Maria Greff
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Today – GBB/BBB @ Green River, JV/V
Today – GBB/BBB @ Wind River, 10th, 5:30/7pm
Friday – GBB/BBB @ Green River, JV/V
Friday – Wrestling @ Worland, JV/V
Friday – Boys Swim vs Laramie/Evanston, JV/V, 5pm
FINALS SCHEDULE for end of semester. Today – Fine Arts/Language Arts. Office
HEY CAN MEMBERS: We will have a Christmas party today right after school in the CAN Room. We will have food, treats, movies, and much more. During break the CAN Room will be open the 21st, 22nd, 28th, 29th from 1pm to 5pm. On New Years Eve we will be open until midnight. If you’re not a CAN member yet, this is a good time to come in and see what CAN is all about. Happy Holidays. Eckley
LOOKING FOR A GREAT NIGHT OF ENTERTAINMENT? Come to An Amazing Night of One Act Plays presented by your Riverton High School Drama team, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the CWC theatre. Admission is free for this hilarious night of comedies. Thornton
HEY IT IS CHRISTMAS SPIRIT WEEK! Friday is school colors day. Richmond
SKILLS-USA: No meeting today. Turn in money and unsold fudge tickets by Friday. Gopp
INDOOR TRACK starts Monday, January 4th. Please see Coach Gopp to sign up and get a schedule. This is a great way to get in shape for all spring sports. Gopp
THE SKI TRIP to White Pine is a go. They have recently received a substantial amount of new snow and the slopes will open on Friday. The forecast is for a high of 30 degrees on Saturday. We will leave from the Career Center at 5:30 AM. Please have your paperwork to Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center by Friday AM. You must have your insurance information or release and your parent form in order to get on the bus. Bring cash with you as the amount we have to pay will depend on how many go. If you have questions call Mrs. Hughes at 851-4782. Hughes
KEY CLUB - You are needed in the Career Center to wrap packages whenever you have some down time. We are wrapping in room 4A. Also, if you signed up to bring gifts for a family, they need to be to Hughes' office ASAP. Today we are serving at Homestead starting at 5 PM. Our party will follow at Hughes' house. See her for directions. Don't forget your goodies and wrapped white elephant. Friday, we need everyone after school to help de-decorate and deliver poinsettias to senior housing. Hughes/Peart
ALL STUDENTS signed up for Driver’s Ed 2nd semester must have their permit. Get it done ASAP! Brown
CAREER INTERNSHIP/WORK EXPERIENCE: Students enrolled 2nd semester, see Mrs. Santee this week. Santee
WINNERS from the “Home for the Holidays” contest are: 1st place – Chocolate Log Cabin by Celeste Barlow, Kelly Phister, Angelo Flores and Eric Cornia. 2nd place – Star Burst Roof & Mirror Cone by Ann Meyer, Kay Lepine, Anna Kierstead and Cole Meyers. 1st place Staff – Willlow Pergola by Mrs. Maulik. People’s Choice – Penguins by Shelby Decoteau, Kaylee Clark, Ashley Keele and Ed Flahaut. Congratulations! Morrison/Maulik
DON’T FORGET to check out Ignition today during lunch in the choir room. Office
BIRTHDAY: Maria Greff
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Thursday – GBB/BBB @ Green River, JV/V
Thursday – GBB/BBB @ Wind River, 10th, 5:30/7pm
FINALS SCHEDULE for end of semester. Today – PE/Social Studies/Math. Thursday – Fine Arts/Language Arts.
FROSH GIRLS/BOYS BASKETBALL at Star Valley scheduled for Friday and Saturday has been canceled. Activities
HEY CAN MEMBERS: Christmas Vacation is right around the corner. The CAN Room will be open over the break, a schedule will be coming. We will have a Christmas party on Thursday right after school in the CAN Room. We will have food, treats, movies, and much more. If you’re not a CAN member yet, this is a good time to come in and see what CAN is all about. Happy Holidays. Eckley
LOOKING FOR A GREAT NIGHT OF ENTERTAINMENT? Come to An Amazing Night of One Act Plays presented by your Riverton High School Drama team, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the CWC theatre. Admission is free for this hilarious night of comedies. Thornton
HEY IT IS CHRISTMAS SPIRIT WEEK! Thursday dress up is FUZZY HAT and SLIPPERS day... Wear your coolest winter hat with that cozy pair of slippers. Richmond
WORK EXPERIENCE: Turn your final hours in to Mrs. Santee today. Check with Mrs. Santee if you are unsure of your semester hour’s average. Santee
SKILLS-USA: No meeting on Thursday. Turn in money and unsold fudge tickets by Friday. Gopp
INDOOR TRACK starts Monday, January 4th. Please see Coach Gopp to sign up and get a schedule. This is a great way to get in shape for all spring sports. Gopp
THE SKI TRIP to White Pine is a go. They have recently received a substantial amount of new snow and the slopes will open on Friday. The forecast is for a high of 30 degrees on Saturday. We will leave from the Career Center at 5:30 AM. Please have your paperwork to Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center by Friday AM. You must have your insurance information or release and your parent form in order to get on the bus. Bring cash with you as the amount we have to pay will depend on how many go. If you have questions call Mrs. Hughes at 851-4782. Hughes
KEY CLUB - You are needed in the Career Center to wrap packages whenever you have some down time. We are wrapping in room 4A. Also, if you signed up to bring gifts for a family, they need to be to Hughes' office ASAP. Thursday we are serving at Homestead starting at 5 PM. Our party will follow at Hughes' house. See her for directions. Don't forget your goodies and wrapped white elephant. Friday, we need everyone after school to help de-decorate and deliver poinsettias to senior housing. Hughes/Peart
ALL STUDENTS signed up for Driver’s Ed 2nd semester must have their permit. Get it done ASAP! Brown
CAREER INTERNSHIP AND WORK EXPERIENCE: Students enrolled 2nd semester, please see Mrs. Santee this week.
BIRTHDAY: Matthew Johnson, Serenity Lamb, Hailee Lynch
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Thursday – GBB/BBB @ Green River, JV/V
Thursday – GBB/BBB @ Wind River, 10th, 5:30/7pm
FINALS SCHEDULE for end of semester. Today – PE/Social Studies/Math. Thursday – Fine Arts/Language Arts.
FROSH GIRLS/BOYS BASKETBALL at Star Valley scheduled for Friday and Saturday has been canceled. Activities
HEY CAN MEMBERS: Christmas Vacation is right around the corner. The CAN Room will be open over the break, a schedule will be coming. We will have a Christmas party on Thursday right after school in the CAN Room. We will have food, treats, movies, and much more. If you’re not a CAN member yet, this is a good time to come in and see what CAN is all about. Happy Holidays. Eckley
LOOKING FOR A GREAT NIGHT OF ENTERTAINMENT? Come to An Amazing Night of One Act Plays presented by your Riverton High School Drama team, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the CWC theatre. Admission is free for this hilarious night of comedies. Thornton
HEY IT IS CHRISTMAS SPIRIT WEEK! Thursday dress up is FUZZY HAT and SLIPPERS day... Wear your coolest winter hat with that cozy pair of slippers. Richmond
WORK EXPERIENCE: Turn your final hours in to Mrs. Santee today. Check with Mrs. Santee if you are unsure of your semester hour’s average. Santee
SKILLS-USA: No meeting on Thursday. Turn in money and unsold fudge tickets by Friday. Gopp
INDOOR TRACK starts Monday, January 4th. Please see Coach Gopp to sign up and get a schedule. This is a great way to get in shape for all spring sports. Gopp
THE SKI TRIP to White Pine is a go. They have recently received a substantial amount of new snow and the slopes will open on Friday. The forecast is for a high of 30 degrees on Saturday. We will leave from the Career Center at 5:30 AM. Please have your paperwork to Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center by Friday AM. You must have your insurance information or release and your parent form in order to get on the bus. Bring cash with you as the amount we have to pay will depend on how many go. If you have questions call Mrs. Hughes at 851-4782. Hughes
KEY CLUB - You are needed in the Career Center to wrap packages whenever you have some down time. We are wrapping in room 4A. Also, if you signed up to bring gifts for a family, they need to be to Hughes' office ASAP. Thursday we are serving at Homestead starting at 5 PM. Our party will follow at Hughes' house. See her for directions. Don't forget your goodies and wrapped white elephant. Friday, we need everyone after school to help de-decorate and deliver poinsettias to senior housing. Hughes/Peart
ALL STUDENTS signed up for Driver’s Ed 2nd semester must have their permit. Get it done ASAP! Brown
CAREER INTERNSHIP AND WORK EXPERIENCE: Students enrolled 2nd semester, please see Mrs. Santee this week.
BIRTHDAY: Matthew Johnson, Serenity Lamb, Hailee Lynch
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Monday, December 14, 2009
Today – GBB/BBB @ Worland, 9th, 5/6:30pm
Thursday – GBB/BBB @ Green River, JV/V
Thursday – GBB/BBB @ Wind River, 10th, 5:30/7pm
FINALS SCHEDULE for end of semester. today – Career Tech/Science/Foreign Language. Wednesday – PE/Social Studies/Math. Thursday – Fine Arts/Language Arts. Office
9TH GIRLS/BOYS BASKETBALL vs Star Valley tournament scheduled for Friday and Saturday has been canceled.
HELP: Anyone interested in working the Boys Swim Pre Invite, Fri. Dec 18 from approx 5:30-7:00 and/or Boys Invite, Sat. Dec 19th from 10:45-3:00 please see Mrs. Bell. The pay is $8.00 per hour. Bell
LADIES: we will be holding a cheer clinic for anyone interested in cheering the winter season. Clinic will be held today in the commons from 4:30 to 5:30. Tryouts will be held on Wednesday. If you are interested please see Ms. Walker to pick up tryout packet. Walker
NEW SCHOLARSHIP opportunities to seniors. The ESA Foundation has several different scholarships available and you can apply for up to three. Your GPA must be at least a 3.0 or have an ACT score of 22. Deadline is Feb. 1st. Applications are available online at or check out the guidance counter. Guidance
HEY CAN MEMBERS: Christmas Vacation is right around the corner. The CAN Room will be open over the break, a schedule will be coming. We will have a Christmas party, on Thursday right after school in the CAN Room. We will have food, treats, movies, and much more. If you’re not a CAN member yet, this is a good time to come in and see what CAN is all about. Happy Holidays. Eckley
LOOKING FOR A GREAT NIGHT OF ENTERTAINMENT? Come to An Amazing Night of One Act Plays presented by your Riverton High School Drama team, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the CWC theatre. Admission is free for this hilarious night of comedies. Thornton
HEY IT IS CHRISTMAS SPIRIT WEEK! Christmas door judging is today!! Wednesday dress up day is Christmas Colors day. Richmond
WORK EXPERIENCE: Turn your final hours in to Mrs. Santee by Wednesday. Check with Mrs. Santee if you are unsure of your semester hour’s average. Santee
SKILLS-USA open lab 7-8pm, short because of finals. No meeting on Thursday. Turn in money and unsold fudge tickets by Friday. Gopp
INDOOR TRACK starts Monday, January 4th. Please see Coach Gopp to sign up and get a schedule. This is a great way to get in shape for all spring sports. Gopp
THE CAN ROOM will be closed today during lunch. Eckley
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Today – GBB/BBB @ Worland, 9th, 5/6:30pm
Thursday – GBB/BBB @ Green River, JV/V
Thursday – GBB/BBB @ Wind River, 10th, 5:30/7pm
FINALS SCHEDULE for end of semester. today – Career Tech/Science/Foreign Language. Wednesday – PE/Social Studies/Math. Thursday – Fine Arts/Language Arts. Office
9TH GIRLS/BOYS BASKETBALL vs Star Valley tournament scheduled for Friday and Saturday has been canceled.
HELP: Anyone interested in working the Boys Swim Pre Invite, Fri. Dec 18 from approx 5:30-7:00 and/or Boys Invite, Sat. Dec 19th from 10:45-3:00 please see Mrs. Bell. The pay is $8.00 per hour. Bell
LADIES: we will be holding a cheer clinic for anyone interested in cheering the winter season. Clinic will be held today in the commons from 4:30 to 5:30. Tryouts will be held on Wednesday. If you are interested please see Ms. Walker to pick up tryout packet. Walker
NEW SCHOLARSHIP opportunities to seniors. The ESA Foundation has several different scholarships available and you can apply for up to three. Your GPA must be at least a 3.0 or have an ACT score of 22. Deadline is Feb. 1st. Applications are available online at or check out the guidance counter. Guidance
HEY CAN MEMBERS: Christmas Vacation is right around the corner. The CAN Room will be open over the break, a schedule will be coming. We will have a Christmas party, on Thursday right after school in the CAN Room. We will have food, treats, movies, and much more. If you’re not a CAN member yet, this is a good time to come in and see what CAN is all about. Happy Holidays. Eckley
LOOKING FOR A GREAT NIGHT OF ENTERTAINMENT? Come to An Amazing Night of One Act Plays presented by your Riverton High School Drama team, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the CWC theatre. Admission is free for this hilarious night of comedies. Thornton
HEY IT IS CHRISTMAS SPIRIT WEEK! Christmas door judging is today!! Wednesday dress up day is Christmas Colors day. Richmond
WORK EXPERIENCE: Turn your final hours in to Mrs. Santee by Wednesday. Check with Mrs. Santee if you are unsure of your semester hour’s average. Santee
SKILLS-USA open lab 7-8pm, short because of finals. No meeting on Thursday. Turn in money and unsold fudge tickets by Friday. Gopp
INDOOR TRACK starts Monday, January 4th. Please see Coach Gopp to sign up and get a schedule. This is a great way to get in shape for all spring sports. Gopp
THE CAN ROOM will be closed today during lunch. Eckley
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Friday, December 11, 2009
Monday – GBB/BBB vs Dubois, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Monday – GBB/BBB @ Shoshoni, 10th, 4:30/6pm
Monday – Band Concert @ CWC, 7:30pm
Tuesday – GBB/BBB @ Worland, 9th, 5/6:30pm
SKI TRIP to White Pine on Dec. 19. Be sure to pick information up at the front desk and pray for snow. If we aren't able to go the 19th, we will reschedule for January. We need a rough count by today, so if you think you are going to go, please sign up. If you have questions, see Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center or call 851-4782.
Health Committee
HELP: Anyone interested in working the Boys Swim Pre Invite, Fri. Dec 18 from approx 5:30-7:00 and/or Boys Invite, Sat. Dec 19th from 10:45-3:00 please see Mrs. Bell. The pay is $8.00 per hour. Bell
LADIES: we will be holding a cheer clinic for anyone interested in cheering the winter season. Clinic will begin today and Tuesday in the commons from 4:30 to 5:30. Tryouts will be held on Wednesday. If you are interested please see Ms. Walker to pick up tryout packet. Walker
GEAR UP FRESHMEN meet today during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into your homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet today during homeroom. Check into your homeroom and then come to the meeting. Nirider
THANKS TO THE HEALTH COMMITTEE: 2 microwaves for student use have been purchased for each building - HS and CC. They will be available for students who bring their lunch to heat things up. Please keep in mind, that if you make a mess you will need to clean it up. The microwaves at the CC are on a table on the other side of the old vending machine in the area of the ping pong table. In the HS they will be on carts so that they can be put away during sport events. Please take care of them so that we will have them so use for a long time. Health Committee
NEW SCHOLARSHIP opportunities to seniors. The ESA Foundation has several different scholarships available and you can apply for up to three. Your GPA must be at least a 3.0 or have an ACT score of 22. Deadline is Feb. 1st. Applications are available online at or check out the guidance counter. Guidance
HEY CAN MEMBERS: Christmas Vacation is right around the corner. The CAN Room will be open over the break, a schedule will be in the announcements. We will have a Christmas party, on Friday right after school in the CAN Room. We will have food, treats, movies, and much more. If you’re not a CAN member yet, this is a good time to come in and see what CAN is all about. Happy Holidays. Eckley
LOOKING FOR A GREAT NIGHT OF ENTERTAINMENT? Come to An Amazing Night of One Act Plays presented by your Riverton High School Drama team, Friday, December 18th and Saturday, December 19th at 7:30 p.m. at the CWC theatre. Admission is free for this hilarious night of comedies. Thornton
Hey it is Christmas Spirit week! Show your Christmas spirit by dressing up. Homerooms need to have their Christmas Door finished by the end of the day. Judging will be Tuesday!!! Tomorrow's dress up theme is Christmas HAT...NOTE it is CHRISTMAS HAT DAY. Santa hats, reindeer antlers, and other happy holiday head coverings are welcome. It is not a day to wear any old hat. Richmond
CAREER INTERNSHIP: Meeting on Tuesday at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Assignments and time logs due at that time. Santee
WORK EXPERIENCE: Turn your final hours in to Mrs. Santee by Wednesday. Check with Mrs. Santee if you are unsure of your semester hours average. Santee
SENIORS: If you ordered a class ring from Jostens, please pick it up in the Media Center today during lunch. Asay
SKILLS USA open lab Tuesday from 7-9pm. Gopp
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets today after school in Ms. Miller’ room. Miller
FINALS WEEK SCHEDULE for end of semester finals. Tuesday – Career Tech/Science/Foreign Language. Wednesday – PE/Social Studies/Math. Thursday – Fine Arts/Language Arts. Office
BIRTHDAY: Shalan Crenshaw, Alex LaJeunesse, Jenna Shepardson
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Monday – GBB/BBB vs Dubois, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Monday – GBB/BBB @ Shoshoni, 10th, 4:30/6pm
Monday – Band Concert @ CWC, 7:30pm
Tuesday – GBB/BBB @ Worland, 9th, 5/6:30pm
SKI TRIP to White Pine on Dec. 19. Be sure to pick information up at the front desk and pray for snow. If we aren't able to go the 19th, we will reschedule for January. We need a rough count by today, so if you think you are going to go, please sign up. If you have questions, see Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center or call 851-4782.
Health Committee
HELP: Anyone interested in working the Boys Swim Pre Invite, Fri. Dec 18 from approx 5:30-7:00 and/or Boys Invite, Sat. Dec 19th from 10:45-3:00 please see Mrs. Bell. The pay is $8.00 per hour. Bell
LADIES: we will be holding a cheer clinic for anyone interested in cheering the winter season. Clinic will begin today and Tuesday in the commons from 4:30 to 5:30. Tryouts will be held on Wednesday. If you are interested please see Ms. Walker to pick up tryout packet. Walker
GEAR UP FRESHMEN meet today during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into your homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet today during homeroom. Check into your homeroom and then come to the meeting. Nirider
THANKS TO THE HEALTH COMMITTEE: 2 microwaves for student use have been purchased for each building - HS and CC. They will be available for students who bring their lunch to heat things up. Please keep in mind, that if you make a mess you will need to clean it up. The microwaves at the CC are on a table on the other side of the old vending machine in the area of the ping pong table. In the HS they will be on carts so that they can be put away during sport events. Please take care of them so that we will have them so use for a long time. Health Committee
NEW SCHOLARSHIP opportunities to seniors. The ESA Foundation has several different scholarships available and you can apply for up to three. Your GPA must be at least a 3.0 or have an ACT score of 22. Deadline is Feb. 1st. Applications are available online at or check out the guidance counter. Guidance
HEY CAN MEMBERS: Christmas Vacation is right around the corner. The CAN Room will be open over the break, a schedule will be in the announcements. We will have a Christmas party, on Friday right after school in the CAN Room. We will have food, treats, movies, and much more. If you’re not a CAN member yet, this is a good time to come in and see what CAN is all about. Happy Holidays. Eckley
LOOKING FOR A GREAT NIGHT OF ENTERTAINMENT? Come to An Amazing Night of One Act Plays presented by your Riverton High School Drama team, Friday, December 18th and Saturday, December 19th at 7:30 p.m. at the CWC theatre. Admission is free for this hilarious night of comedies. Thornton
Hey it is Christmas Spirit week! Show your Christmas spirit by dressing up. Homerooms need to have their Christmas Door finished by the end of the day. Judging will be Tuesday!!! Tomorrow's dress up theme is Christmas HAT...NOTE it is CHRISTMAS HAT DAY. Santa hats, reindeer antlers, and other happy holiday head coverings are welcome. It is not a day to wear any old hat. Richmond
CAREER INTERNSHIP: Meeting on Tuesday at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Assignments and time logs due at that time. Santee
WORK EXPERIENCE: Turn your final hours in to Mrs. Santee by Wednesday. Check with Mrs. Santee if you are unsure of your semester hours average. Santee
SENIORS: If you ordered a class ring from Jostens, please pick it up in the Media Center today during lunch. Asay
SKILLS USA open lab Tuesday from 7-9pm. Gopp
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets today after school in Ms. Miller’ room. Miller
FINALS WEEK SCHEDULE for end of semester finals. Tuesday – Career Tech/Science/Foreign Language. Wednesday – PE/Social Studies/Math. Thursday – Fine Arts/Language Arts. Office
BIRTHDAY: Shalan Crenshaw, Alex LaJeunesse, Jenna Shepardson
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Today – Wrestling @ Star Valley, JV/V
Today – Boys Swim @ Natrona, JV/V, 2pm
Saturday – Wrestling @ Star Valley, JV/V
Saturday – Speech @ Thermopolis, JV/V
Saturday – GBB/BBB @ Sheridan, 10/JV/V, 11/12:30/2pm
Saturday – Boys Swimming @ Lander, JV/V, 11am
Monday – GBB/BBB vs Dubois, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Monday – GBB/BBB @ Shoshoni, 10th, 4:30/6pm
Monday – Band Concert @ CWC, 7:30pm
LOST: A coat was left at the Career Center on Thanksgiving Day following the distribution of meals. If you are missing a coat, please see Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center and identify the coat. Hughes
THE RHS ART STUDENTS have been working diligently on creating beautiful holiday ornaments and other pieces of holiday art as a fundraiser to benefit the Reggie & Roberta Miller family. The ornaments and holiday pieces will be on display at our Central Administration Office through Wednesday, December 16. Please take a moment to stop by and see all the beautiful items that our students have so generously created and donated to benefit our District Family. Central
SENIOR GIRLS: we have received an extended deadline for the Violet Richardson Soroptimist Award. New deadline is Dec. 18th, so if you are a volunteer in your school or community stop by the guidance office for the application!
SKI TRIP to White Pine on Dec. 19. Be sure to pick information up at the front desk and pray for snow. If we aren't able to go the 19th, we will reschedule for January. We need a rough count by next Monday, so if you think you are going to go, please sign up by next Monday. If you have questions, see Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center or call 851-4782. Health Committee
HELP: Anyone interested in working the Boys Swim Pre Invite, Fri. Dec 18 from approx 5:30-7:00 and/or Boys Invite, Sat. Dec 19th from 10:45-3:00 please see Mrs. Bell. The pay is $8.00 per hour. Bell
LADIES: we will be holding a cheer clinic for anyone interested in cheering the winter season. Clinic will begin Monday, Dec. 14 and Tuesday, Dec. 15 in the commons from 4:30 to 5:30. Tryouts will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 16. If you are interested please see Ms. Walker to pick up tryout packet. Walker
GEAR UP FRESHMEN meet Monday during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into your homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet Monday during homeroom. Check into your homeroom and then come to the meeting. Nirider
DRESS UP DAYS for next week: Monday - Pajama Day; Tuesday – Christmas Hat Day; Wednesday – Christmas Colors; Thursday – Fuzzy Hat and Slippers Day; Friday – School Colors Day. Richmond
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Today – Wrestling @ Star Valley, JV/V
Today – Boys Swim @ Natrona, JV/V, 2pm
Saturday – Wrestling @ Star Valley, JV/V
Saturday – Speech @ Thermopolis, JV/V
Saturday – GBB/BBB @ Sheridan, 10/JV/V, 11/12:30/2pm
Saturday – Boys Swimming @ Lander, JV/V, 11am
Monday – GBB/BBB vs Dubois, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Monday – GBB/BBB @ Shoshoni, 10th, 4:30/6pm
Monday – Band Concert @ CWC, 7:30pm
LOST: A coat was left at the Career Center on Thanksgiving Day following the distribution of meals. If you are missing a coat, please see Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center and identify the coat. Hughes
THE RHS ART STUDENTS have been working diligently on creating beautiful holiday ornaments and other pieces of holiday art as a fundraiser to benefit the Reggie & Roberta Miller family. The ornaments and holiday pieces will be on display at our Central Administration Office through Wednesday, December 16. Please take a moment to stop by and see all the beautiful items that our students have so generously created and donated to benefit our District Family. Central
SENIOR GIRLS: we have received an extended deadline for the Violet Richardson Soroptimist Award. New deadline is Dec. 18th, so if you are a volunteer in your school or community stop by the guidance office for the application!
SKI TRIP to White Pine on Dec. 19. Be sure to pick information up at the front desk and pray for snow. If we aren't able to go the 19th, we will reschedule for January. We need a rough count by next Monday, so if you think you are going to go, please sign up by next Monday. If you have questions, see Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center or call 851-4782. Health Committee
HELP: Anyone interested in working the Boys Swim Pre Invite, Fri. Dec 18 from approx 5:30-7:00 and/or Boys Invite, Sat. Dec 19th from 10:45-3:00 please see Mrs. Bell. The pay is $8.00 per hour. Bell
LADIES: we will be holding a cheer clinic for anyone interested in cheering the winter season. Clinic will begin Monday, Dec. 14 and Tuesday, Dec. 15 in the commons from 4:30 to 5:30. Tryouts will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 16. If you are interested please see Ms. Walker to pick up tryout packet. Walker
GEAR UP FRESHMEN meet Monday during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into your homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch provided. Pettit
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet Monday during homeroom. Check into your homeroom and then come to the meeting. Nirider
DRESS UP DAYS for next week: Monday - Pajama Day; Tuesday – Christmas Hat Day; Wednesday – Christmas Colors; Thursday – Fuzzy Hat and Slippers Day; Friday – School Colors Day. Richmond
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Today – GBB/BBB vs Green River, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Today – Wrestling vs Natrona, JV/V, 4/5:30pm
Friday – Wrestling @ Star Valley, JV/V
Friday – Boys Swim @ Natrona, JV/V, 2pm
SENIORS completing portfolios independently--job shadowing must be completed by Friday. You will not be excused during finals week. Santee
SKILLS meeting today at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
LOST: A coat was left at the Career Center on Thanksgiving Day following the distribution of meals. If you are missing a coat, please see Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center and identify the coat. Hughes
ALL INDOOR TRACK ATHLETES: there will be a parent and athlete meeting today at 7:00 in the Career Center. We will be going over schedules and practice times. Gopp
THE RHS ART STUDENTS have been working diligently on creating beautiful holiday ornaments and other pieces of holiday art as a fundraiser to benefit the Reggie & Roberta Miller family. The ornaments and holiday pieces will be on display at our Central Administration Office through Wednesday, December 16. Please take a moment to stop by and see all the beautiful items that our students have so generously created and donated to benefit our District Family. Central
SENIOR GIRLS: we have received an extended deadline for the Violet Richardson Soroptimist Award. New deadline is Dec. 18th, so if you are a volunteer in your school or community stop by the guidance office for the application!
SKI TRIP to White Pine on Dec. 19. Be sure to pick information up at the front desk and pray for snow. If we aren't able to go the 19th, we will reschedule for January. We need a rough count by next Monday, so if you think you are going to go, please sign up by next Monday. If you have questions, see Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center or call 851-4782. Health Committee
MISSING: A Canon Rebel XT digital camera has disappeared. It was in the gym during the cheerleaders' presentation to the girl’s basketball team on Wednesday Dec. 2. If you have seen the camera or know its whereabouts, please see Ms. Walker or Ms. Kirkland. Kirkland
DON’T FORGET that Ignition is going on today at lunch in the Choir room. Come check us out. Office
HELP: Anyone interested in working the Boys Swim Pre Invite, Fri. Dec 18 from approx 5:30-7:00 and/or Boys Invite, Sat. Dec 19th from 10:45-3:00 please see Mrs. Bell. The pay is $8.00 per hour. Bell
MEETING: There will be a short speech and debate meeting at lunch today for those going to Thermopolis this weekend. Please bring your lunch. Thornton
LADIES: we will be holding a cheer clinic for anyone interested in cheering the winter season. Clinic will begin Monday, Dec. 14 and Tuesday, Dec. 15 in the commons from 4:30 to 5:30. Tryouts will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 16. If you are interested please see Ms. Walker to pick up tryout packet. Walker
KEY CLUB - meet at the Eagle's Club at 5 PM tonight. Be sure you are dressed nice. Hughes/Peart
BIRTHDAY: Abigail Bennett, Zachary Brewer, Chris Gitchel, Garth Sanders
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Today – GBB/BBB vs Green River, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Today – Wrestling vs Natrona, JV/V, 4/5:30pm
Friday – Wrestling @ Star Valley, JV/V
Friday – Boys Swim @ Natrona, JV/V, 2pm
SENIORS completing portfolios independently--job shadowing must be completed by Friday. You will not be excused during finals week. Santee
SKILLS meeting today at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
LOST: A coat was left at the Career Center on Thanksgiving Day following the distribution of meals. If you are missing a coat, please see Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center and identify the coat. Hughes
ALL INDOOR TRACK ATHLETES: there will be a parent and athlete meeting today at 7:00 in the Career Center. We will be going over schedules and practice times. Gopp
THE RHS ART STUDENTS have been working diligently on creating beautiful holiday ornaments and other pieces of holiday art as a fundraiser to benefit the Reggie & Roberta Miller family. The ornaments and holiday pieces will be on display at our Central Administration Office through Wednesday, December 16. Please take a moment to stop by and see all the beautiful items that our students have so generously created and donated to benefit our District Family. Central
SENIOR GIRLS: we have received an extended deadline for the Violet Richardson Soroptimist Award. New deadline is Dec. 18th, so if you are a volunteer in your school or community stop by the guidance office for the application!
SKI TRIP to White Pine on Dec. 19. Be sure to pick information up at the front desk and pray for snow. If we aren't able to go the 19th, we will reschedule for January. We need a rough count by next Monday, so if you think you are going to go, please sign up by next Monday. If you have questions, see Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center or call 851-4782. Health Committee
MISSING: A Canon Rebel XT digital camera has disappeared. It was in the gym during the cheerleaders' presentation to the girl’s basketball team on Wednesday Dec. 2. If you have seen the camera or know its whereabouts, please see Ms. Walker or Ms. Kirkland. Kirkland
DON’T FORGET that Ignition is going on today at lunch in the Choir room. Come check us out. Office
HELP: Anyone interested in working the Boys Swim Pre Invite, Fri. Dec 18 from approx 5:30-7:00 and/or Boys Invite, Sat. Dec 19th from 10:45-3:00 please see Mrs. Bell. The pay is $8.00 per hour. Bell
MEETING: There will be a short speech and debate meeting at lunch today for those going to Thermopolis this weekend. Please bring your lunch. Thornton
LADIES: we will be holding a cheer clinic for anyone interested in cheering the winter season. Clinic will begin Monday, Dec. 14 and Tuesday, Dec. 15 in the commons from 4:30 to 5:30. Tryouts will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 16. If you are interested please see Ms. Walker to pick up tryout packet. Walker
KEY CLUB - meet at the Eagle's Club at 5 PM tonight. Be sure you are dressed nice. Hughes/Peart
BIRTHDAY: Abigail Bennett, Zachary Brewer, Chris Gitchel, Garth Sanders
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Thursday – GBB/BBB vs Green River, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Thursday – Wrestling vs Natrona, JV/V, 4/5:30pm
Friday – Wrestling @ Star Valley, JV/V
Friday – Boys Swim @ Natrona, JV/V, 2pm
CAREER PORTFOLIOS: Due Friday, December 18! Seniors completing portfolios independently, please see Mrs. Santee if you need assistance. Santee
SENIORS completing portfolios independently--job shadowing must be completed by Friday. You will not be excused during finals week. Santee
THE AMERICAN HERITAGE CLASS is selling raffle tickets for a chance to win a $300 Spa Day (a great Christmas gift for your mom or girlfriend), a $150 iPod Nano, a $25 iTunes gift card, and 1 of 3 $25 gas cards. Tickets are one for $2 and three for $5. See Ms. Kirkland if you have any questions. Kirkland
SKILLS meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
WOLVERINE READERS: The holiday event is Thursday in the Media Center. You must have earned at least six Wolverine Dollars to attend. The party will begin at lunch and last through 5, 6, and 7th periods. Stop by the Media Center to RSVP and see if you are eligible. Morrison
LOST: A coat was left at the Career Center on Thanksgiving Day following the distribution of meals. If you are missing a coat, please see Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center and identify the coat. Hughes
ALL INDOOR TRACK ATHLETES: there will be a parent and athlete meeting on Thursday at 7:00 in the Career Center. We will be going over schedules and practice times. Gopp
THE RHS ART STUDENTS have been working diligently on creating beautiful holiday ornaments and other pieces of holiday art as a fundraiser to benefit the Reggie & Roberta Miller family. The ornaments and holiday pieces will be on display at our Central Administration Office through Wednesday, December 16. Please take a moment to stop by and see all the beautiful items that our students have so generously created and donated to benefit our District Family. Central
DO YOU want to send a Christmas Carol and a candy cane to your best friend? Your favorite teacher? That special someone? You can choose which Christmas Carol you want sung to whomever you choose for $2.00. Stop by the front office today at lunch to buy your carol and candy cane. Carols and Canes will be delivered on Thursday or Friday. Kirkland
SENIOR GIRLS: we have received an extended deadline for the Violet Richardson Soroptimist Award. New deadline is Dec. 18th, so if you are a volunteer in your school or community stop by the guidance office for the application!
SKI TRIP to White Pine on Dec. 19. Be sure to pick information up at the front desk and pray for snow. If we aren't able to go the 19th, we will reschedule for January. We need a rough count by next Monday, so if you think you are going to go, please sign up by next Monday. If you have questions, see Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center or call 851-4782. Health Committee
MISSING: A Canon Rebel XT digital camera has disappeared. It was in the gym during the cheerleaders' presentation to the girl’s basketball team on Wednesday Dec. 2. If you have seen the camera or know its whereabouts, please see Ms. Walker or Ms. Kirkland. Kirkland
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Thursday – GBB/BBB vs Green River, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Thursday – Wrestling vs Natrona, JV/V, 4/5:30pm
Friday – Wrestling @ Star Valley, JV/V
Friday – Boys Swim @ Natrona, JV/V, 2pm
CAREER PORTFOLIOS: Due Friday, December 18! Seniors completing portfolios independently, please see Mrs. Santee if you need assistance. Santee
SENIORS completing portfolios independently--job shadowing must be completed by Friday. You will not be excused during finals week. Santee
THE AMERICAN HERITAGE CLASS is selling raffle tickets for a chance to win a $300 Spa Day (a great Christmas gift for your mom or girlfriend), a $150 iPod Nano, a $25 iTunes gift card, and 1 of 3 $25 gas cards. Tickets are one for $2 and three for $5. See Ms. Kirkland if you have any questions. Kirkland
SKILLS meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
WOLVERINE READERS: The holiday event is Thursday in the Media Center. You must have earned at least six Wolverine Dollars to attend. The party will begin at lunch and last through 5, 6, and 7th periods. Stop by the Media Center to RSVP and see if you are eligible. Morrison
LOST: A coat was left at the Career Center on Thanksgiving Day following the distribution of meals. If you are missing a coat, please see Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center and identify the coat. Hughes
ALL INDOOR TRACK ATHLETES: there will be a parent and athlete meeting on Thursday at 7:00 in the Career Center. We will be going over schedules and practice times. Gopp
THE RHS ART STUDENTS have been working diligently on creating beautiful holiday ornaments and other pieces of holiday art as a fundraiser to benefit the Reggie & Roberta Miller family. The ornaments and holiday pieces will be on display at our Central Administration Office through Wednesday, December 16. Please take a moment to stop by and see all the beautiful items that our students have so generously created and donated to benefit our District Family. Central
DO YOU want to send a Christmas Carol and a candy cane to your best friend? Your favorite teacher? That special someone? You can choose which Christmas Carol you want sung to whomever you choose for $2.00. Stop by the front office today at lunch to buy your carol and candy cane. Carols and Canes will be delivered on Thursday or Friday. Kirkland
SENIOR GIRLS: we have received an extended deadline for the Violet Richardson Soroptimist Award. New deadline is Dec. 18th, so if you are a volunteer in your school or community stop by the guidance office for the application!
SKI TRIP to White Pine on Dec. 19. Be sure to pick information up at the front desk and pray for snow. If we aren't able to go the 19th, we will reschedule for January. We need a rough count by next Monday, so if you think you are going to go, please sign up by next Monday. If you have questions, see Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center or call 851-4782. Health Committee
MISSING: A Canon Rebel XT digital camera has disappeared. It was in the gym during the cheerleaders' presentation to the girl’s basketball team on Wednesday Dec. 2. If you have seen the camera or know its whereabouts, please see Ms. Walker or Ms. Kirkland. Kirkland
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Monday, December 7, 2009
Today – GBB/BBB vs St. Stephens, JV, 4:30/6pm
Today – GBB/BBB @ Worland, 10th, 5/6:30pm
Thursday – GBB/BBB vs Green River, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Thursday – Wrestling vs Natrona, JV/V, 4/5:30pm
WORK EXPERIENCE: Class meeting Wednesday at 7:45am in Mrs. Santee's room. Assignments also due. Hours not due until Wednesday, Dec. 16. Santee
CAREER PORTFOLIOS: Due Friday, December 18! Seniors completing portfolios independently, please see Mrs. Santee if you need assistance. Santee
IT'S NOT ABOUT ME! Riverton FCA invites you to its December huddle today at 6pm in Mr. Nyberg's room. Come join us for pizza and a movie and a short, but important message. Nyberg
SENIORS completing portfolios independently--job shadowing must be completed by Friday. You will not be excused during finals week. Santee
FCCLA MEMBERS: we will meet during lunch today in room #259. Discussion will be about Christmas gift exchange, food basket, and January lock-in. Rivers
THE AMERICAN HERITAGE CLASS is selling raffle tickets for a chance to win a $300 Spa Day (a great Christmas gift for your mom or girlfriend), a $150 iPod Nano, a $25 iTunes gift card, and 1 of 3 $25 gas cards. Tickets are one for $2 and three for $5. See Ms. Kirkland if you have any questions. Kirkland
SKILLS USA open lab today from 7-9pm. SKILLS meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
WOLVERINE READERS: The holiday event is Thursday in the Media Center. You must have earned at least six Wolverine Dollars to attend. The party will begin at lunch and last through 5, 6, and 7th periods. Stop by the Media Center to RSVP and see if you are eligible. Morrison
LOST: A coat was left at the Career Center on Thanksgiving Day following the distribution of meals. If you are missing a coat, please see Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center and identify the coat. Hughes
DRAMA - There will be a get together for anyone who attended state drama last weekend in Mrs. Thornton's class at lunch today. Lunch will be provided so be there as soon as you can. Don't forget to check the drama board outside Mrs. Thornton's classroom regarding One Act rehearsal for this week. Thornton
ALL INDOOR TRACK ATHLETES: there will be a parent and athlete meeting on Thursday at 7:00 in the Career Center. We will be going over schedules and practice times. Gopp
THE RHS ART STUDENTS have been working diligently on creating beautiful holiday ornaments and other pieces of holiday art as a fundraiser to benefit the Reggie & Roberta Miller family. The ornaments and holiday pieces will be on display at our Central Administration Office through Wednesday, December 16. Please take a moment to stop by and see all the beautiful items that our students have so generously created and donated to benefit our District Family. Central
DO YOU want to send a Christmas Carol and a candy cane to your best friend? Your favorite teacher? That special someone? You can choose which Christmas Carol you want sung to whomever you choose for $2.00. Stop by the front office today and Wednesday before school or at lunch to buy your carol and candy cane. Carols and Canes will be delivered on Thursday or Friday. Kirkland
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Today – GBB/BBB vs St. Stephens, JV, 4:30/6pm
Today – GBB/BBB @ Worland, 10th, 5/6:30pm
Thursday – GBB/BBB vs Green River, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Thursday – Wrestling vs Natrona, JV/V, 4/5:30pm
WORK EXPERIENCE: Class meeting Wednesday at 7:45am in Mrs. Santee's room. Assignments also due. Hours not due until Wednesday, Dec. 16. Santee
CAREER PORTFOLIOS: Due Friday, December 18! Seniors completing portfolios independently, please see Mrs. Santee if you need assistance. Santee
IT'S NOT ABOUT ME! Riverton FCA invites you to its December huddle today at 6pm in Mr. Nyberg's room. Come join us for pizza and a movie and a short, but important message. Nyberg
SENIORS completing portfolios independently--job shadowing must be completed by Friday. You will not be excused during finals week. Santee
FCCLA MEMBERS: we will meet during lunch today in room #259. Discussion will be about Christmas gift exchange, food basket, and January lock-in. Rivers
THE AMERICAN HERITAGE CLASS is selling raffle tickets for a chance to win a $300 Spa Day (a great Christmas gift for your mom or girlfriend), a $150 iPod Nano, a $25 iTunes gift card, and 1 of 3 $25 gas cards. Tickets are one for $2 and three for $5. See Ms. Kirkland if you have any questions. Kirkland
SKILLS USA open lab today from 7-9pm. SKILLS meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
WOLVERINE READERS: The holiday event is Thursday in the Media Center. You must have earned at least six Wolverine Dollars to attend. The party will begin at lunch and last through 5, 6, and 7th periods. Stop by the Media Center to RSVP and see if you are eligible. Morrison
LOST: A coat was left at the Career Center on Thanksgiving Day following the distribution of meals. If you are missing a coat, please see Mrs. Hughes in the Career Center and identify the coat. Hughes
DRAMA - There will be a get together for anyone who attended state drama last weekend in Mrs. Thornton's class at lunch today. Lunch will be provided so be there as soon as you can. Don't forget to check the drama board outside Mrs. Thornton's classroom regarding One Act rehearsal for this week. Thornton
ALL INDOOR TRACK ATHLETES: there will be a parent and athlete meeting on Thursday at 7:00 in the Career Center. We will be going over schedules and practice times. Gopp
THE RHS ART STUDENTS have been working diligently on creating beautiful holiday ornaments and other pieces of holiday art as a fundraiser to benefit the Reggie & Roberta Miller family. The ornaments and holiday pieces will be on display at our Central Administration Office through Wednesday, December 16. Please take a moment to stop by and see all the beautiful items that our students have so generously created and donated to benefit our District Family. Central
DO YOU want to send a Christmas Carol and a candy cane to your best friend? Your favorite teacher? That special someone? You can choose which Christmas Carol you want sung to whomever you choose for $2.00. Stop by the front office today and Wednesday before school or at lunch to buy your carol and candy cane. Carols and Canes will be delivered on Thursday or Friday. Kirkland
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Friday, December 4, 2009
Today – GBB/BBB vs St. Stephens, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Tuesday – GBB/BBB vs St. Stephens, JV, 4:30/6pm
Tuesday – GBB/BBB @ Worland, 10th, 5/6:30pm
WORK EXPERIENCE: Class meeting Wednesday at 7:45am in Mrs. Santee's room. Assignments also due. Hours not due until Wednesday, Dec. 16. Santee
CAREER PORTFOLIOS: Due Friday, December 18! Seniors completing portfolios independently, please see Mrs. Santee if you need assistance. Santee
THE FOLLOWING SENIORS please stop and see Mrs. Weber at the Career Center ASAP to verify legal name for your diploma. Paige Kaiser, Alannah Meyers, Mary Osborne, Garth Sanders, John Stinson, Malcolm Wade, Tyrone Wood, Angelo Flores, Kely Bawdon, Brandy Hanson, Seth Hosking, Marshall Osterkorn, Mark Peterson, and Kelly Phister. Adels
GEAR UP SOPHOMORES meet today during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into your homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch will be provided. Pettit
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet today during homeroom. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Nirider
IT'S NOT ABOUT ME! Riverton FCA invites you to its December huddle on Tuesday at 6pm in Mr. Nyberg's room. Come join us for pizza and a movie and a short, but important message. Nyberg
SENIORS completing portfolios independently--job shadowing must be completed by Friday, Dec. 11. You will not be excused during finals week. Santee
REMINDER: the CAN students who are signed up for the Wyoming Threw with Chew, be at the CAN room Monday right after school. Eckley
FCCLA MEMBERS: we will meet during lunch on Tuesday in room #259. Discussion will be about Christmas gift exchange, food basket, and January lock-in. Rivers
THE AMERICAN HERITAGE CLASS is selling raffle tickets for a chance to win a $300 Spa Day (a great Christmas gift for your mom or girlfriend), a $150 iPod Nano, a $25 iTunes gift card, and 1 of 3 $25 gas cards. Tickets are one for $2 and three for $5. See Ms. Kirkland if you have any questions. Kirkland
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets today after school in Mrs. Miller’s room. Miller
SKILLS USA open lab Tuesday from 7-9pm. Gopp
WOLVERINE READERS: The holiday event is Thursday in the Media Center. You must have earned at least six Wolverine Dollars to attend. The party will begin at lunch and last through 5, 6, and 7th periods. Stop by the Media Center to RSVP and see if you are eligible. Morrison
BIRTHDAY: Kayla Baldwin, Brian Bench, Taylor Duran
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Today – GBB/BBB vs St. Stephens, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Tuesday – GBB/BBB vs St. Stephens, JV, 4:30/6pm
Tuesday – GBB/BBB @ Worland, 10th, 5/6:30pm
WORK EXPERIENCE: Class meeting Wednesday at 7:45am in Mrs. Santee's room. Assignments also due. Hours not due until Wednesday, Dec. 16. Santee
CAREER PORTFOLIOS: Due Friday, December 18! Seniors completing portfolios independently, please see Mrs. Santee if you need assistance. Santee
THE FOLLOWING SENIORS please stop and see Mrs. Weber at the Career Center ASAP to verify legal name for your diploma. Paige Kaiser, Alannah Meyers, Mary Osborne, Garth Sanders, John Stinson, Malcolm Wade, Tyrone Wood, Angelo Flores, Kely Bawdon, Brandy Hanson, Seth Hosking, Marshall Osterkorn, Mark Peterson, and Kelly Phister. Adels
GEAR UP SOPHOMORES meet today during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into your homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch will be provided. Pettit
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet today during homeroom. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Nirider
IT'S NOT ABOUT ME! Riverton FCA invites you to its December huddle on Tuesday at 6pm in Mr. Nyberg's room. Come join us for pizza and a movie and a short, but important message. Nyberg
SENIORS completing portfolios independently--job shadowing must be completed by Friday, Dec. 11. You will not be excused during finals week. Santee
REMINDER: the CAN students who are signed up for the Wyoming Threw with Chew, be at the CAN room Monday right after school. Eckley
FCCLA MEMBERS: we will meet during lunch on Tuesday in room #259. Discussion will be about Christmas gift exchange, food basket, and January lock-in. Rivers
THE AMERICAN HERITAGE CLASS is selling raffle tickets for a chance to win a $300 Spa Day (a great Christmas gift for your mom or girlfriend), a $150 iPod Nano, a $25 iTunes gift card, and 1 of 3 $25 gas cards. Tickets are one for $2 and three for $5. See Ms. Kirkland if you have any questions. Kirkland
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets today after school in Mrs. Miller’s room. Miller
SKILLS USA open lab Tuesday from 7-9pm. Gopp
WOLVERINE READERS: The holiday event is Thursday in the Media Center. You must have earned at least six Wolverine Dollars to attend. The party will begin at lunch and last through 5, 6, and 7th periods. Stop by the Media Center to RSVP and see if you are eligible. Morrison
BIRTHDAY: Kayla Baldwin, Brian Bench, Taylor Duran
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Today – GBB/BBB @ Cheyenne, 10/JV/V
Today – GBB/BBB @ Douglas, 9th
Today – Wrestling @ Evanston, JV/V, 10am
Saturday – GBB/BBB @ Cheyenne, 10/JV/V
Saturday – GBB/BBB @ Douglas, 9th
Saturday – Wrestling @ Evanston, JV/V, 10am
Monday – GBB/BBB vs St. Stephens, 9th, 4/5:30pm
SKI TRIP: The sign-up sheet and information for the ski trip on Saturday, Dec. 19 are on the front counter. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Hughes at the Career Center. RHS Health Team
WOLVERINE READERS: The Maredy fundraising items are in. Stop by the MC to pick up your deliveries.
FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS: You are eligible for a 500 word essay contest on the life and contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Deadline is January 9. See guidance for more details!
SENIOR: 3 new scholarship opportunities are available to you! The first is the UW Honors Program with awards varying from $1,000 to $4,000 per year. Deadline is Feb. 1st. Second is the AXA Achievement Community Scholarship for $2,000. Deadline is Feb. 15th. Third is the Reckling Family Scholarship Endowment that makes awards of up to $2,000 to students attending UW. Deadline is Feb. 1. Check the guidance counter for all of these! Guidance
WORK EXPERIENCE: Class meeting Wednesday, December 9 at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Assignments also due. Hours not due until Wednesday, Dec. 16. Santee
CAREER PORTFOLIOS: Due Friday, December 18! Seniors completing portfolios independently, please see Mrs. Santee if you need assistance. Santee
THE FOLLOWING SENIORS please stop and see Mrs. Weber at the Career Center ASAP to verify legal name for your diploma. Paige Kaiser, Alannah Meyers, Mary Osborne, Garth Sanders, John Stinson, Malcolm Wade, Tyrone Wood, Angelo Flores, Kely Bawdon, Brandy Hanson, Seth Hosking, Marshall Osterkorn, Mark Peterson, and Kelly Phister. Adels
GEAR UP SOPHOMORES meet in Monday during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into your homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch will be provided. Pettit
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet Monday during homeroom. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Nirider
IT'S NOT ABOUT ME! Riverton FCA invites you to its December huddle on Tuesday, Dec. 8 at 6pm in Mr. Nyberg's room. Come join us for pizza and a movie and a short, but important message. Nyberg
BIRTHDAY: Grace Snyder, Baylee Stafford
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Today – GBB/BBB @ Cheyenne, 10/JV/V
Today – GBB/BBB @ Douglas, 9th
Today – Wrestling @ Evanston, JV/V, 10am
Saturday – GBB/BBB @ Cheyenne, 10/JV/V
Saturday – GBB/BBB @ Douglas, 9th
Saturday – Wrestling @ Evanston, JV/V, 10am
Monday – GBB/BBB vs St. Stephens, 9th, 4/5:30pm
SKI TRIP: The sign-up sheet and information for the ski trip on Saturday, Dec. 19 are on the front counter. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Hughes at the Career Center. RHS Health Team
WOLVERINE READERS: The Maredy fundraising items are in. Stop by the MC to pick up your deliveries.
FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS: You are eligible for a 500 word essay contest on the life and contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Deadline is January 9. See guidance for more details!
SENIOR: 3 new scholarship opportunities are available to you! The first is the UW Honors Program with awards varying from $1,000 to $4,000 per year. Deadline is Feb. 1st. Second is the AXA Achievement Community Scholarship for $2,000. Deadline is Feb. 15th. Third is the Reckling Family Scholarship Endowment that makes awards of up to $2,000 to students attending UW. Deadline is Feb. 1. Check the guidance counter for all of these! Guidance
WORK EXPERIENCE: Class meeting Wednesday, December 9 at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Assignments also due. Hours not due until Wednesday, Dec. 16. Santee
CAREER PORTFOLIOS: Due Friday, December 18! Seniors completing portfolios independently, please see Mrs. Santee if you need assistance. Santee
THE FOLLOWING SENIORS please stop and see Mrs. Weber at the Career Center ASAP to verify legal name for your diploma. Paige Kaiser, Alannah Meyers, Mary Osborne, Garth Sanders, John Stinson, Malcolm Wade, Tyrone Wood, Angelo Flores, Kely Bawdon, Brandy Hanson, Seth Hosking, Marshall Osterkorn, Mark Peterson, and Kelly Phister. Adels
GEAR UP SOPHOMORES meet in Monday during homeroom in room 7 at the Career Center. Check into your homeroom and then come to the meeting. Lunch will be provided. Pettit
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet Monday during homeroom. Check into homeroom and then come to the meeting. Nirider
IT'S NOT ABOUT ME! Riverton FCA invites you to its December huddle on Tuesday, Dec. 8 at 6pm in Mr. Nyberg's room. Come join us for pizza and a movie and a short, but important message. Nyberg
BIRTHDAY: Grace Snyder, Baylee Stafford
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Today – GBB/BBB @ Cheyenne, 10/JV/V
Friday – GBB/BBB @ Cheyenne, 10/JV/V
Friday – GBB/BBB @ Douglas, 9th
Friday – Wrestling @ Evanston, JV/V, 10am
Saturday – GBB/BBB @ Cheyenne, 10/JV/V
Saturday – GBB/BBB @ Douglas, 9
Saturday – Wrestling @ Evanston, JV/V, 10am
SKILLS USA meeting today at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
SKI TRIP: The sign-up sheet and information for the ski trip on Saturday, Dec. 19 are on the front counter. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Hughes at the Career Center. RHS Health Team
WOLVERINE READER CLUB OFFICERS: We are planning for the Wolverine Reader Holiday Event. There will be an officer meeting today during lunch in the Media Center. If you want to help plan for the event, we will provide lunch. You must RSVP so we know how many will be here for lunch. Morrison
WOLVERINE READERS: The Maredy fundraising items are in. Stop by the MC to pick up your deliveries.
FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS: You are eligible for a 500 word essay contest on the life and contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Deadline is January 9. See guidance for more details!
SENIOR: 3 new scholarship opportunities are available to you! The first is the UW Honors Program with awards varying from $1,000 to $4,000 per year. Deadline is Feb. 1st. Second is the AXA Achievement Community Scholarship for $2,000. Deadline is Feb. 15th. Third is the Reckling Family Scholarship Endowment that makes awards of up to $2,000 to students attending UW. Deadline is Feb. 1. Check the guidance counter for all of these! Guidance
KEY CLUB - We will not be meeting this week because of helping with Festival of Trees. Remember to be at the Armory at 5pm today in your nice clothes. We will be working late today. Also, if you signed up to work at Radio Shack be sure to be on time. Hughes/Peart
STUDENTS: don’t forget Ignition is going on today at lunch in the choir room. Come check it out. Office
WORK EXPERIENCE: Class meeting Wednesday, December 9 at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Assignments also due. Hours not due until Wednesday, Dec. 16. Santee
CAREER PORTFOLIOS: Due Friday, December 18! Seniors completing portfolios independently, please see Mrs. Santee if you need assistance. Santee
THE FOLLOWING SENIORS please stop and see Mrs. Weber at the Career Center ASAP to verify legal name for your diploma. Paige Kaiser, Alannah Meyers, Mary Osborne, Garth Sanders, John Stinson, Malcolm Wade, Tyrone Wood, Angelo Flores, Kely Bawdon, Chris Gitchel, Brandy Hanson, Seth Hosking, Colter Landis, Marshall Osterkorn, Mark Peterson, and Kelly Phister. Adels
BIRTHDAY: Tayler Hopkins, Shanel Williams
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Today – GBB/BBB @ Cheyenne, 10/JV/V
Friday – GBB/BBB @ Cheyenne, 10/JV/V
Friday – GBB/BBB @ Douglas, 9th
Friday – Wrestling @ Evanston, JV/V, 10am
Saturday – GBB/BBB @ Cheyenne, 10/JV/V
Saturday – GBB/BBB @ Douglas, 9
Saturday – Wrestling @ Evanston, JV/V, 10am
SKILLS USA meeting today at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
SKI TRIP: The sign-up sheet and information for the ski trip on Saturday, Dec. 19 are on the front counter. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Hughes at the Career Center. RHS Health Team
WOLVERINE READER CLUB OFFICERS: We are planning for the Wolverine Reader Holiday Event. There will be an officer meeting today during lunch in the Media Center. If you want to help plan for the event, we will provide lunch. You must RSVP so we know how many will be here for lunch. Morrison
WOLVERINE READERS: The Maredy fundraising items are in. Stop by the MC to pick up your deliveries.
FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS: You are eligible for a 500 word essay contest on the life and contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Deadline is January 9. See guidance for more details!
SENIOR: 3 new scholarship opportunities are available to you! The first is the UW Honors Program with awards varying from $1,000 to $4,000 per year. Deadline is Feb. 1st. Second is the AXA Achievement Community Scholarship for $2,000. Deadline is Feb. 15th. Third is the Reckling Family Scholarship Endowment that makes awards of up to $2,000 to students attending UW. Deadline is Feb. 1. Check the guidance counter for all of these! Guidance
KEY CLUB - We will not be meeting this week because of helping with Festival of Trees. Remember to be at the Armory at 5pm today in your nice clothes. We will be working late today. Also, if you signed up to work at Radio Shack be sure to be on time. Hughes/Peart
STUDENTS: don’t forget Ignition is going on today at lunch in the choir room. Come check it out. Office
WORK EXPERIENCE: Class meeting Wednesday, December 9 at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Assignments also due. Hours not due until Wednesday, Dec. 16. Santee
CAREER PORTFOLIOS: Due Friday, December 18! Seniors completing portfolios independently, please see Mrs. Santee if you need assistance. Santee
THE FOLLOWING SENIORS please stop and see Mrs. Weber at the Career Center ASAP to verify legal name for your diploma. Paige Kaiser, Alannah Meyers, Mary Osborne, Garth Sanders, John Stinson, Malcolm Wade, Tyrone Wood, Angelo Flores, Kely Bawdon, Chris Gitchel, Brandy Hanson, Seth Hosking, Colter Landis, Marshall Osterkorn, Mark Peterson, and Kelly Phister. Adels
BIRTHDAY: Tayler Hopkins, Shanel Williams
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Thursday – GBB/BBB @ Cheyenne, 10/JV/V
Friday – GBB/BBB @ Cheyenne, 10/JV/V
Friday – GBB/BBB @ Douglas, 9th
Friday – Wrestling @ Fillmore, Utah, V
Friday – Wrestling @ Evanston, JV, 10am
SKILLS USA meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
SENIORS: we have 3 new scholarship opportunities. The Dar Hackworth Lineworkers Scholarship worth $1,000 is available to WY residents interested in a career in the electric industry. Deadline is May 1. The WREA Lineman Scholarship worth $3,000, also for students interested in the electric industry. Deadline is prior to March 1. The High Plains Power Scholarship worth $1,000. Deadline is March 12. Check out the counter in the Guidance office for these applications and many more! Guidance
WOULD THE FOLLOWING SENIORS please stop and see Mrs. Weber at the Career Center sometime this week.
Jonathan McFall, Philip Gard, Quinton Harrison, and Kammie Hubenka. Thanks. Weber
SKI TRIP: The sign-up sheet and information for the ski trip on Saturday, Dec. 19 are on the front counter. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Hughes at the Career Center. RHS Health Team
WOLVERINE READER CLUB OFFICERS: We are planning for the Wolverine Reader Holiday Event. There will be an officer meeting on Thursday during lunch in the Media Center. If you want to help plan for the event, we will provide lunch. You must RSVP so we know how many will be here for lunch. Morrison
WOLVERINE READERS: The Maredy fundraising items are in. Stop by the MC to pick up your deliveries.
FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS: You are eligible for a 500 word essay contest on the life and contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Deadline is January 9. See guidance for more details!
SENIOR: 3 new scholarship opportunities are available to you! The first is the UW Honors Program with awards varying from $1,000 to $4,000 per year. Deadline is Feb. 1st. Second is the AXA Achievement Community Scholarship for $2,000. Deadline is Feb. 15th. Third is the Reckling Family Scholarship Endowment that makes awards of up to $2,000 to students attending UW. Deadline is Feb. 1. Check the guidance counter for all of these! Guidance
KEY CLUB - We will not be meeting this week because of helping with Festival of Trees. Remember to be at the Armory on Wednesday at 5:30 and at 5pm on Thursday in your nice clothes. We will be working late on Thursday. Also, if you signed up to work at Radio Shack be sure to be on time. Hughes/Peart
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Thursday – GBB/BBB @ Cheyenne, 10/JV/V
Friday – GBB/BBB @ Cheyenne, 10/JV/V
Friday – GBB/BBB @ Douglas, 9th
Friday – Wrestling @ Fillmore, Utah, V
Friday – Wrestling @ Evanston, JV, 10am
SKILLS USA meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
SENIORS: we have 3 new scholarship opportunities. The Dar Hackworth Lineworkers Scholarship worth $1,000 is available to WY residents interested in a career in the electric industry. Deadline is May 1. The WREA Lineman Scholarship worth $3,000, also for students interested in the electric industry. Deadline is prior to March 1. The High Plains Power Scholarship worth $1,000. Deadline is March 12. Check out the counter in the Guidance office for these applications and many more! Guidance
WOULD THE FOLLOWING SENIORS please stop and see Mrs. Weber at the Career Center sometime this week.
Jonathan McFall, Philip Gard, Quinton Harrison, and Kammie Hubenka. Thanks. Weber
SKI TRIP: The sign-up sheet and information for the ski trip on Saturday, Dec. 19 are on the front counter. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Hughes at the Career Center. RHS Health Team
WOLVERINE READER CLUB OFFICERS: We are planning for the Wolverine Reader Holiday Event. There will be an officer meeting on Thursday during lunch in the Media Center. If you want to help plan for the event, we will provide lunch. You must RSVP so we know how many will be here for lunch. Morrison
WOLVERINE READERS: The Maredy fundraising items are in. Stop by the MC to pick up your deliveries.
FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS: You are eligible for a 500 word essay contest on the life and contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Deadline is January 9. See guidance for more details!
SENIOR: 3 new scholarship opportunities are available to you! The first is the UW Honors Program with awards varying from $1,000 to $4,000 per year. Deadline is Feb. 1st. Second is the AXA Achievement Community Scholarship for $2,000. Deadline is Feb. 15th. Third is the Reckling Family Scholarship Endowment that makes awards of up to $2,000 to students attending UW. Deadline is Feb. 1. Check the guidance counter for all of these! Guidance
KEY CLUB - We will not be meeting this week because of helping with Festival of Trees. Remember to be at the Armory on Wednesday at 5:30 and at 5pm on Thursday in your nice clothes. We will be working late on Thursday. Also, if you signed up to work at Radio Shack be sure to be on time. Hughes/Peart
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Today – GBB/BBB @ Green River, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Thursday – GBB/BBB @ Cheyenne, 10/JV/V
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Randy Lehman will be holding a photography class for all 4H members interested in photography. The classes will be at 7 PM the first Tuesday of every month, starting today. Please bring your cameras to the first meeting at Lehman Studios. Contact Mrs. Dechert if you need more info. Dechert
SKILLS USA open lab today from 7-9pm. SKILLS USA meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
SENIORS: we have 3 new scholarship opportunities. The Dar Hackworth Lineworkers Scholarship worth $1,000 is available to WY residents interested in a career in the electric industry. Deadline is May 1. The WREA Lineman Scholarship worth $3,000, also for students interested in the electric industry. Deadline is prior to March 1. The High Plains Power Scholarship worth $1,000. Deadline is March 12. Check out the counter in the Guidance office for these applications and many more! Guidance
FCCLA will meet today at lunch in room #259. Plans for a gift exchange for Christmas are in the works as well as our January lock in. Rivers
WOULD THE FOLLOWING SENIORS please stop and see Mrs. Weber at the Career Center sometime this week.
Jonathan McFall, Philip Gard, Quinton Harrison, Melanie Linthicum, and Kammie Hubenka. Thanks. Weber
DRAMA - There will be a mandatory drama meeting for anyone planning to attend state drama today, at 12:10 in Mrs. Thornton’s room. You must attend this meeting if you want to go to Casper on Thursday. Thornton
FFA meeting today at 7:00pm in the Ag Room. Styvar
BIRTHDAY: Harley Cavanaugh, Kyle Dike, Cindy Sherman
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Today – GBB/BBB @ Green River, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Thursday – GBB/BBB @ Cheyenne, 10/JV/V
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Randy Lehman will be holding a photography class for all 4H members interested in photography. The classes will be at 7 PM the first Tuesday of every month, starting today. Please bring your cameras to the first meeting at Lehman Studios. Contact Mrs. Dechert if you need more info. Dechert
SKILLS USA open lab today from 7-9pm. SKILLS USA meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
SENIORS: we have 3 new scholarship opportunities. The Dar Hackworth Lineworkers Scholarship worth $1,000 is available to WY residents interested in a career in the electric industry. Deadline is May 1. The WREA Lineman Scholarship worth $3,000, also for students interested in the electric industry. Deadline is prior to March 1. The High Plains Power Scholarship worth $1,000. Deadline is March 12. Check out the counter in the Guidance office for these applications and many more! Guidance
FCCLA will meet today at lunch in room #259. Plans for a gift exchange for Christmas are in the works as well as our January lock in. Rivers
WOULD THE FOLLOWING SENIORS please stop and see Mrs. Weber at the Career Center sometime this week.
Jonathan McFall, Philip Gard, Quinton Harrison, Melanie Linthicum, and Kammie Hubenka. Thanks. Weber
DRAMA - There will be a mandatory drama meeting for anyone planning to attend state drama today, at 12:10 in Mrs. Thornton’s room. You must attend this meeting if you want to go to Casper on Thursday. Thornton
FFA meeting today at 7:00pm in the Ag Room. Styvar
BIRTHDAY: Harley Cavanaugh, Kyle Dike, Cindy Sherman
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Tuesday – GBB/BBB @ Green River, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Thursday – GBB/BBB @ Cheyenne, 10/JV/V
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Randy Lehman will be holding a photography class for all 4H members interested in photography. The classes will be at 7 PM the first Tuesday of every month, starting tomorrow. Please bring your cameras to the first meeting at Lehman Studios. Contact Mrs. Dechert if you need more info. Dechert
FEMALE SENIORS: There is not much time to apply for the Violet Richardson Award- the deadline is Dec. 1st! This award recognizes young women who make the community and world a better place through volunteer efforts. Stop by guidance or visit for details. Guidance
SAVE THE DATE. There will be a ski trip going to White Pine on Saturday, December 19, the day after we get out for Christmas. Be watching for more information when we come back after Thanksgiving. The trip will be open to students as well as staff and families. Hughes
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet today during homeroom. Check into homeroom first, and then come to the meeting. Nirider
GEAR UP juniors meet today during homeroom. Check into homeroom first, and then come to room 7 at the Career Center. Pettit
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets today after school in Ms. Miller’s room. Miller
SKILLS USA open lab Tuesday from 7-9pm. Gopp
SENIORS: we have 3 new scholarship opportunities. The Dar Hackworth Lineworkers Scholarship worth $1,000 is available to WY residents interested in a career in the electric industry. Deadline is May 1. The WREA Lineman Scholarship worth $3,000, also for students interested in the electric industry. Deadline is prior to March 1. The High Plains Power Scholarship worth $1,000. Deadline is March 12. Check out the counter in the Guidance office for these applications and many more! Guidance
FCCLA will meet on Tuesday at lunch in room #259. Plans for a gift exchange for Christmas are in the works as well as our January lock in. Rivers
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Chicken Dinner Bowl, Country Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Tuesday – GBB/BBB @ Green River, 9th, 4/5:30pm
Thursday – GBB/BBB @ Cheyenne, 10/JV/V
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Randy Lehman will be holding a photography class for all 4H members interested in photography. The classes will be at 7 PM the first Tuesday of every month, starting tomorrow. Please bring your cameras to the first meeting at Lehman Studios. Contact Mrs. Dechert if you need more info. Dechert
FEMALE SENIORS: There is not much time to apply for the Violet Richardson Award- the deadline is Dec. 1st! This award recognizes young women who make the community and world a better place through volunteer efforts. Stop by guidance or visit for details. Guidance
SAVE THE DATE. There will be a ski trip going to White Pine on Saturday, December 19, the day after we get out for Christmas. Be watching for more information when we come back after Thanksgiving. The trip will be open to students as well as staff and families. Hughes
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet today during homeroom. Check into homeroom first, and then come to the meeting. Nirider
GEAR UP juniors meet today during homeroom. Check into homeroom first, and then come to room 7 at the Career Center. Pettit
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets today after school in Ms. Miller’s room. Miller
SKILLS USA open lab Tuesday from 7-9pm. Gopp
SENIORS: we have 3 new scholarship opportunities. The Dar Hackworth Lineworkers Scholarship worth $1,000 is available to WY residents interested in a career in the electric industry. Deadline is May 1. The WREA Lineman Scholarship worth $3,000, also for students interested in the electric industry. Deadline is prior to March 1. The High Plains Power Scholarship worth $1,000. Deadline is March 12. Check out the counter in the Guidance office for these applications and many more! Guidance
FCCLA will meet on Tuesday at lunch in room #259. Plans for a gift exchange for Christmas are in the works as well as our January lock in. Rivers
BREAKFAST: Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Chicken Dinner Bowl, Country Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Randy Lehman will be holding a photography class for all 4H members interested in photography. The classes will be at 7 PM the first Tuesday of every month, starting on Dec 1. Please bring your cameras to the first meeting at Lehman Studios. Contact Mrs. Dechert if you need more info. Dechert
FEMALE SENIORS: There is not much time to apply for the Violet Richardson Award- the deadline is Dec. 1st! This award recognizes young women who make the community and world a better place through volunteer efforts. Stop by guidance or visit for details. Guidance
TURKEY TROT - There will be a "Turkey Trot" starting at 8 AM on Thanksgiving morning in the south RMS parking lot. All are welcome. There will be some prizes and we are asking for a $5 donation to help out those in the school district fighting cancer. It will be a 5K run/walk. Hughes
THANKSGIVING DINNER - anyone who would like to come on Thursday morning and help with the dispensing of the Thanksgiving meals to those in the community who need a "Hand Up", please come to the Career Center. We will be busy from 7 to about 11. We hope to leave to deliver meals by about 11 AM. Key Club
SAVE THE DATE. There will be a ski trip going to White Pine on Saturday, December 19, the day after we get out for Christmas. Be watching for more information when we come back after Thanksgiving. The trip will be open to students as well as staff and families. Hughes
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet Monday during homeroom. Check into homeroom first, and then come to the meeting. Nirider
GEAR UP juniors meet Monday during homeroom. Check into homeroom first, and then come to room 7 at the Career Center. Pettit
CAREER PORTFOLIOS: Seniors working independently, the Thanksgiving break is a great time to get work done on your portfolio. Don't forget they are due Dec. 18! Santee
BIRTHDAY: Taylor Caress, Andrew Nirider, Nicolle Siegel
BREAKFAST: Frosted Donut, 100% Fruit Juice, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Golden Macaroni & Cheese, Chicken Nuggets, Green Beans, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Randy Lehman will be holding a photography class for all 4H members interested in photography. The classes will be at 7 PM the first Tuesday of every month, starting on Dec 1. Please bring your cameras to the first meeting at Lehman Studios. Contact Mrs. Dechert if you need more info. Dechert
FEMALE SENIORS: There is not much time to apply for the Violet Richardson Award- the deadline is Dec. 1st! This award recognizes young women who make the community and world a better place through volunteer efforts. Stop by guidance or visit for details. Guidance
TURKEY TROT - There will be a "Turkey Trot" starting at 8 AM on Thanksgiving morning in the south RMS parking lot. All are welcome. There will be some prizes and we are asking for a $5 donation to help out those in the school district fighting cancer. It will be a 5K run/walk. Hughes
THANKSGIVING DINNER - anyone who would like to come on Thursday morning and help with the dispensing of the Thanksgiving meals to those in the community who need a "Hand Up", please come to the Career Center. We will be busy from 7 to about 11. We hope to leave to deliver meals by about 11 AM. Key Club
SAVE THE DATE. There will be a ski trip going to White Pine on Saturday, December 19, the day after we get out for Christmas. Be watching for more information when we come back after Thanksgiving. The trip will be open to students as well as staff and families. Hughes
CWC UPWARD BOUND students meet Monday during homeroom. Check into homeroom first, and then come to the meeting. Nirider
GEAR UP juniors meet Monday during homeroom. Check into homeroom first, and then come to room 7 at the Career Center. Pettit
CAREER PORTFOLIOS: Seniors working independently, the Thanksgiving break is a great time to get work done on your portfolio. Don't forget they are due Dec. 18! Santee
BIRTHDAY: Taylor Caress, Andrew Nirider, Nicolle Siegel
BREAKFAST: Frosted Donut, 100% Fruit Juice, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Golden Macaroni & Cheese, Chicken Nuggets, Green Beans, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Monday, November 23, 2009
SPEECH AND DEBATE - Practices for all interp events will be held after school Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. You must make at least two practices each week to compete in the upcoming tournament in December. Check the bulletin board by room 114 for details. Thornton
DECA MEMBERS! Apply online at for several scholarship opportunities, awards vary. Deadline is Feb. 12th. Guidance
CLOSE UP students who are going to Washington, D.C. in April need to attend a mandatory meeting with Mr. Chouinard today at lunch to get electronic registration information and set up the KTRZ business draw date and time. Chouinard
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Randy Lehman will be holding a photography class for all 4H members interested in photography. The classes will be at 7 PM the first Tuesday of every month, starting on Dec 1. Please bring your cameras to the first meeting at Lehman Studios. Contact Mrs. Dechert if you need more info. Dechert
SKILLS USA: there will be NO open lab today. Gopp
FEMALE SENIORS: There is not much time to apply for the Violet Richardson Award- the deadline is Dec. 1st! This award recognizes young women who make the community and world a better place through volunteer efforts. Stop by guidance or visit for details. Guidance
TODAY FCCLA will meet at lunch in Room #259. We will discuss the lock in and our Thanksgiving Basket. Ice cream sundaes will be provided. See you at lunch! Rivers
KEY CLUB MEMBERS - be sure to see Mrs. Peart or Mrs. Hughes to get your pass for Wednesday AM. Also remember that you are all expected to stay and help decorate on Wednesday afternoon. We should be done by 4 PM at the latest. Hughes
TURKEY TROT - There will be a "Turkey Trot" starting at 8 AM on Thanksgiving morning in the south RMS parking lot. All are welcome. There will be some prizes and we are asking for a $5 donation to help out those in the school district fighting cancer. It will be a 5K run/walk. Hughes
THANKSGIVING DINNER - anyone who would like to come on Thursday morning and help with the dispensing of the Thanksgiving meals to those in the community who need a "Hand Up", please come to the Career Center. We will be busy from 7 to about 11. We hope to leave to deliver meals by about 11 AM. Key Club
SAVE THE DATE. There will be a ski trip going to White Pine on Saturday, December 19, the day after we get out for Christmas. Be watching for more information when we come back after Thanksgiving. The trip will be open to students as well as staff and families. Hughes
BIRTHDAY: Randy McKinnon, Bret Sowards
BREAKFAST: Sausage gravy over Biscuit, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Home style Quesadilla, Hot Dog, Mexican Rice, Frosted Chocolate cake, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
SPEECH AND DEBATE - Practices for all interp events will be held after school Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. You must make at least two practices each week to compete in the upcoming tournament in December. Check the bulletin board by room 114 for details. Thornton
DECA MEMBERS! Apply online at for several scholarship opportunities, awards vary. Deadline is Feb. 12th. Guidance
CLOSE UP students who are going to Washington, D.C. in April need to attend a mandatory meeting with Mr. Chouinard today at lunch to get electronic registration information and set up the KTRZ business draw date and time. Chouinard
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Randy Lehman will be holding a photography class for all 4H members interested in photography. The classes will be at 7 PM the first Tuesday of every month, starting on Dec 1. Please bring your cameras to the first meeting at Lehman Studios. Contact Mrs. Dechert if you need more info. Dechert
SKILLS USA: there will be NO open lab today. Gopp
FEMALE SENIORS: There is not much time to apply for the Violet Richardson Award- the deadline is Dec. 1st! This award recognizes young women who make the community and world a better place through volunteer efforts. Stop by guidance or visit for details. Guidance
TODAY FCCLA will meet at lunch in Room #259. We will discuss the lock in and our Thanksgiving Basket. Ice cream sundaes will be provided. See you at lunch! Rivers
KEY CLUB MEMBERS - be sure to see Mrs. Peart or Mrs. Hughes to get your pass for Wednesday AM. Also remember that you are all expected to stay and help decorate on Wednesday afternoon. We should be done by 4 PM at the latest. Hughes
TURKEY TROT - There will be a "Turkey Trot" starting at 8 AM on Thanksgiving morning in the south RMS parking lot. All are welcome. There will be some prizes and we are asking for a $5 donation to help out those in the school district fighting cancer. It will be a 5K run/walk. Hughes
THANKSGIVING DINNER - anyone who would like to come on Thursday morning and help with the dispensing of the Thanksgiving meals to those in the community who need a "Hand Up", please come to the Career Center. We will be busy from 7 to about 11. We hope to leave to deliver meals by about 11 AM. Key Club
SAVE THE DATE. There will be a ski trip going to White Pine on Saturday, December 19, the day after we get out for Christmas. Be watching for more information when we come back after Thanksgiving. The trip will be open to students as well as staff and families. Hughes
BIRTHDAY: Randy McKinnon, Bret Sowards
BREAKFAST: Sausage gravy over Biscuit, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Home style Quesadilla, Hot Dog, Mexican Rice, Frosted Chocolate cake, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Friday, November 20, 2009
SPEECH AND DEBATE - Practices for all interp events will be held after school Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. You must make at least two practices each week to compete in the upcoming tournament in December. Check the bulletin board by room 114 for details. Thornton
DECA MEMBERS! Apply online at for several scholarship opportunities, awards vary. Deadline is Feb. 12th. Guidance
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets today after school in Ms. Miller’s room. Miller
CLOSE UP students who are going to Washington, D.C. in April need to attend a mandatory meeting with Mr. Chouinard Tuesday at lunch to get electronic registration information and set up the KTRZ business draw date and time. Chouinard
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Randy Lehman will be holding a photography class for all 4H members interested in photography. The classes will be at 7 PM the first Tuesday of every month, starting on Dec 1. Please bring your cameras to the first meeting at Lehman Studios. Contact Mrs. Dechert if you need more info. Dechert
SKILLS USA open lab Tuesday from 7-9pm. Gopp
BIRTHDAY: Brian Gantenbein
BREAKFAST: Breakfast Quesadilla, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Italian Dunker w/Marinara Sauce, Pizza, Peas, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
SPEECH AND DEBATE - Practices for all interp events will be held after school Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. You must make at least two practices each week to compete in the upcoming tournament in December. Check the bulletin board by room 114 for details. Thornton
DECA MEMBERS! Apply online at for several scholarship opportunities, awards vary. Deadline is Feb. 12th. Guidance
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets today after school in Ms. Miller’s room. Miller
CLOSE UP students who are going to Washington, D.C. in April need to attend a mandatory meeting with Mr. Chouinard Tuesday at lunch to get electronic registration information and set up the KTRZ business draw date and time. Chouinard
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Randy Lehman will be holding a photography class for all 4H members interested in photography. The classes will be at 7 PM the first Tuesday of every month, starting on Dec 1. Please bring your cameras to the first meeting at Lehman Studios. Contact Mrs. Dechert if you need more info. Dechert
SKILLS USA open lab Tuesday from 7-9pm. Gopp
BIRTHDAY: Brian Gantenbein
BREAKFAST: Breakfast Quesadilla, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Italian Dunker w/Marinara Sauce, Pizza, Peas, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Thursday, November 19, 2009
ARE YOU A SENIOR taking classes in business management, accounting, office procedures, computer skills or mechanics? The WY Trucking Association is announcing their scholarship which ranges from $500 -$1,000. Applications are available in the guidance office, deadline is March 3. Guidance
WOLVERINE READERS: Get ready to Party--The Holiday Event is coming soon--December 10th. In order to be invited, you must have earned at least 6 Wolverine Dollars, so turn in those book responses. Stop by the Media Center to check your standings ASAP. Reminder: your name will be entered into a cool, free drawing for each book response you have turned in--Read, Read, Read! Morrison
ATTENTION SENIORS: The STARR Scholarship Program packet of information is now available in the guidance office. This is full-ride scholarship to Michigan State University! If chosen, this is an excellent opportunity to complete your post-secondary education for little or no cost to you. Deadline: Dec 1, 2009.
SPEECH AND DEBATE - Practices for all interp events will be held after school on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. You must make at least two practices each week to compete in the upcoming tournament in December. Check the bulletin board by room 114 for details. Thornton
DECA MEMBERS! Apply online at for several scholarship opportunities, awards vary. Deadline is Feb. 12th. Guidance
BREAKFAST: French Toast Sticks w/Syrup, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Papa Murphy’s Pizza, Taco Carnitas, Corn, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
ARE YOU A SENIOR taking classes in business management, accounting, office procedures, computer skills or mechanics? The WY Trucking Association is announcing their scholarship which ranges from $500 -$1,000. Applications are available in the guidance office, deadline is March 3. Guidance
WOLVERINE READERS: Get ready to Party--The Holiday Event is coming soon--December 10th. In order to be invited, you must have earned at least 6 Wolverine Dollars, so turn in those book responses. Stop by the Media Center to check your standings ASAP. Reminder: your name will be entered into a cool, free drawing for each book response you have turned in--Read, Read, Read! Morrison
ATTENTION SENIORS: The STARR Scholarship Program packet of information is now available in the guidance office. This is full-ride scholarship to Michigan State University! If chosen, this is an excellent opportunity to complete your post-secondary education for little or no cost to you. Deadline: Dec 1, 2009.
SPEECH AND DEBATE - Practices for all interp events will be held after school on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. You must make at least two practices each week to compete in the upcoming tournament in December. Check the bulletin board by room 114 for details. Thornton
DECA MEMBERS! Apply online at for several scholarship opportunities, awards vary. Deadline is Feb. 12th. Guidance
BREAKFAST: French Toast Sticks w/Syrup, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Papa Murphy’s Pizza, Taco Carnitas, Corn, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
SKILLS meeting today at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
FCCLA will meet in room #259, right across from the counselor’s office, today at lunch. We need to finalize plans for our Thanksgiving Basket give away and highway cleanup. Rivers
ARE YOU A SENIOR taking classes in business management, accounting, office procedures, computer skills or mechanics? The WY Trucking Association is announcing their scholarship which ranges from $500 -$1,000. Applications are available in the guidance office, deadline is March 3. Guidance
WOLVERINE READERS: Get ready to Party--The Holiday Event is coming soon--December 10th. In order to be invited, you must have earned at least 6 Wolverine Dollars, so turn in those book responses. Stop by the Media Center to check your standings ASAP. Reminder: your name will be entered into a cool, free drawing for each book response you have turned in--Read, Read, Read! Morrison
ATTENTION SENIORS: The STARR Scholarship Program packet of information is now available in the guidance office. This is full-ride scholarship to Michigan State University! If chosen, this is an excellent opportunity to complete your post-secondary education for little or no cost to you. Deadline: Dec 1, 2009.
KEY CLUB will meet today at 7 PM in the Career Center. We will be making final plans for decorating and for the Thanksgiving dinner, so please be there. Hughes/Peart
DRAMA - Rehearsals for 'The Dining Room' will begin at 5:30 today in the choir room. 'Collectors' and 'Reservations' have the night off. Great work everyone! Thornton
SPEECH AND DEBATE - Practices for all interp events will be held after school on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. You must make at least two practices each week to compete in the upcoming tournament in December. Check the bulletin board by room 114 for details. Thornton
IGNITION is going on today at lunch in the choir room. Come check us out. Office
BIRTHDAY: Joshua Cherry, Jonathan Douglas, Haley Hansen, Eli Horyza, Andrew Kline, Drew Leach, Jordan Pfennig
BREAKFAST: Fresh Baked Cinnamon Roll, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Beef & Bean Burrito, Hamburger or Cheeseburger, Mexican Rice, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
SKILLS meeting today at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
FCCLA will meet in room #259, right across from the counselor’s office, today at lunch. We need to finalize plans for our Thanksgiving Basket give away and highway cleanup. Rivers
ARE YOU A SENIOR taking classes in business management, accounting, office procedures, computer skills or mechanics? The WY Trucking Association is announcing their scholarship which ranges from $500 -$1,000. Applications are available in the guidance office, deadline is March 3. Guidance
WOLVERINE READERS: Get ready to Party--The Holiday Event is coming soon--December 10th. In order to be invited, you must have earned at least 6 Wolverine Dollars, so turn in those book responses. Stop by the Media Center to check your standings ASAP. Reminder: your name will be entered into a cool, free drawing for each book response you have turned in--Read, Read, Read! Morrison
ATTENTION SENIORS: The STARR Scholarship Program packet of information is now available in the guidance office. This is full-ride scholarship to Michigan State University! If chosen, this is an excellent opportunity to complete your post-secondary education for little or no cost to you. Deadline: Dec 1, 2009.
KEY CLUB will meet today at 7 PM in the Career Center. We will be making final plans for decorating and for the Thanksgiving dinner, so please be there. Hughes/Peart
DRAMA - Rehearsals for 'The Dining Room' will begin at 5:30 today in the choir room. 'Collectors' and 'Reservations' have the night off. Great work everyone! Thornton
SPEECH AND DEBATE - Practices for all interp events will be held after school on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. You must make at least two practices each week to compete in the upcoming tournament in December. Check the bulletin board by room 114 for details. Thornton
IGNITION is going on today at lunch in the choir room. Come check us out. Office
BIRTHDAY: Joshua Cherry, Jonathan Douglas, Haley Hansen, Eli Horyza, Andrew Kline, Drew Leach, Jordan Pfennig
BREAKFAST: Fresh Baked Cinnamon Roll, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Beef & Bean Burrito, Hamburger or Cheeseburger, Mexican Rice, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
SKILLS meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
AFTER SCHOOL ENGLISH tutoring is cancelled today. Sorry for the inconvenience. Bradshaw
SCHOLARSHIP: The national Co-op Scholarship application is available in the Guidance office. The Scholarship is worth $6,000. Deadline is Feb. 15. Guidance
FCCLA will meet in room #259, right across from the counselor’s office, at lunch on Thursday. We need to finalize plans for our Thanksgiving Basket give away and highway cleanup. Rivers
ARE YOU A SENIOR taking classes in business management, accounting, office procedures, computer skills or mechanics? The WY Trucking Association is announcing their scholarship which ranges from $500 -$1,000. Applications are available in the guidance office, deadline is March 3. Guidance
WOLVERINE READERS: Get ready to Party--The Holiday Event is coming soon--December 10th. In order to be invited, you must have earned at least 6 Wolverine Dollars, so turn in those book responses. Stop by the Media Center to check your standings ASAP. Reminder: your name will be entered into a cool, free drawing for each book response you have turned in--Read, Read, Read! Morrison
ATTENTION SENIORS: The STARR Scholarship Program packet of information is now available in the guidance office. This is full-ride scholarship to Michigan State University! If chosen, this is an excellent opportunity to complete your post-secondary education for little or no cost to you. Deadline: Dec 1, 2009.
KEY CLUB will meet on Thursday at 7 PM in the Career Center. We will be making final plans for decorating and for the Thanksgiving dinner, so please be there. Hughes/Peart
BIRTHDAY: Angel Johnson, Chancy McKiernan
BREAKFAST: Pancake Stick w/Syrup, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Roast Turkey, Deli Ham Sub, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Pumpkin Bar, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
SKILLS meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
AFTER SCHOOL ENGLISH tutoring is cancelled today. Sorry for the inconvenience. Bradshaw
SCHOLARSHIP: The national Co-op Scholarship application is available in the Guidance office. The Scholarship is worth $6,000. Deadline is Feb. 15. Guidance
FCCLA will meet in room #259, right across from the counselor’s office, at lunch on Thursday. We need to finalize plans for our Thanksgiving Basket give away and highway cleanup. Rivers
ARE YOU A SENIOR taking classes in business management, accounting, office procedures, computer skills or mechanics? The WY Trucking Association is announcing their scholarship which ranges from $500 -$1,000. Applications are available in the guidance office, deadline is March 3. Guidance
WOLVERINE READERS: Get ready to Party--The Holiday Event is coming soon--December 10th. In order to be invited, you must have earned at least 6 Wolverine Dollars, so turn in those book responses. Stop by the Media Center to check your standings ASAP. Reminder: your name will be entered into a cool, free drawing for each book response you have turned in--Read, Read, Read! Morrison
ATTENTION SENIORS: The STARR Scholarship Program packet of information is now available in the guidance office. This is full-ride scholarship to Michigan State University! If chosen, this is an excellent opportunity to complete your post-secondary education for little or no cost to you. Deadline: Dec 1, 2009.
KEY CLUB will meet on Thursday at 7 PM in the Career Center. We will be making final plans for decorating and for the Thanksgiving dinner, so please be there. Hughes/Peart
BIRTHDAY: Angel Johnson, Chancy McKiernan
BREAKFAST: Pancake Stick w/Syrup, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Roast Turkey, Deli Ham Sub, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Pumpkin Bar, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Monday, November 16, 2009
INTERVIEWS for seniors completing career portfolios on their own are Wednesday. Sign up with Mrs. Santee if you have not already done so. Santee
SKILLS USA open lab today from 7-9pm. SKILLS meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
SENIORS: The Mensa Education and Research Foundation is announcing a Scholarship Essay Contest, no more than 550 words. Deadline is Jan. 15th. Guidance
AFTER SCHOOL ENGLISH tutoring is cancelled on Wednesday. Sorry for the inconvenience. Bradshaw
SCHOLARSHIP: The national Co-op Scholarship application is available in the Guidance office. The Scholarship is worth $6,000. Deadline is Feb. 15. Guidance
BIRTHDAY: Brandon Bailey
BREAKFAST: Breakfast Skillet Bake, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Super Mexican Potatoes, Hot Italian Sub, Refried Beans, Carnival Cookie , Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
INTERVIEWS for seniors completing career portfolios on their own are Wednesday. Sign up with Mrs. Santee if you have not already done so. Santee
SKILLS USA open lab today from 7-9pm. SKILLS meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
SENIORS: The Mensa Education and Research Foundation is announcing a Scholarship Essay Contest, no more than 550 words. Deadline is Jan. 15th. Guidance
AFTER SCHOOL ENGLISH tutoring is cancelled on Wednesday. Sorry for the inconvenience. Bradshaw
SCHOLARSHIP: The national Co-op Scholarship application is available in the Guidance office. The Scholarship is worth $6,000. Deadline is Feb. 15. Guidance
BIRTHDAY: Brandon Bailey
BREAKFAST: Breakfast Skillet Bake, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Super Mexican Potatoes, Hot Italian Sub, Refried Beans, Carnival Cookie , Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Friday, November 13, 2009
CAREER INTERNSHIP: Class meeting Tuesday at 7:45am in Mrs. Santee's room. Time sheets and assignments are due then as well. Santee
INTERVIEWS for seniors completing career portfolios on their own are Wednesday. Sign up with Mrs. Santee if you have not already done so. Santee
SKILLS USA open lab Tuesday, Nov. 17 from 7-9pm. Gopp
SENIORS: The Mensa Education and Research Foundation is announcing a Scholarship Essay Contest, no more than 550 words. Deadline is Jan. 15th. Guidance
AFTER SCHOOL ENGLISH tutoring is cancelled on Wednesday. Sorry for the inconvenience. Bradshaw
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets today after school in Ms. Miller’s room. Miller
SCHOLARSHIP: The national Co-op Scholarship application is available in the Guidance office. The Scholarship is worth $6,000. Deadline is Feb. 15. Guidance
BIRTHDAY: Payge Smith, Arhen Wempen
BREAKFAST: Breakfast Pizza, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Toasted Cheese Sandwich w/Tomato Soup, Chicken Nuggets, Green Beans, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
CAREER INTERNSHIP: Class meeting Tuesday at 7:45am in Mrs. Santee's room. Time sheets and assignments are due then as well. Santee
INTERVIEWS for seniors completing career portfolios on their own are Wednesday. Sign up with Mrs. Santee if you have not already done so. Santee
SKILLS USA open lab Tuesday, Nov. 17 from 7-9pm. Gopp
SENIORS: The Mensa Education and Research Foundation is announcing a Scholarship Essay Contest, no more than 550 words. Deadline is Jan. 15th. Guidance
AFTER SCHOOL ENGLISH tutoring is cancelled on Wednesday. Sorry for the inconvenience. Bradshaw
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets today after school in Ms. Miller’s room. Miller
SCHOLARSHIP: The national Co-op Scholarship application is available in the Guidance office. The Scholarship is worth $6,000. Deadline is Feb. 15. Guidance
BIRTHDAY: Payge Smith, Arhen Wempen
BREAKFAST: Breakfast Pizza, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Toasted Cheese Sandwich w/Tomato Soup, Chicken Nuggets, Green Beans, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Today & Saturday – Speech @ Green River, V
ACT WORKSHOP at the Career Center in room 25 today at lunch. Lunch will be provided. Sign up in guidance or contact Mr. Bell. Bell
CHEERLEADERS: The following girls need to return their cheer uniform, jacket and poms to Ms. Walker ASAP.
Shalan Crenshaw Miranda Esquibel Jenna Shepardson
IT'S MOVIE NIGHT today for all CAN Members. Come in and try out the new Pac-Man arcade game. The room will be open from 3:30 to 10:00 pm. You can always sign up to be a member by picking up a form in the CAN room, or from Mrs. Reddon. Eckley
CAREER INTERNSHIP: Class meeting Tuesday, Nov. 17 at 7:45am in Mrs. Santee's room. Time sheets and assignments are due then as well. Santee
INTERVIEWS for seniors completing career portfolios on their own are Wednesday, Nov. 18. Sign up with Mrs. Santee if you have not already done so. Santee
SKILLS USA open lab Tuesday, Nov. 17 from 7-9pm. Gopp
SENIORS: The Mensa Education and Research Foundation is announcing a Scholarship Essay Contest, no more than 550 words. Deadline is Jan. 15th. Guidance
BIRTHDAY: Kourtney Casarez, Sharanda Farson, Seth Quayle
BREAKFAST: Frosted Donut, 100% Fruit Juice, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Papa Murphy’s Pizza, Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Peas, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Today & Saturday – Speech @ Green River, V
ACT WORKSHOP at the Career Center in room 25 today at lunch. Lunch will be provided. Sign up in guidance or contact Mr. Bell. Bell
CHEERLEADERS: The following girls need to return their cheer uniform, jacket and poms to Ms. Walker ASAP.
Shalan Crenshaw Miranda Esquibel Jenna Shepardson
IT'S MOVIE NIGHT today for all CAN Members. Come in and try out the new Pac-Man arcade game. The room will be open from 3:30 to 10:00 pm. You can always sign up to be a member by picking up a form in the CAN room, or from Mrs. Reddon. Eckley
CAREER INTERNSHIP: Class meeting Tuesday, Nov. 17 at 7:45am in Mrs. Santee's room. Time sheets and assignments are due then as well. Santee
INTERVIEWS for seniors completing career portfolios on their own are Wednesday, Nov. 18. Sign up with Mrs. Santee if you have not already done so. Santee
SKILLS USA open lab Tuesday, Nov. 17 from 7-9pm. Gopp
SENIORS: The Mensa Education and Research Foundation is announcing a Scholarship Essay Contest, no more than 550 words. Deadline is Jan. 15th. Guidance
BIRTHDAY: Kourtney Casarez, Sharanda Farson, Seth Quayle
BREAKFAST: Frosted Donut, 100% Fruit Juice, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Papa Murphy’s Pizza, Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Peas, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
SKILLS USA meeting today at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
SENIORS: we have received 2 new scholarships. The first one is for financial assistance for Fremont Co. Native Americans with at least a GPA of 2.0. Deadline is Feb. 1st. The second one is for young cancer survivors, worth $2,500. Deadline is Feb. 26th. Stop by the guidance department for further details and the applications. Guidance
REMINDER: Close Up parent/student meeting today at 7pm in Mr. Chouinard’s room. Chouinard
ACT WORKSHOP at the Career Center in room 25 on Friday at lunch. Lunch will be provided. Sign up in guidance or contact Mr. Bell. Bell
COATS FOR FOLKS will take place this Saturday at the Fair Building. If you have coats to donate, they need to be placed in the box in the RHS lobby by the afternoon today. Hughes
KEY CLUB will meet this week at 7 PM in the Career Center. There will be a board meeting at 6 PM. Please be there and be on time. Hughes/Peart
SPEECH AND DEBATE - There will be a meeting at lunch in Mrs. Thornton's room today for all speech members planning to travel to Green River for the tournament. This meeting is mandatory! Thornton
CHEERLEADERS: The following girls need to return their cheer uniform, jacket and poms to Ms. Walker ASAP.
Shalan Crenshaw Miranda Esquibel Jenna Shepardson
IGNITION is going on today at lunch in the Choir room. Come see what we are all about. Office
IT'S MOVIE NIGHT on Friday for all CAN Members. Come in and try out the new Pac-Man arcade game. The room will be open from 3:30 to 10:00 pm. You can always sign up to be a member by picking up a form in the CAN room, or from Mrs. Reddon. Eckley
SOCCER: There will be a brief mandatory meeting for all girls playing soccer this spring in Mr. Bergstedt's room right after school today. Bergstedt
BOYS SWIMMING: There will be a mandatory meeting at the pool @ 7pm today. Thanks. Coach Dayton
CAREER INTERNSHIP: Class meeting Tuesday, Nov. 17 at 7:45am in Mrs. Santee's room. Time sheets and assignments are due then as well. Santee
INTERVIEWS for seniors completing career portfolios on their own are Wednesday, Nov. 18. Sign up with Mrs. Santee if you have not already done so. Santee
BIRTHDAY: Baili Thompson
BREAKFAST: Fresh Baked Cinnamon Roll, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Sloppy Joe on bun, Chicken Nuggets, French Fries, Cinnamon Bread Stick, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
SKILLS USA meeting today at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
SENIORS: we have received 2 new scholarships. The first one is for financial assistance for Fremont Co. Native Americans with at least a GPA of 2.0. Deadline is Feb. 1st. The second one is for young cancer survivors, worth $2,500. Deadline is Feb. 26th. Stop by the guidance department for further details and the applications. Guidance
REMINDER: Close Up parent/student meeting today at 7pm in Mr. Chouinard’s room. Chouinard
ACT WORKSHOP at the Career Center in room 25 on Friday at lunch. Lunch will be provided. Sign up in guidance or contact Mr. Bell. Bell
COATS FOR FOLKS will take place this Saturday at the Fair Building. If you have coats to donate, they need to be placed in the box in the RHS lobby by the afternoon today. Hughes
KEY CLUB will meet this week at 7 PM in the Career Center. There will be a board meeting at 6 PM. Please be there and be on time. Hughes/Peart
SPEECH AND DEBATE - There will be a meeting at lunch in Mrs. Thornton's room today for all speech members planning to travel to Green River for the tournament. This meeting is mandatory! Thornton
CHEERLEADERS: The following girls need to return their cheer uniform, jacket and poms to Ms. Walker ASAP.
Shalan Crenshaw Miranda Esquibel Jenna Shepardson
IGNITION is going on today at lunch in the Choir room. Come see what we are all about. Office
IT'S MOVIE NIGHT on Friday for all CAN Members. Come in and try out the new Pac-Man arcade game. The room will be open from 3:30 to 10:00 pm. You can always sign up to be a member by picking up a form in the CAN room, or from Mrs. Reddon. Eckley
SOCCER: There will be a brief mandatory meeting for all girls playing soccer this spring in Mr. Bergstedt's room right after school today. Bergstedt
BOYS SWIMMING: There will be a mandatory meeting at the pool @ 7pm today. Thanks. Coach Dayton
CAREER INTERNSHIP: Class meeting Tuesday, Nov. 17 at 7:45am in Mrs. Santee's room. Time sheets and assignments are due then as well. Santee
INTERVIEWS for seniors completing career portfolios on their own are Wednesday, Nov. 18. Sign up with Mrs. Santee if you have not already done so. Santee
BIRTHDAY: Baili Thompson
BREAKFAST: Fresh Baked Cinnamon Roll, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Sloppy Joe on bun, Chicken Nuggets, French Fries, Cinnamon Bread Stick, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
SKILLS USA meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
DRAMA - Rehearsals today will be for The Dining Room only, beginning at 4:30. Regular rehearsal schedule will resume on Thursday. Thornton
SENIORS: we have received 2 new scholarships. The first one is for financial assistance for Fremont Co. Native Americans with at least a GPA of 2.0. Deadline is Feb. 1st. The second one is for young cancer survivors, worth $2,500. Deadline is Feb. 26th. Stop by the guidance department for further details and the applications. Guidance
REMINDER: Close Up parent/student meeting Thursday at 7pm in Mr. Chouinard’s room. Chouinard
ACT WORKSHOP at the Career Center in room 25 on Friday at lunch. Lunch will be provided. Sign up in guidance or contact Mr. Bell. Bell
COATS FOR FOLKS will take place this Saturday at the Fair Building. If you have coats to donate, they need to be placed in the box in the RHS lobby by the afternoon on Thursday. Hughes
KEY CLUB will meet this week at 7 PM in the Career Center. There will be a board meeting at 6 PM. Please be there and be on time. Hughes/Peart
SPEECH AND DEBATE - There will be a meeting at lunch in Mrs. Thornton's room on Thursday for all speech members planning to travel to Green River for the tournament. This meeting is mandatory! Thornton
A REPRESENTATIVE for Wyo Tech Auto/Diesel School will be in the auto shop today for any junior or senior that would like to meet with him. Gopp
CHEERLEADERS: The following girls need to return their cheer uniform, jacket and poms to Ms. Walker ASAP.
Shalan Crenshaw Miranda Esquibel Jenna Shepardson
BIRTHDAY: John Anderson, Jenna Hague
BREAKFAST: Breakfast Pizza, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Home style Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce, Hot Ham & Cheese Sandwich, Green Beans, Spaghetti Squash w/Meat sauce, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
SKILLS USA meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
DRAMA - Rehearsals today will be for The Dining Room only, beginning at 4:30. Regular rehearsal schedule will resume on Thursday. Thornton
SENIORS: we have received 2 new scholarships. The first one is for financial assistance for Fremont Co. Native Americans with at least a GPA of 2.0. Deadline is Feb. 1st. The second one is for young cancer survivors, worth $2,500. Deadline is Feb. 26th. Stop by the guidance department for further details and the applications. Guidance
REMINDER: Close Up parent/student meeting Thursday at 7pm in Mr. Chouinard’s room. Chouinard
ACT WORKSHOP at the Career Center in room 25 on Friday at lunch. Lunch will be provided. Sign up in guidance or contact Mr. Bell. Bell
COATS FOR FOLKS will take place this Saturday at the Fair Building. If you have coats to donate, they need to be placed in the box in the RHS lobby by the afternoon on Thursday. Hughes
KEY CLUB will meet this week at 7 PM in the Career Center. There will be a board meeting at 6 PM. Please be there and be on time. Hughes/Peart
SPEECH AND DEBATE - There will be a meeting at lunch in Mrs. Thornton's room on Thursday for all speech members planning to travel to Green River for the tournament. This meeting is mandatory! Thornton
A REPRESENTATIVE for Wyo Tech Auto/Diesel School will be in the auto shop today for any junior or senior that would like to meet with him. Gopp
CHEERLEADERS: The following girls need to return their cheer uniform, jacket and poms to Ms. Walker ASAP.
Shalan Crenshaw Miranda Esquibel Jenna Shepardson
BIRTHDAY: John Anderson, Jenna Hague
BREAKFAST: Breakfast Pizza, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Home style Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce, Hot Ham & Cheese Sandwich, Green Beans, Spaghetti Squash w/Meat sauce, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Monday, November 9, 2009
FCA will be holding its first huddle of the year today. Meet at the gym at 7pm and be ready to play "human foosball"! Hope to see you there. Nyberg
WORK EXPERIENCE: November class meeting is Wednesday at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Your time sheets and assignments are due at that time as well. Santee
FCCLA meeting today at lunch in room #259, directly across from the guidance office. We will discuss highway clean up, Thanksgiving Basket and Lock-In. Bring your lunch and we will provide root beer floats.
SKILLS USA open lab today from 7-9pm. SKILLS USA meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
DRAMA - There will be a drama meeting today at lunch in Mrs. Thornton's classroom for anyone planning to attend state drama this year. Original scripts written for state drama competition are due today. Please check the call board for One Act rehearsal schedules this week. Rehearsals on Wednesday will be for The Dining Room only, beginning at 4:30. There will be no rehearsal for Collectors or Reservations on Wednesday.
SENIORS: we have received 2 new scholarships. The first one is for financial assistance for Fremont Co. Native Americans with at least a GPA of 2.0. Deadline is Feb. 1st. The second one is for young cancer survivors, worth $2,500. Deadline is Feb. 26th. Stop by the guidance department for further details and the applications. Guidance
REMINDER: Close Up parent/student meeting Thursday at 7pm in Mr. Chouinard’s room. Chouinard
ACT WORKSHOP at the Career Center in room 25 on Friday at lunch. Lunch will be provided. Sign up in guidance or contact Mr. Bell. Bell
COATS FOR FOLKS - It is that time again to empty out the closet of the coats, hats, mittens and gloves that you no longer wear. The Riverton Kiwanis is sponsoring their yearly drive. Please bring any of the items listed above (clean and in good condition, please) and place them in the box at the front desk by Thursday. The actual distribution day will be Sat., Nov. 14 at the Armory. Hughes/Peart
THE NHS service project tonight has been postponed until further notice. Watch future announcements for information about our next meeting. Stoehr
BREAKFAST: Sausage Gravy over Biscuit, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Super Nachos, BBQ Rib Sandwich, Corn, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
FCA will be holding its first huddle of the year today. Meet at the gym at 7pm and be ready to play "human foosball"! Hope to see you there. Nyberg
WORK EXPERIENCE: November class meeting is Wednesday at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Your time sheets and assignments are due at that time as well. Santee
FCCLA meeting today at lunch in room #259, directly across from the guidance office. We will discuss highway clean up, Thanksgiving Basket and Lock-In. Bring your lunch and we will provide root beer floats.
SKILLS USA open lab today from 7-9pm. SKILLS USA meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
DRAMA - There will be a drama meeting today at lunch in Mrs. Thornton's classroom for anyone planning to attend state drama this year. Original scripts written for state drama competition are due today. Please check the call board for One Act rehearsal schedules this week. Rehearsals on Wednesday will be for The Dining Room only, beginning at 4:30. There will be no rehearsal for Collectors or Reservations on Wednesday.
SENIORS: we have received 2 new scholarships. The first one is for financial assistance for Fremont Co. Native Americans with at least a GPA of 2.0. Deadline is Feb. 1st. The second one is for young cancer survivors, worth $2,500. Deadline is Feb. 26th. Stop by the guidance department for further details and the applications. Guidance
REMINDER: Close Up parent/student meeting Thursday at 7pm in Mr. Chouinard’s room. Chouinard
ACT WORKSHOP at the Career Center in room 25 on Friday at lunch. Lunch will be provided. Sign up in guidance or contact Mr. Bell. Bell
COATS FOR FOLKS - It is that time again to empty out the closet of the coats, hats, mittens and gloves that you no longer wear. The Riverton Kiwanis is sponsoring their yearly drive. Please bring any of the items listed above (clean and in good condition, please) and place them in the box at the front desk by Thursday. The actual distribution day will be Sat., Nov. 14 at the Armory. Hughes/Peart
THE NHS service project tonight has been postponed until further notice. Watch future announcements for information about our next meeting. Stoehr
BREAKFAST: Sausage Gravy over Biscuit, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Super Nachos, BBQ Rib Sandwich, Corn, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Friday, November 6, 2009
CAREER PORTFOLIOS are due December 18 for seniors working independently. You can get help from Mrs. Santee Tuesdays after school or during 1st or 7th period. If you didn't complete your interview yet, the last chance will be Wednesday, November 18. See Mrs. Santee for more info. Santee
FCA will be holding its first huddle of the year on Tuesday. Meet at the gym at 7pm and be ready to play "human foosball"! Hope to see you there. Nyberg
WORK EXPERIENCE: November class meeting is Wednesday at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Your time sheets and assignments are due at that time as well. Santee
FCCLA meeting Tuesday at lunch in room #259, directly across from the guidance office. We will discuss highway clean up, Thanksgiving Basket and Lock-In. Bring your lunch and we will provide root beer floats. See you Tuesday. Rivers
SENIORS - Some of you have indicated that you will not be attending graduation in May for various reasons, however, I assume you still want a diploma. Those of you who have not checked the legal spelling of your name with Mrs. Adels at the Career Center room 18 need to do so as soon as possible. Your teacher should have a list of students who have not signed off on the spelling of their name so ask if you are unsure. Adels
SKILLS USA open lab Tuesday from 7-9pm. Gopp
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets today after school in Ms. Miller’s room. Miller
BIRTHDAY: Ricquelle Giannino, Ashley Schieffer
BREAKFAST: Cheese Omelet, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Home style Chicken Stir Fry, Hot Dog, Whole Grain Rice, Fortune Cookie, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
CAREER PORTFOLIOS are due December 18 for seniors working independently. You can get help from Mrs. Santee Tuesdays after school or during 1st or 7th period. If you didn't complete your interview yet, the last chance will be Wednesday, November 18. See Mrs. Santee for more info. Santee
FCA will be holding its first huddle of the year on Tuesday. Meet at the gym at 7pm and be ready to play "human foosball"! Hope to see you there. Nyberg
WORK EXPERIENCE: November class meeting is Wednesday at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Your time sheets and assignments are due at that time as well. Santee
FCCLA meeting Tuesday at lunch in room #259, directly across from the guidance office. We will discuss highway clean up, Thanksgiving Basket and Lock-In. Bring your lunch and we will provide root beer floats. See you Tuesday. Rivers
SENIORS - Some of you have indicated that you will not be attending graduation in May for various reasons, however, I assume you still want a diploma. Those of you who have not checked the legal spelling of your name with Mrs. Adels at the Career Center room 18 need to do so as soon as possible. Your teacher should have a list of students who have not signed off on the spelling of their name so ask if you are unsure. Adels
SKILLS USA open lab Tuesday from 7-9pm. Gopp
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB meets today after school in Ms. Miller’s room. Miller
BIRTHDAY: Ricquelle Giannino, Ashley Schieffer
BREAKFAST: Cheese Omelet, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Home style Chicken Stir Fry, Hot Dog, Whole Grain Rice, Fortune Cookie, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
STUDENTS attend school Friday morning only, afternoon is an in-service day. Morning classes will be periods 4, 5, 6, 7. Lunch will be served in the Career Center only...busses will run at 12:30. Flanagan
COATS FOR FOLKS - It is that time again to empty out the closet of the coats, hats, mittens and gloves that you no longer wear. The Riverton Kiwanis is sponsoring their yearly drive. Please bring any of the items listed above (clean and in good condition, please) and place them in the box at the front desk by Thursday, Nov. 12. The actual distribution day will be Sat., Nov. 14 at the Armory. Hughes/Peart
SKILLS USA meeting today at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
BOYS SWIMMING will have open practice from 7-8 pm through Thursday, Nov. 12th. All swimmers planning to go out for swimming need to attend. Dayton
CAREER PORTFOLIOS are due December 18 for seniors working independently. You can get help from Mrs. Santee Tuesdays after school or during 1st or 7th period. If you didn't complete your interview yet, the last chance will be Wednesday, November 18. See Mrs. Santee for more info. Santee
DRAMA - All one act plays will be rehearsing this week. Please check the board outside of Mrs. Thornton's class for the November schedule. Original scripts for State drama are due Tuesday, November 10th. Thornton
NHS INDUCTEES need to return their H's to Mr. Stoehr by the end of the week. Stoehr
FCA will be holding its first huddle of the year on Tuesday, November 10th. Meet at the gym at 7pm and be ready to play "human foosball"! Hope to see you there. Nyberg
WORK EXPERIENCE: November class meeting is next Wednesday, Nov. 11 at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Your time sheets and assignments are due at that time as well. Santee
THE FOLLOWING CHEERLEADERS need to return their cheer uniforms, poms and jackets to Coach Walker ASAP.
Jenna Shepardson Miranda Esquibel Shalan Crenshaw Kenzie Taylor
FCCLA meeting Tuesday at lunch in room #259, directly across from the guidance office. We will discuss highway clean up, Thanksgiving Basket and Lock-In. Bring your lunch and we will provide root beer floats. See you Tuesday, Nov. 10th. Rivers
DON’T FORGET: Ignition is going on today at lunch in the choir room. If you want to know what it is, come and check it out. Office
SENIORS - Some of you have indicated that you will not be attending graduation in May for various reasons, however, I assume you still want a diploma. Those of you who have not checked the legal spelling of your name with Mrs. Adels at the Career Center room 18 need to do so as soon as possible. Your teacher should have a list of students who have not signed off on the spelling of their name so ask if you are unsure. Adels
STUDENTS: there will be lunch detention on Friday. Marburger
BIRTHDAY: Jennifer Williams
BREAKFAST: Fresh Baked Cinnamon Roll, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Hamburger or Cheeseburger, Corn Dog, Baked Beans, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
STUDENTS attend school Friday morning only, afternoon is an in-service day. Morning classes will be periods 4, 5, 6, 7. Lunch will be served in the Career Center only...busses will run at 12:30. Flanagan
COATS FOR FOLKS - It is that time again to empty out the closet of the coats, hats, mittens and gloves that you no longer wear. The Riverton Kiwanis is sponsoring their yearly drive. Please bring any of the items listed above (clean and in good condition, please) and place them in the box at the front desk by Thursday, Nov. 12. The actual distribution day will be Sat., Nov. 14 at the Armory. Hughes/Peart
SKILLS USA meeting today at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
BOYS SWIMMING will have open practice from 7-8 pm through Thursday, Nov. 12th. All swimmers planning to go out for swimming need to attend. Dayton
CAREER PORTFOLIOS are due December 18 for seniors working independently. You can get help from Mrs. Santee Tuesdays after school or during 1st or 7th period. If you didn't complete your interview yet, the last chance will be Wednesday, November 18. See Mrs. Santee for more info. Santee
DRAMA - All one act plays will be rehearsing this week. Please check the board outside of Mrs. Thornton's class for the November schedule. Original scripts for State drama are due Tuesday, November 10th. Thornton
NHS INDUCTEES need to return their H's to Mr. Stoehr by the end of the week. Stoehr
FCA will be holding its first huddle of the year on Tuesday, November 10th. Meet at the gym at 7pm and be ready to play "human foosball"! Hope to see you there. Nyberg
WORK EXPERIENCE: November class meeting is next Wednesday, Nov. 11 at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Santee's room. Your time sheets and assignments are due at that time as well. Santee
THE FOLLOWING CHEERLEADERS need to return their cheer uniforms, poms and jackets to Coach Walker ASAP.
Jenna Shepardson Miranda Esquibel Shalan Crenshaw Kenzie Taylor
FCCLA meeting Tuesday at lunch in room #259, directly across from the guidance office. We will discuss highway clean up, Thanksgiving Basket and Lock-In. Bring your lunch and we will provide root beer floats. See you Tuesday, Nov. 10th. Rivers
DON’T FORGET: Ignition is going on today at lunch in the choir room. If you want to know what it is, come and check it out. Office
SENIORS - Some of you have indicated that you will not be attending graduation in May for various reasons, however, I assume you still want a diploma. Those of you who have not checked the legal spelling of your name with Mrs. Adels at the Career Center room 18 need to do so as soon as possible. Your teacher should have a list of students who have not signed off on the spelling of their name so ask if you are unsure. Adels
STUDENTS: there will be lunch detention on Friday. Marburger
BIRTHDAY: Jennifer Williams
BREAKFAST: Fresh Baked Cinnamon Roll, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Hamburger or Cheeseburger, Corn Dog, Baked Beans, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
STUDENTS attend school Friday morning only, afternoon is an in-service day. Lunch will be served in the Career Center only on Friday...busses will run at 12:30. Flanagan
COATS FOR FOLKS - It is that time again to empty out the closet of the coats, hats, mittens and gloves that you no longer wear. The Riverton Kiwanis is sponsoring their yearly drive. Please bring any of the items listed above (clean and in good condition, please) and place them in the box at the front desk by Thursday, Nov. 12. The actual distribution day will be Sat., Nov. 14 at the Armory. Hughes/Peart
SKILLS USA meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
BOYS SWIMMING will have open practice from 7-8 pm through Thursday, Nov. 12th. All swimmers planning to go out for swimming need to attend. Dayton
THE ADMISSIONS REPRESENTATIVE from Montana State University in Bozeman will be available to meet with interested students on Thursday at 8:30am at the Guidance Dept. Guidance
WOLVERINE READERS: Please start turning in all money with orders from the catalog sales, and candy boxes. Everything is due before Thursday. All sponsorships and sponsor information should be turned in this week also. Thanks. Maulik/Morrison
CAREER PORTFOLIOS are due December 18 for seniors working independently. You can get help from Mrs. Santee Tuesdays after school or during 1st or 7th period. If you didn't complete your interview yet, the last chance will be Wednesday, November 18. See Mrs. Santee for more info. Santee
WRESTLING MEETING today after school in the varsity locker room. Galey
DRAMA - All one act plays will be rehearsing this week. Please check the board outside of Mrs. Thornton's class for the November schedule. Original scripts for State drama are due on November 10th. Thornton
CLOSE UP: the following students, and any other students who would like to attend Washington, D.C. Close Up this spring, need to see Mr. Chouinard ASAP to pick up their Parent/Student meeting invitation. The deadline for signing up is drawing near so please see Mr. Chouinard immediately.
Kaylee Clark
Cassie Lemley
Lisa Zirbel
Jenna Hague
Maria Greff
Rachael Medow
Kristi Trompke
Walter Croft
Colton George
Kelsey Fustus
Nora Safa
Emily Bray
CROSS COUNTRY: The following students need to turn in their Cross Country uniforms to Coach Gopp ASAP.
Thanks. Gopp
Shay Cooper
Taylor Groves
Shanai Durfey
Cody Smith
Alexis Oaks
Asia Carr
Mareike Hopp
Nora Safa
Parker Walton
Zack Billin
Devin Oldman
Joe Wille
Taylor Beck
NHS INDUCTEES need to return their H's to Mr. Stoehr by the end of the week. Stoehr
GIRLS SWIMMING & DIVING will have a mandatory meeting today at lunch in Mr. Fallin's room. Lunch is provided.
BIRTHDAY: Autumn Harris, Ayla Palmer
BREAKFAST: Pancakes w/Syrup, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Home style Chili, Chicken Nuggets, Corn, Frosted Cinnamon Roll, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
STUDENTS attend school Friday morning only, afternoon is an in-service day. Lunch will be served in the Career Center only on Friday...busses will run at 12:30. Flanagan
COATS FOR FOLKS - It is that time again to empty out the closet of the coats, hats, mittens and gloves that you no longer wear. The Riverton Kiwanis is sponsoring their yearly drive. Please bring any of the items listed above (clean and in good condition, please) and place them in the box at the front desk by Thursday, Nov. 12. The actual distribution day will be Sat., Nov. 14 at the Armory. Hughes/Peart
SKILLS USA meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
BOYS SWIMMING will have open practice from 7-8 pm through Thursday, Nov. 12th. All swimmers planning to go out for swimming need to attend. Dayton
THE ADMISSIONS REPRESENTATIVE from Montana State University in Bozeman will be available to meet with interested students on Thursday at 8:30am at the Guidance Dept. Guidance
WOLVERINE READERS: Please start turning in all money with orders from the catalog sales, and candy boxes. Everything is due before Thursday. All sponsorships and sponsor information should be turned in this week also. Thanks. Maulik/Morrison
CAREER PORTFOLIOS are due December 18 for seniors working independently. You can get help from Mrs. Santee Tuesdays after school or during 1st or 7th period. If you didn't complete your interview yet, the last chance will be Wednesday, November 18. See Mrs. Santee for more info. Santee
WRESTLING MEETING today after school in the varsity locker room. Galey
DRAMA - All one act plays will be rehearsing this week. Please check the board outside of Mrs. Thornton's class for the November schedule. Original scripts for State drama are due on November 10th. Thornton
CLOSE UP: the following students, and any other students who would like to attend Washington, D.C. Close Up this spring, need to see Mr. Chouinard ASAP to pick up their Parent/Student meeting invitation. The deadline for signing up is drawing near so please see Mr. Chouinard immediately.
Kaylee Clark
Cassie Lemley
Lisa Zirbel
Jenna Hague
Maria Greff
Rachael Medow
Kristi Trompke
Walter Croft
Colton George
Kelsey Fustus
Nora Safa
Emily Bray
CROSS COUNTRY: The following students need to turn in their Cross Country uniforms to Coach Gopp ASAP.
Thanks. Gopp
Shay Cooper
Taylor Groves
Shanai Durfey
Cody Smith
Alexis Oaks
Asia Carr
Mareike Hopp
Nora Safa
Parker Walton
Zack Billin
Devin Oldman
Joe Wille
Taylor Beck
NHS INDUCTEES need to return their H's to Mr. Stoehr by the end of the week. Stoehr
GIRLS SWIMMING & DIVING will have a mandatory meeting today at lunch in Mr. Fallin's room. Lunch is provided.
BIRTHDAY: Autumn Harris, Ayla Palmer
BREAKFAST: Pancakes w/Syrup, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Home style Chili, Chicken Nuggets, Corn, Frosted Cinnamon Roll, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
Monday, November 2, 2009
STUDENTS attend school Friday morning only, afternoon is an in-service day. Lunch will be served in the Career Center only on Friday...busses will run at 12:30. Flanagan
BASEBALL: there will be a player/parent meeting today for anyone interested in playing Legion Baseball. The meeting will be at High Plains Power office located at 230 West Main at 7pm. Any questions call 851-9006. Hohn
COATS FOR FOLKS - It is that time again to empty out the closet of the coats, hats, mittens and gloves that you no longer wear. The Riverton Kiwanis is sponsoring their yearly drive. Please bring any of the items listed above (clean and in good condition, please) and place them in the box at the front desk by Thursday, Nov. 12. The actual distribution day will be Sat., Nov. 14 at the Armory. Hughes/Peart
SENIORS: do you have a 3.0 or higher GPA and demonstrate financial aid? Stop by the guidance office to investigate the Gates Millennium Scholars Program. Nominations forms are required so start early. Deadline is Jan. 11th. Guidance
SKILLS USA open lab today from 7-9pm. SKILLS USA meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
BOYS SWIMMING will have open practice from 7-8 pm through Thursday, Nov. 12th. All swimmers planning to go out for swimming need to attend. Dayton
THE ADMISSIONS REPRESENTATIVE from Montana State University in Bozeman will be available to meet with interested students on Thursday at 8:30am at the Guidance Dept. Guidance
WOLVERINE READERS: Please start turning in all money with orders from the catalog sales, and candy boxes. Everything is due before Thursday. All sponsorships and sponsor information should be turned in this week also. Thanks. Maulik/Morrison
WOLVERINE FOOTBALL would like to thank the band, students and fans that went to Worland to cheer us on. You were great! Special thanks for the Motorcycle escort. RHS Wolverines
CAREER PORTFOLIOS are due December 18 for seniors working independently. You can get help from Mrs. Santee Tuesdays after school or during 1st or 7th period. If you didn't complete your interview yet, the last chance will be Wednesday, November 18. See Mrs. Santee for more info. Santee
WRESTLING MEETING Wednesday after school in the varsity locker room. Galey
DRAMA - All one act plays will be rehearsing this week. Please check the board outside of Mrs. Thornton's class for the November schedule. Original scripts for State drama are due on November 10th. Thornton
SPEECH AND DEBATE - There will be a general speech and debate meeting today at lunch. Please bring your lunch. Thornton
CLOSE UP: the following students, and any other students who would like to attend Washington, D.C. Close Up this spring, need to see Mr. Chouinard ASAP to pick up their Parent/Student meeting invitation. The deadline for signing up is drawing near so please see Mr. Chouinard immediately.
Kaylee Clark
Cassie Lemley
Lisa Zirbel
Jenna Hague
Maria Greff
Rachael Medow
Kristi Trompke
Walter Croft
Colton George
Kelsey Fustus
Nora Safa
Emily Bray
CROSS COUNTRY: The following students need to turn in their Cross Country uniforms to Coach Gopp ASAP.
Thanks. Gopp
Shay Cooper
Tayler Groves
Shanai Durfey
Cody Smith
Alexis Oaks
Asia Carr
Mareida Hopp
Nora Safa
Parker Walton
Zack Billin
Devion Oldman
Joe Willie
Taylor Beck
BIRTHDAY: Megan Carrillo
BREAKFAST: Scrambled Eggs, Tri Tator Hash Brown, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Hard or Soft Shell Taco, Crispy Chicken Sandwich, Green Beans, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
STUDENTS attend school Friday morning only, afternoon is an in-service day. Lunch will be served in the Career Center only on Friday...busses will run at 12:30. Flanagan
BASEBALL: there will be a player/parent meeting today for anyone interested in playing Legion Baseball. The meeting will be at High Plains Power office located at 230 West Main at 7pm. Any questions call 851-9006. Hohn
COATS FOR FOLKS - It is that time again to empty out the closet of the coats, hats, mittens and gloves that you no longer wear. The Riverton Kiwanis is sponsoring their yearly drive. Please bring any of the items listed above (clean and in good condition, please) and place them in the box at the front desk by Thursday, Nov. 12. The actual distribution day will be Sat., Nov. 14 at the Armory. Hughes/Peart
SENIORS: do you have a 3.0 or higher GPA and demonstrate financial aid? Stop by the guidance office to investigate the Gates Millennium Scholars Program. Nominations forms are required so start early. Deadline is Jan. 11th. Guidance
SKILLS USA open lab today from 7-9pm. SKILLS USA meeting Thursday at 12:10 in Mr. Gopp’s room. Gopp
BOYS SWIMMING will have open practice from 7-8 pm through Thursday, Nov. 12th. All swimmers planning to go out for swimming need to attend. Dayton
THE ADMISSIONS REPRESENTATIVE from Montana State University in Bozeman will be available to meet with interested students on Thursday at 8:30am at the Guidance Dept. Guidance
WOLVERINE READERS: Please start turning in all money with orders from the catalog sales, and candy boxes. Everything is due before Thursday. All sponsorships and sponsor information should be turned in this week also. Thanks. Maulik/Morrison
WOLVERINE FOOTBALL would like to thank the band, students and fans that went to Worland to cheer us on. You were great! Special thanks for the Motorcycle escort. RHS Wolverines
CAREER PORTFOLIOS are due December 18 for seniors working independently. You can get help from Mrs. Santee Tuesdays after school or during 1st or 7th period. If you didn't complete your interview yet, the last chance will be Wednesday, November 18. See Mrs. Santee for more info. Santee
WRESTLING MEETING Wednesday after school in the varsity locker room. Galey
DRAMA - All one act plays will be rehearsing this week. Please check the board outside of Mrs. Thornton's class for the November schedule. Original scripts for State drama are due on November 10th. Thornton
SPEECH AND DEBATE - There will be a general speech and debate meeting today at lunch. Please bring your lunch. Thornton
CLOSE UP: the following students, and any other students who would like to attend Washington, D.C. Close Up this spring, need to see Mr. Chouinard ASAP to pick up their Parent/Student meeting invitation. The deadline for signing up is drawing near so please see Mr. Chouinard immediately.
Kaylee Clark
Cassie Lemley
Lisa Zirbel
Jenna Hague
Maria Greff
Rachael Medow
Kristi Trompke
Walter Croft
Colton George
Kelsey Fustus
Nora Safa
Emily Bray
CROSS COUNTRY: The following students need to turn in their Cross Country uniforms to Coach Gopp ASAP.
Thanks. Gopp
Shay Cooper
Tayler Groves
Shanai Durfey
Cody Smith
Alexis Oaks
Asia Carr
Mareida Hopp
Nora Safa
Parker Walton
Zack Billin
Devion Oldman
Joe Willie
Taylor Beck
BIRTHDAY: Megan Carrillo
BREAKFAST: Scrambled Eggs, Tri Tator Hash Brown, Cereal & Jelly Sandwich, Fresh & Canned Fruit, Milk
LUNCH: Hard or Soft Shell Taco, Crispy Chicken Sandwich, Green Beans, Deli Sub, Chef Salad, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk Choices
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